Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life in Jiangye Chapter 368

"Nothing unusual was found in the reservoir."

The more Duanmu thought about it, the more it was wrong, and then went to Master Ban to explain these things.

"That's the way it is, I think it's a bit weird, so I will ask you."

Master Ban nodded, did not answer Duanmu’s doubts, but concentrated on eating the porridge in his hands, which made Duanmu very angry and forced the porridge over.

"Don't eat it, okay? Institution City is more important than your bowl of porridge."

Master Ban was very helpless and looked at Gane

"Lao Gai, look at her. I have a bowl of porridge and she will follow me,,,"

Seeing Duanmu staring at him, Master Ban said helplessly

"I know, of course the organ city is important, but haven't you already taken someone to inspect the reservoir yourself? Isn't it okay? Right, right,"

Duanmu is still not at ease


Master Ban said

"Don't worry about it, others don't know, you don't know yet, there is no mechanism in the reservoir at all, I am not worried about it at all, I am actually worried about another place now,"

At this time, a disciple ran in

"Master Ban is not good, not good..."

Master Ban said helplessly

"Don't say it slowly,"

Disciple said

"The water source of the agency city was cut off,"

Master Ban panicked

"Ah! What did you say?"

Then look at Guene

"Lao Gai is not good, Qin Jun must be trying to attack the organ city when the organ fails, this..."

Talking about catching the disciple who came to report

"Quickly, go and turn on the water source. At dawn, no, as long as the day is dawn, turn on the water source immediately. The agency city cannot be without water."

"and many more!"

Xia Yu’s voice came over, Duanmu and Gai Nie came to find Master Ban, Susu also returned to Xia Yu, told Xia Yu about this matter, Xia Yu also felt very strange, and came to Master Ban. As a result, he heard the order to open the reservoir, and instantly understood that the other party wanted the Mohist family to use the water in the reservoir. Although I don't know why, there must be a problem with the water.

Master Ban looked at Xia Yu dissatisfied

"I said, what is Xia Yu doing? The agency city cannot be without water."

Xia Yu said to several people

"Wait, there must be a problem with that reservoir,"

Master Ban looked at Xia Yu without understanding

"But Ms. Rong'er has checked, there is no problem there."

Xia Yu looked at several people and said solemnly

"Yesterday, Duanmu discovered that the reservoir may have passed their hands and feet. Today, the water source of the organ city is cut off. They just want us to move the reservoir."

It's really suspicious if Master Ban thinks so

"But,,,, what is this for?"

Xia Yu didn't know what it was because of.

"Yeah, why is that? They want us to move the reservoir, that is, let us use a backup water source, which will fill the entire agency city,"

Looking towards Duanmu

"Duanmu, what kind of poison is colorless and tasteless, melted in water without toxicity, only when the water flows, or is there any specific conditions that can happen?"

When Duanmu heard this, he fell into deep thought.

"When you say that, I really remembered a kind of poison, Qianye Qianye. This poison has been lost for many years. It is an eternal poison. It will quickly assimilate the pool water. As long as it is not exposed to sunlight, this water is similar to ordinary There is no difference between the water, once exposed to the sun, they will change rapidly, produce violent toxins, and radiate into the air. Once inhaled, they will cause people to fall into a coma."

Xia Yu nodded

"It is estimated that the hands and feet they made in the reservoir are poisonous."

Xia Yu looked at Duanmu thoughtfully

"Medical immortal of the Mo family, since you know this poison, you must know how to configure the antidote?"

Duanmu nodded

"There should be an antidote in the ancient books my master left behind."

Xia Yu frowned

"Since this Yunyu Qianye is a strange poison, it will not be easy to refining the antidote. Duanmu, think about whether there is any other way. When you make progress, we will open the reservoir. After all, It is true that the Institution City cannot run out of water."

Duanmu thought for a while and said

"Baicao Pill, an anti-drug medicine, should alleviate the effects of Qianye Qianye."

Xia Yu nodded

"Now we can only expect this medicine to be useful, Duanmu, you go to prepare, and when you are done, start the water source immediately."

Duanmu and the Mo family disciple nodded.Go and prepare separately.

Xia Yu looked at Gai Nie

"Lao Gai, I think the Qin Army's general offensive is about to come. When that happens, it will depend on you, Mr. Guigu."

Guy Nie nodded and looked at Xia Yu

"Xia Yu, I'm going to wake everyone up,"

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