Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 321

Shaoyu's words made Tianming very embarrassed, and Yue'er and Shaoyu on the side laughed.

Then, the voice of the three people chatting while cutting the bamboo attracted the Master Ban from the other courtyard.

Standing behind a few people, Master Ban coughed loudly a few times to remind them that he was here.

Sure enough, the three of Tianming stood up and looked at Master Ban when they saw the arrival of Master Ban.

Master Ban said no angrily

"What are you all doing?"

Tianming said

"Make a sword."

Master Ban said in surprise

"Make a sword?"

Tianming nodded, Master Ban pointed at the bamboo in Tianming's hand, and asked again

"Use it?"

Tianming should say

"Yes indeed."

This made Master Ban a little frustrated for a while,

"That's it,,, oops,"

Speaking of throwing away the bamboo in his hand, he shouted with a headache while covering his forehead.After a while, Master Ban looked at the three of them and said

"What a fool. It seems that I will let you guys open your eyes well today."

He said that he took the lead and walked to his yard.

The three of them glanced at each other and then walked over, only to see Master Ban pushing a weird machine out.

Seeing what Master Ban introduced again, Shaoyu was a little stunned.

"Master Ban, what is this for?"

During this period of time, Shao Yu was tortured by Master Ban’s various weird inventions, and now he was trembling with fear when he saw Master Ban’s invention.

Master Ban grinned twice and said to the three

"Next, open your eyes and the time to witness the miracle has arrived,"

234 The Departure

Speaking of picking up the bamboo on the ground, he inserted it into the mysterious machine. After some operations, a bamboo sword emerged from the other end of the machine.

Tianming said in surprise

"Master Ban, what's your situation?"

Shaoyu also said in surprise,

"It's interesting."

Then he took the bamboo sword from Tianming and observed it carefully.

Then he looked at Master Ban and said

"Master Ban, how did you do it?"

Master Ban, said disdainfully

"What is this, what is this. I will make one for you alone, and it will come out all at once."

Speaking of picking up three bamboos and stuffing them into the machine together, but this time, there was an accident, or it was an accident that just succeeded.

The machine started to smoke, and the three of Tianming were very scared to see

"Why do I think this is a bit wrong,"

Shaoyu said, Tianming also reacted immediately and shouted


Master Ban was still working hard there, watching all three of them ran away, couldn't help but say

"Don't run, I will succeed."

Then, after a lot of effort, the three bamboo swords ejected, yes, it ejected.

So, many of Master Ban’s inventions are really useless. Well, in fact, we can’t say that. Many of Master Ban’s inventions are useful, but he added many unnecessary functions to those inventions, which leads to As a result, the chances of a problem or even a danger in his invention become very great.

Speaking of both ends, Tianming is here to prepare bamboo swords to learn swordsmanship with Gainie, but Gainie has made some unique decisions.

Not long ago, Gaie Nie finally discussed the truth of killing Jing Ke in front of the Mohist leaders including the giant and Duanmu.

It turned out that in those days, Jing Ke came to Xianyang and was planning to assassinate Yingzheng.When the Seven Kills were destroyed, Gai Nie was rescued by the Mo family, and he also had an extremely deep friendship with Jing Ke.

Therefore, at the moment when he heard that Jing Ke was preparing to assassinate Yingzheng, Gane also decided to help Jing Ke complete the assassination the next day.

Unfortunately, on the second day, when Jing Ke’s assassination action had obviously failed, Gai Nie turned over and picked up Jing Ke’s sword, wanted to help, but was caught by Jing Ke, and even voluntarily died under Gai Nie’s sword. .

This made Ganie very puzzled. It was not until a long time later that he realized that Jing Ke knew that this action was impossible. He just wanted to make his own decision.

Similarly, Jing Ke also asked Ganie to find a Mingjun who would be kind to the people of the world.

After years of investigation, Gai Nie realized that Fusu, Yingzheng's eldest son, was a real Mingjun. In addition to looking for traces of Tianming, Gai Nie had been with Xianyang for so many years.

Now, seeing everyone in the Mo family, Gai Nie even suggested that the giant meet with Lord Fusu to determine whether Fusu is a Mingjun worthy of the support of the Mo family.

Before the giant set off, Guenie once called the giant and said

"I should go to Xianyang to meet Young Master Fusu. I should be accompanied by the next, but right now, there are some entangled old things that are urgently needed. So..."

Before Ge Nie finished speaking, he was interrupted by the giant. The giant fully understood what Ge Nie meant and said

"It's okay, it's okay, your husband has already paid a lot for the Mo Family, so leave it to me."

Hearing this, Gai Nie held his fist and saluted the giant

"Thanks to the giant, don't pass this, and wait for good news."

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