Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life in Jiangye Chapter 367

Yue'er looked forward suspiciously, Susu spoke at this time

"There are indeed people,"

Duanmu looked towards Susu and didn't believe it

"Then you won't chase?"

Susu replied

"Xia, Master just asked me to protect you, and didn't say to involve me in this matter."

At this time, Gane chased him and said to Duanmu

"Rong'er, me,"

Duanmu interrupted Ganie

"Quickly, someone ran from here just now, it may be Moyu Qilin."

Ganie also knew that this matter was more important, and said to Duanmu

"You wait for me here, I'll go see"

After speaking, he ran in the direction indicated by Duanmu.

Duanmu looked suspiciously in the direction where the figure disappeared.

"This direction,,, bad, reservoir!"

The reservoir is an extremely important place in the organ city that has no connection with all organs.

Duanmu looked at the footprints left on the ground and said

"Sure enough someone has come,"

At this time, a group of Mo family disciples rushed over

"Who, what."

Yue'er looked at the disciples and said

"It's me Gao Yue, Sister Susu and Sister Rong."

The Mohist disciples salute Duanmu

"Leader Duanmu, is there anything wrong?"

Duanmu looked at several people and said

"Take us to the reservoir to see."

"Okay, please follow me."

Several people turned left and came to a pool, Yue'er asked curiously

"It turns out that there is such a place in Institution City."

The leading disciple nodded and said

"This is the place to store the spare water source of the organ city. It is only used during the dry season of the year, so no one comes back here normally,"

Duanmu was still wondering, Susu was also lost in thought looking at the pool, only Yue'er saw a beautiful scenery and cried out in surprise.

"You can see the moon here."

Disciple said

"Our entire agency city is hidden in the mountains. Only here can we see the sky, because we have to collect rainwater from this patio and store it in the pool."

At this time, another disciple said

"Leader Duanmu, I have checked all the guards here, and everything is normal."

Duanmu also looked at the pool, she felt that the person would not come here for nothing.

Yue'er said with emotion

"It's so big here,"

"There is a lot of water when it's big. Without water, the institutions in the Institution City can't be moved. The water in this pool can probably support the city's water consumption for three days."

Suddenly, Duanmu thought of something, reached out his hand to scoop a little water, put it to his mouth, and was about to drink it, but Susu stopped him.

Duanmu looked at Susu suspiciously, and Susu said

"There is a problem with this water, it makes me feel bad,"

Duanmu shook his head, signaled that it was all right, tasted the water in his hand, and frowned.Seeing this, Yueer asked

"What's wrong, Sister Rong, is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong,"

Yue'er said suspiciously

"Then why are you still frowning,"

"It's just that there is nothing wrong, so I feel that something is wrong, maybe I misunderstood that figure? But the footprints on the ground..."

Duanmu was very puzzled, she couldn't understand what was going on.

Susu opened his mouth and said,

"You are not mistaken. There were people just now, and the footprints on the ground were indeed new. But are there really no problems with this water? Why do I still feel that this water gives me a bad feeling."

Duanmu thought that he had a headache and said

"Forget it, maybe I think too much,"

He said that he left here with the disciples, but Susu took a deep look at the reservoir before leaving, his eyes were full of vigilance, although the water gave her the feeling that it was not fatal, but it was very weak.

If Xia Yu were here, he would have noticed that there was something more in the water, but he was not here at this time.

At this time, Gane came back.

"The person didn't chase it, or I didn't see the person, but I did find some traces."

Duanmu nodded

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