Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 297

Originally, Xia Yu couldn't use such a move. After all, the vitality of the world at this time was too thin, and it was not what he was familiar with. However, beside the turbulent Tianming, the vitality of the world was inexplicably abundant.

A melodious flute sound came from Xia Yu's mouth and spread to the surroundings.

Wherever the flute sound went, the flowers, plants and trees grew more luxuriant, as if the four seasons had passed in an instant.

Shu Yu Jue, a move that stimulates vitality in the body, was developed by Senior Brother Eleven and Senior Sister Seven together with Xia Yu when she was in the back mountains, but she never had the opportunity to use it.

To stimulate the vitality in Tianming's body, Xia Yu hopes that this will also activate Tianming's consciousness, so that the rioting Tianming will not unconsciously attack the people around him.

221 Yin Yang Home

It is a pity that Xia Yu's thoughts are a bit too beautiful. At this time, Tianming not only loses consciousness, but even becomes more violent. For such Tianming, the excitement will even have a counterproductive effect.

Xia Yu, who understood it, immediately stopped the movement in his hand and flew back.

Treading the snow and blowing the clouds, Ming Yu Jue's own light skill, even Xia Yu rarely uses it. Now, facing Tianming's attack, Xia Yu has to use this skill at the bottom of the box.

Since Tianming can't be awakened, then control Tianming, Xia Yu thought.

Flying on the tree, Xia Yu can play this song well before Tianming understands how to climb the tree.

A melodious, melodious flute sound was blown out of Xia Yu’s mouth again. This time the music was different from the previous one. If I heard the previous concert, I felt very comfortable and felt the beauty of spring. Then when everyone heard this song, all they felt was depression, it was a cold winter.

The figure that Tianming was under the tree preparing to go up to the tree condensed there, motionless, as if it was frozen, and the outside of the body did start to freeze.

Xia Yu is still playing the flute. He can't listen now, otherwise he can't suppress the dawn of the day. Therefore, he winks at the few people not far away, hoping that one of them can see what he means and will Bundled up, as a result, Xia Yu thought too much. The people in Duanmu were looking after Dongguo, Shaoyu and Yue'er who were injured by Tianming. After seeing Xia Yu controlling Tianming, they already Xia Yu could solve Tianming. Of the problem.

"Quickly, go and tie up Tianming."

A weak voice finally said what Xia Yu wanted to hear

It was Gane who had just woke up speaking.

Before Wei Zhuang entered the village, he went to look for Gai Nie directly. During the battle with Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie ejected the life-saving needle from his body. After that, relying on the rioting daylight to force the Wei Zhuang people back, but , Gai Nie was also in a coma after being briefly treated by Duanmu because of his injuries.

Only then did he wake up.

Gane knew the cause of the Tianming riots. After all, he had served Yingzheng in the Xianyang Palace very early. He also knew that Jingke’s junior sister Li Ji was captured by Yingzheng in the palace, but he was at the time. I didn't know that Tianming was Jing Ke's child, he didn't know it until after Jing Ke died.

However, at that time, he knew the difference between Tianming and the powers in him.

Therefore, he knew the situation best at this time, and at a glance he could see that Xia Yu was only temporarily suppressing Tianming at this time, and there was no way to completely solve Tianming's troubles.

Duanmu and the others reacted after hearing Gai Nie's words, and improved to come to Tianming's side and tied him up.

"Don't use rope, use iron chain."

Gai Nie said again, Xia Yu in the tree also nodded. Indeed, Tianming is very powerful at this time. If it is just a rope, it may not really be able to tie him. The iron chain is more reliable.

I hope that the iron chain can lock Tianming.Xia Yu can only say it is hope now.

It stands to reason that Tianming is just like some of the Demon Sect disciples at that time in Jiang Ye. There is only heaven and earth vitality in his body, and the realm is at most Dongxuanzhong realm.

If the vitality of the heavens and the earth at this time is very sufficient, Xia Yu's solution to the troubles of Tianming is very simple, but at this time the vitality of the heavens and the earth is thin, and many of Xia Yu's methods can't be used, which is so laborious.

After Tianming was tied up, Xia Yu stopped playing the flute. He was too tired. Playing the flute for so long is really tired. The main reason is that his mouth is tired. You have to keep playing, playing it over and over again. A little rest.

When Xia Yu stopped the flute sound, Tianming began to move. He was chained, and he was indeed blocked in action, but he was still very riot.

It made Yue'er on the side look very uncomfortable, maybe it was distressed, um, in short, there is no hope for Shaoyu, at least at this time, Yue'er felt more distressed for Tianming than for the injured Shaoyu.

Yue'er hugged Tianming with her forehead against her forehead, and what Duanmu could see was a heartbeat

"Yue'er, be careful"

"It's okay, Sister Rong."

Yue'er said so and hugged Tianming.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or what kind of magic Yue'er really had. Tianming really stopped being hugged by Yue'er like this.

Only Xia Yu understood what was present at that moment.

At the moment Yue'er hugged Tianming, he clearly felt that in Yue'er's body, there was a breath that was the same as that in Tianming's body, but it was weaker than Tianming's body, but it was not the same. Being suppressed like that in Tianming's body, on the contrary, he was very free. It was just because it was too weak and not obvious in normal times.

So, Yue'er is actually Tianming's medicine?

Thinking like this, Xia Yu still had some things in her heart that she didn't understand.

The breath in Tianming's body is the main reason for his vitality riots, and can even affect the environment around him.But the same aura in Yue'er's body did not have any vitality fluctuations, but rather calm. Why?

Could it be because the breath in Tianming's body was suppressed?

Just when Xia Yu was thinking about it, Duanmu had driven away everyone around him. After all, this is her clinic.

At this time, Guyie spoke.

"How is Tianming?"

Duanmu's worried opening

"It's probably because he can't bear the energy in his body, he has suffered a bit of internal injury, but I have seen it for him and it doesn't matter,"

Seeing Duanmu with erratic eyes, Guyie asked

"Do you know something?"

Duanmu's eyes became even more erratic when asked by Ganeie, and his tone became a little incoherent.

"Me, what can I know?"

When he said he was about to turn around and leave, Guyie said

"He has been different from others since he was a child,"

Hearing this, Duanmu couldn't help but stop, and turned to look at Guinie, his face full of doubts and questions.

Gane was full of memories talking about those many years ago.

It turns out that after Tianming was born, he has a very powerful ability. When he is crying, he can make things around him float. The more fierce the cry, the faster those things fly. If it hits people and causes The greater the damage.

After being discovered by Ying Zheng, saying that he could become a god, Taibu Ling chose a master from Yin Yang's house and taught him carefully. After that, there was no such riot.

"Beside Ying Zheng, there has always been a group of alchemists. They gathered under Taibu Lingyun Zhongjun, claiming to be the Yin Yang family. I think the Yin Yang family is a cover, but I can’t figure out their details. They are arranged by Yun Zhongjun. , Began to be responsible for teaching Tianming, which is strange to say. Since then, Tianming has rarely got angry, and gradually he can manipulate abilities and become more and more clever."

Duanmu whispered

"Being more and more well-behaved, why can't I see it,"

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