Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 381

Xia Yu's eyes began to chill slowly, he didn't mind killing Bai Feng, of course, the premise was to get Duanmu's antidote.

Since you can't kill Baifeng, then

Xia Yu turned to look at Wei Zhuang, and said to Bai Feng

"The antidote!"

With that said, he took a step towards Wei Zhuang, and that meant it was obvious. Without the cure, Wei Zhuang would die.

Bai Feng looked at Wei Zhuang with a tangled look in his eyes. Obviously he had the idea of ​​letting Wei Zhuang die here, but he still hesitated in his heart to stop Gai Nie from continuing to attack Wei Zhuang.

Now, Xia Yu is threatening Wei Zhuang's life, and Bai Feng has to consider whether he can survive if Xia Yu really kills Wei Zhuang, if he does not give the antidote.

The answer is obvious, so Bai Feng took out a jade bottle from his arms and threw it to Xia Yu.

At this time, Xiao Gao and Dong Guo also rushed over

"Little boss!"

After the two arrived, they were surprised to see Duanmu who was unconscious.

"Girl Rong"


Gane hurriedly said to the two

"Take her back quickly, quickly!"

Seeing this, Dong Guo and Xiao Gao didn't bother about what happened, and ran towards the ink core with Gai Nie holding Duanmu.

Seeing this, Xia Yu was very helpless. He was forgotten about a living person of his size?

Thinking of this, Xia Yu remembered that Master Ban, who had been forgotten by him, was a little embarrassed. He also said that other people had forgotten him, but he himself had forgotten Master Ban.

So, turning his head to look at the place where Master Ban was hiding, and in the end, no one was seen. Obviously, Master Ban should be ran into the depths of the organ city to find the enemy.

Xia Yu knew about the grievances between Master Ban and the public. After all, Master Ban told everyone about this history. However, at this time, this situation is really not suitable for Master Ban and the public to deal with personal affairs.

So Xia Yu also got up and walked along this cliff road towards the depths of the agency city.

He still knows his level when he loses his enemies. In other words, he still has self-knowledge. After Xia Yu warned him, he withdrew from the organ city. Therefore, Master Ban did not find a public enemy. Instead, Xia Yu found Ban. Grandmaster.

When Xia Yu and Master Ban returned to Mohe, they happened to see Yue'er helping Duanmu to heal.

"Fortunately, this feather blade did not hurt critically. I have already given Sister Rong medicine to stop the bleeding. It will not be dangerous for the time being. The conditions here are limited. After I go out, I will help her carefully. I just don't know why she arrived. I haven't woken up yet."

Xia Yu heard this and said

"The hidden weapon of Bai Feng should have some kind of poison, but you don't know why, Yue'er, you didn't see it."

Yue'er nodded

"If it is poisoned, Sister Rong makes sense without waking up, but I really did not find that Sister Rong has any tendency to be poisoned. This poison may be some kind of poison that enters the body and no longer appears."

Gane's expression changed, and he looked at Yue'er in a panic

"Then, Yue'er, can you solve this poison?"

Yue'er shook her head

"If you want to detoxify, you must first understand the composition of the poison, but now, the poison in sister Rong has not been revealed, and I have no way to judge the composition of the poison."

Xia Yu speaks

"Don't worry, Lao Gai, I just got the antidote from Bai Feng,"

Speaking of throwing the jade bottle to Yue'er,

"Yue'er, look, is this the antidote?"

Yue'er took the antidote and looked at it carefully. After a while, she said in surprise.

"This is the antidote. Quickly, give it to Sister Rong."

However, Duanmu did not wake up after taking the antidote. How can Gainie feel at ease?

"Why didn't Rong'er wake up?"

Yueer said

"Sister Rong has been worrying about Tianming during this period of time. In the past two days, coupled with Qin Jun's encirclement and suppression, Yun Yu Qianye and other things, she has been very tired, and now she is just asleep."

Only then did Gane let out a long breath, and he relaxed.Holding Duanmu tightly, sat in a corner.

At this time, the door of Mohe was opened again, and everyone was vigilant. After all, the Mo family disciples in the Institution City now only have the hammer and no one is there. No one can guarantee that the hammer is coming in. However, what surprised everyone was that not only the hammer came back, but also the Mo family disciples who had already gone with the giant to find the master Fusu.

Everyone got up and saluted

"Giant, you are back."

The giant nodded and said

"Are everyone here?"

Master class speaks

"Xiao Zhi just went out and hasn't returned yet."

The giant nodded,

"It's okay, I told him to do other things before."

After a pause, the giant continued

"Now that everyone is here, let's start now"

What to start?Naturally, it was the next action of the Mohist school and the solution for this time.

Sure enough, the giant said so

"Next, what I want to say may be difficult for everyone to accept, but my heart is determined."

"I decided to abandon the Institution City,"


The Hammer yelled. The Institution City has always been the base camp of the Mo family. It is the place where many disciples of the Mo family live, and they are treated as their home by the Mo family.

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