Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 366

"The giant is no longer, and the enemy's movements are not obvious. I think we should adapt to the changes. The more we move, the more flaws will be exposed. We are so nervous after the assassination of Master Ban, I am afraid that Wei Zhuang has already found it. Opportunity."

At this time, Xia Yu understood the points that he didn't understand before and hurriedly said

"Lao Guy, what did you just say"

Gai Nie looked at Xia Yu with some confusion

"Responding to changes with the same"

Xia Yu speaks

"No, this next sentence"

Although Gane didn’t understand what Xia Yu was going to do, he still said it again.

"The more you move, the more flaws you expose."

Xia Yu's eyes suddenly brightened

"I want to understand. Hammer, Dong Guo, you two quickly go to the ink core, there is danger there."

Dong Guo and the hammer did not move, but looked at Xia Yu in doubt, hoping Xia Yu could explain.

Xia Yu sighed and said

"Okay, it may be too late to go around now. I was thinking that Mo Yu Qilin could not have assassinated Master Ban for Mo Core, but he did it anyway. So, what was it for?"

"Lao Gai's words reminded me that in order to make us move, after the assassination of Master Ban, we will immediately strengthen the alert at important locations where there is no way for Master Ban to have an accident. And Mohe is like this. A place."

"Iron Hammer is indeed the first time to strengthen the alert to Mohe, but this may be the real purpose of Moyu Qilin. After all, he is the first time to come to the agency city, and he is definitely not familiar with the layout here, so, He needs a guide."

Zhang Liang also understood after Xia Yu’s reminder, and then Xia Yu said

"The disciples who went to Mo Core to strengthen their guard are this guide. Mo Yu Qilin is likely to replace one of these disciples with the method used when assassinating Master Ban, and then attack Mo Core."

Xia Yu nodded.

"Yes, I think so too, but after Master Ban was assassinated, we had to strengthen Mohe's vigilance. After all, Master Ban was killed near there, and, except for him, we will not repair it. Ink core, so we must ensure the safety of ink core."

Zhang Liang shook the feather fan and nodded

"Unfortunately, we are all too late to understand. Now, I want to come to Moyu Qilin."

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Guy Nie nodded and said

"Even so, we want to increase the defense is also necessary. From now on, there must be patrols in the agency city at all times."

Dong Guo also knew it was not the time to fight Guinie, so he nodded.

"Okay, I will arrange it in groups."

Xia Yu said to Dong Guo

"Or arrange it as I said earlier, and try to avoid Mo Yu Qilin's chance to make another shot."

Dong Guo nodded solemnly, then turned and walked towards the Mo family disciples over there.

Gane looked at everyone and said

"Let’s also prepare. Rong'er will heal Master Ban’s injury as soon as possible. Sledgehammer, you are responsible for the safety of Master Ban. Xia Yu, Zhang Liang, Xiao Gao, we are ready to deal with all kinds of sudden situations at any time. Okay, let’s prepare individually.

Several people nodded one after another.

Xia Yu said

"Also, if you meet a disciple who is alone, please don't ask, just shoot it, catch the master first, I think it's easy to capture a Mohist disciple with your hands, and a real Mohist disciple is also He won't resist, so the one who resists, or the one that everyone finds tricky, is Moyu Qilin. You must pay attention to safety."

Guy Nie looked at Xia Yu and said with a smile

"Don't worry, everyone knows it."

Xia Yu nodded and looked at Susu who was always by her side.

"You don't need to follow me for the time being, go follow Duanmu and protect her."

Susu nodded. She had been by Xia Yu's side, without saying a word, as if she was an invisible person. After Xia Yu's prosthesis had a problem, she also silently took care of Xia Yu's daily life. Everyone in the Mo family just knew She is Xia Yu's disciple, but they don't understand the specific situation. This is the first time Xia Yu has let Susu leave his side to protect Duanmu.

You know, after Master Ban was assassinated, Duanmu was the most dangerous thing in the entire organ city. As a Mo family medical immortal, Duanmu's existence was a thorn in the eyes and thorns of all Mo family enemies.

Xia Yu was able to let Susu protect Duanmu, which meant that Susu's martial arts could be compared to most of the people present.

Others don't know, and Gai Nie still doesn't know that it hasn't been long before Susu actually came to Xia Yu as a teacher, enough to see how good Susu is and how deep Xia Yu's teaching level is.

Everyone went to make their own preparations, Xia Yu leaned to Guyie's side and pushed Guyie and said

"I said, Lao Guy, you and Duanmu haven't reconciled yet? I just listened carefully. You will Duanmu Rong'er girl, girl, tusk, when did you two be so polite?"

Gai Nie gave Xia Yu a blank glance without explaining anything.Xia Yu ignored it and continued

"During the discussion just now, Duanmu was speaking for you, and it was a subconscious behavior that she hadn't noticed. So, in fact, she has forgiven you. The only thing that is worse is your apology."

"Why, is our dignified Master Juggernaut such a face-saving person? Or, you are embarrassed to apologize to Duanmu?"

Guy Nie glanced at Xia Yu, his eyes filled with doubts

"you sure?"

Xia Yu nodded definitely

"Yes, otherwise she won't help you chase Dongguo,"

Gai Nie thought for a while, and chased in the direction Duanmu left.

"I'll find her!"

With such a sentence, Gai Nie's figure has disappeared.

At this time Duanmu, Yue'er and Susu were walking together. They were going back to the pharmacy to prepare medicine for the treatment of Master Ban.

Suddenly, Duanmu stopped, and Susu looked forward vigilantly.Yue'er is very puzzled

"Sister Rong, Sister Susu, what's wrong?"

Duanmu frowned and said uncertainly

"I seem to see a figure,"

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