Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 322

If you say, this trip, who is the most uncomfortable must be Dong Guo Zhi, because he is going to follow the giant to Xianyang, but Duanmu Rong has to stay to take care of Tianming, who has huge hidden dangers. No, it's just before leaving. Still wailing.

"Rong'er, my Rong'er, I'm not leaving."

Dong Guo didn’t forget to warn Guene when he got on the carriage

"The surname is Gai, if you are plotting against my Rong'er, I will never end with you,"

Gane ignored Dong Guo’s unreasonable troubles and wailing, but said to the giant

"I beg the giant, I will greet him when I see him,"

"Take care!"

I don’t know if every separation in this era will be a farewell. Similarly, every separation will change when we meet again, and everything will change.

Dongguo has a feeling of admiration for Duanmu. Isn’t it true that Gai Nie hasn’t dealt with him, but there are still some things that have not been dealt with long ago. After the giant left, Gai Nie began to prepare to understand these old things. .

Ganie knew that he might not be able to come back this time, and in his heart, Tianming and Duanmu were the most uneasy. Therefore, before he left, he would definitely settle the two of them.

It was at this time that Tianming, holding a bamboo sword, ran into Ganie’s room

"Uncle, look."

Talking and dancing the wooden sword in his hand a few times

"How? When will you accept me as a disciple?"

Guy Nie said helplessly

"I only promised to teach you swordsmanship, I never said that I would accept you as a disciple,"

Tianming didn't understand, since he was willing to teach himself swordsmanship, why couldn't he accept himself as a disciple.So he asked

"Why? Didn't you say it well in the morning?"

Gane didn’t tell Tianming why, but just said

"Just practice the sword well. It doesn't make sense to be a teacher. Go back. I'm going to rest."

When he said that, he ignored Tianming and went to bed.

Seeing this at dawn, I had to walk out in a depressed mood.

In fact, is Guene really unwilling to accept Tianming as his disciple?

Naturally not. You have to know that Gai Nie’s swordsmanship is in addition to the basic swordsmanship that has been widely spread in the arena. Guigu’s Hundred-Step Flying Sword is now. You must know that it is a lifetime knack for the old man of Guigu. Easily teach others?

If Gaie Nie was able to decide to teach Tianming this unique knowledge, it was able to explain that Tian Ming was no longer inferior to his disciples in Gaie's heart.

But, if so, why not accept it?

The reason is that Tianming's father Jing Ke is on.

Back then, although it was Jing Ke's willingness, but after all, it was Jing Ke killed by Gai Nie. If one day in the future, Tianming knew the truth and wanted to avenge himself, Tianming would not have taken care of him without the status of a master and apprentice.

Gai Nie was actually thinking about Tianming from beginning to end.

After a while, Duanmu hurried in.

"Gainie! Are you still struggling with what happened back then? I'm afraid he will know the truth one day? So you refuse to accept him as a disciple?"

In fact, after Tianming walked out of Gai Nie’s room just now, he met Duanmu and Yue'er. After a few casual complaints, Duanmu took it to his heart. After all, Duanmu at this time has already begun to fall in love with Gai Nie. Up.

"Could it be that what you think is that without the status of a master and apprentice, he doesn't have to look forward and backward, and can take revenge for you for granted?"

Therefore, in fact, the person who knows Gai Nie best is not Gai Nie himself, but Duanmu.

Duanmu hesitated and asked

"Will you hate my big brother? You made your own way and pushed you on this road of no return?"

When Ge Nie heard this, he couldn't help but smiled, opened his eyes, looked at Duanmu and said

"What's so hateful?"

Duanmu takes a step forward, trying to suppress Gai Nie's momentum

"Just for a promise, you have been for more than ten years..."

Before Duanmu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gane

"Your elder brother values ​​love and righteousness, and sacrifices himself for the world. What is it that I keep a promise for him?"

This is Gai Nie, or in other words, this is also Jing Ke.

Jing Ke and Gai Nie are friends and brothers. They have the same temperament, the same ideals, and they have countless common languages. Jing Ke sacrifices himself for the world, why is Gai Nie sacrificing himself for Jing Ke?

Duanmu didn’t know how to answer when he heard Gai Nie’s words. Gai Nie was right. Although Gai Nie paid a lot, Jing Ke also paid a lot. Gai Nie is a person of love and righteousness. Jing Ke sticks to his promise. If Duanmu can easily change Gai Nie's mind, then Gai Nie will no longer be Gai Nie.

"If, if it was me who assassinated Qin back then, you, would you also stick to your promise?"

This is Duanmu. The righteousness of the world has never been so important before her eyes. Duanmu was brought up by medical parents. In their eyes, life in this world will be valued by them. Therefore, There is no righteousness in the world, and although Duanmu Rong is an expensive medical immortal, she is just a little girl. The person in her heart has always been her own person.

Gainie spoke slowly when he heard Duanmu's words

"If it were you, I would never let you die."

So, both Duanmu and Gai Nie actually have each other in their hearts. It's just that one of them has a sense of freedom in restraint, and the other has a bit of machismo and wants to bear everything.

Gai Nie's words were actually blurted out, and he regretted it after he said it. After all, he was going to learn about the old thing soon. At this time, what he had to do was to make Duanmurong give up. I don't know what I want.

now.Gane blurted out such words as confession, for a moment, there was embarrassment


Ganie wanted to explain something, but saw Duanmu's peach-like nympho face, he couldn't help but stood up, walked in front of Duanmu, getting closer and closer, still talking about explanation.

"I mean,,, I didn't mean that,"

It's a pity that Guy Nie didn't have the experience of getting along with girls. He was so close to Duanmu. For a while, Duanmu was a little bit shy. When Guy Nie was about to continue explaining, he turned around and fled.

Both of them actually understand the other's intentions for them, Duanmu is ecstatic like a little girl, but the other can't sleep over and over again.

Guene knew what it meant to be broken, so he made some decisions secretly.

First, I wrote down my sword book, and I thoughtfully drew graphics next to the formula.Then came to Tianming's room with the newly drawn sword book.


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