Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 298

Ganie ignored Duanmu's mutter and continued.

"After the assassination of Qin failed, Ying Zheng knew that Tianming was Jing Ke's son, so he wanted to eliminate the roots. But when he sent Qin soldiers over, Tianming was gone. I think Tianming's disappearance must have something to do with the Yin Yang family. Otherwise, a How could a teenager with supernatural powers live peacefully for so many years in a small mountain village?"

Duanmu said thoughtfully

"So you mean, everything is the arrangement of Yin and Yang's home? Moreover, I discovered today that the gathering and dispersing quicksand is also aimed at the Ying Zheng of the dawn. Since the Qin soldiers are sent to deal with the Tianming, they will definitely not find the gathering and dispersing quicksand. There must be another party participating in this. I don’t know what the Yin Yang family intends to do, but I know that as long as Tianming’s body still has this power for one day, he will not be at peace. Rong'er girl, your medical skills are brilliant. Can you think of a way to get rid of the supernatural powers in Tianming and let him live a peaceful life? This is what your righteous brother most hopes to see."

Duanmu is a little embarrassed at this time

"The previous thing, I'm sorry, you have been reluctant to say whether you killed my eldest brother or not. Why did you want to meet the giant? I still don’t know. If you are a good person or a bad person, I will take you. Going to the village, do you know how scared I am? So, as long as something happens,..."

Before Duanmu finished speaking, Xia Yu said

"Well, girl Duanmu, it's not that I want to interrupt you, it's just Guyie, he has fainted."

Duanmu was startled when she heard what Xia Yu said. She was driven away by one of the other people, but Xia Yu was there. So, Xia Yu heard what she and Guy Nie said before, and then reacted. What Xia Yu said when she came over, looked at Guyie, and sure enough, Guyie had passed out, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Gai Nie? Gai Nie!"

Seeing that Gai Nie didn't respond, he hurried to get his pulse, and then he was relieved. Gai Nie had only fainted, and it was nothing serious.After putting on a piece of clothing for Ganeie, he walked out and said

"Apologize, I'm over and over, it's your own business not to hear,"

Seeing Duanmu's blushing face and what she said, Xia Yu couldn't help but smiled, which made Duanmu react. Xia Yu is still here.I don't know what's wrong, I ignore Xia Yu again and again.

In fact, Duanmu is really not blamed for this. After Xia Yu's use of the master's moves, his own thought power is lacking, and then a little tired, the whole person's sense of existence is much lower, and the vitality of the world around him is drawn by him. Li, therefore, he has an effect that seems to be invisible.

Just rest and rest.

However, what he was thinking at this time was what Genie said about the Yin-Yang family. According to him, Tianming was hidden in that small village, and the abilities on his body might be related to the Yin-Yang family, then The little girl who had been secretly protecting Tianming before was probably from the Yin Yang family.

Judging from the little girl's methods, the Yin-Yang family is probably a sect composed of some monks who have rested and passed down the cultivation techniques passed down during the night, but I don't know what their details are?How do you use the means of cultivating a teacher in such a thin environment?

This is very important to Xia Yu, and only if he can recover from his teacher training, will Xia Yu's recovery from his injuries speed up, and the sooner he can leave here to find Shanshan and the others.

If it’s someone else, Xia Yu doesn’t think they are still alive, but for everyone in the academy, it’s not difficult to get to the state where there is no more restriction on life, as long as you follow the path left by the master. That's it.

Xia Yu really missed them at this time, missed the mountains, missed the brothers in the back mountains.

He hasn't looked at Shanshan writing for a long time, eating Sangsang's cooking, and listening to the music played by the seniors.

Then, he remembered that in the underground palace where he had awakened, and the wine he had stored there, it was made from peach blossoms collected by Senior Sister Seven and Shanshan, Xia Yu's favorite wine.

If you have time, you still have to go back and get some back. There are wine gourds made by the fourth and sixth brothers, so it's okay to hold more wine.

Glancing at Gai Nie, who was sleeping, and Tianming, who was unconscious due to internal injuries, Xia Yu shook his head and left.

These two people, let Duanmu take care of them.

A few days later, Tianming finally woke up. He didn't know why. He only remembered the previous events and thought it was a dream. Several people with Duanmu's orders also said that Tianming was dreaming.

On the other side, Dong Guo, the leader of the Mo family, and Xiang Liang, a member of the Xiang clan, are discussing these matters.

"Although Qin Bing retreats, they will never give up. I have found my brothers secretly. They are now hiding in the town under the mountain, waiting for Qin Bing’s reinforcements. According to my calculations, from the recent past It takes at least three days to borrow troops from the garrison, so we still have one day to evacuate."

Xiang Liang on the side is a little unwilling

"President Dongguo, when will the giant come here to meet us?"

Dong Guo just sighed about Xiang Liang's question

"The incident happened suddenly, for the safety of the giant, we have sent the flying pigeon to pass on the book and let the giant go to Luoyang first,"

Xiang Liang is a little worried

"Then we discussed it before?"

Dong Guo said

"You don’t need to worry about General Xiang. We have already arranged the evacuation route. As long as General Xiang will disperse his men, let them join the teams of the Mohists, and then you can go to Luoyang with us, and you can meet the giants. See you."

After speaking, ignoring Xiang Liang’s reaction, Dong Guo stood up and said

"Brothers, it's still the same way. The zodiac signs are divided into groups. Each group is composed of ten people. According to their respective numbers, go to the Mojia Trading Company, understand?"

Then look at Xiang Liang

"General Xiang, you have arranged your soldiers, please give me a roster, so that it is convenient for scheduling,"

Xiang Liang nodded perfunctorily

"Okay, okay. When we reach an agreement, we will definitely give you an answer,"

In this way, Dong Guo took the remaining Mo family disciples to make arrangements, and ignored the angry Xiang Liang.

222 Evacuate, leave

In fact, Dongguo’s approach is indeed correct, but it is a bit rash. After all, the Xiang clan has not yet met with the giant. They are not an ally of the Mo family. They are considered to be an ally. This allows the opponent to disperse and disperse its forces. The team incorporated into the Mo family also meant to deal with the Xiang clan.

The Xiang clan also saw this meaning. Even if the words Dong Guo said at the time did not have this meaning, the world's understanding of this sentence would definitely be like this.

At this time in the meeting hall of the Xiang clan.

I saw Xiang Liang pace back and forth

"The people of the Mo family are really not sincere. We have been here for so long. The giants have been dragging their feet. If we don't see us, let's not talk about them. Now they let us disband the people. How can there be such a reason in the world?"

Uncle Xiang on the side spoke with comfort

"Brother, you can't say that like that,"

Xiang Zhuang also said

"Dong Kuk Sik was also out of good intentions, after all, something happened suddenly,"

Xiang Liang’s expression is a bit wrong. What Bo Xiang and Xiang Zhuang said was actually hitting him in the face, making him a little unable to get down the stairs.

"Suddenly, you can't disband the people. It's really knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing, Ao, let us disband the people of the Xiang family, what should we do if our brother is conspired? Besides, now the Mo family is also being The old thief Yingzheng was staring at him. Let's take so many brothers to the muddy water again. What if we are getting in? It's not worthwhile."

Said Xiang Liang waved his hand

"No matter, let's go to Wuzhong first to avoid the limelight. After all, there are folks in the village, so it is easier to gather people and horses,"

Unfortunately, after Xiang Liang finished speaking, Xiang Bo Xiang Zhuang Nai Yu at least did not act. Instead, he stayed still. Xiang Liang said depressedly.

"Why are you still stunned? Clean up,"

Bo Xiang wanted to dissuade Xiang Liangdao

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