Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 382

Now, being told to abandon this place, a reckless person like Hammer is naturally very surprised.

Master Ban is also difficult to accept, he grew up here, and every inch of land here contains his memories.

"Giant! Now is not the time to laugh,"

The giant frowned and said

"I didn't joking,"

The hammer is still unwilling

"Giant, we have vowed to coexist and die with the Institution City, but why do you let us abandon the Institution City now?"

Hearing the hammer's words, many of the Mo family disciples spoke one after another, persuading the giant to give up what they had said before.You know, this is rare in the Mohist school. The giant's words have always been directly followed. Now, it can be seen that the giant's decision does violate the views of many of the Mohist's disciples.

However, who is the giant at this time? It is Ju Xuan. He was the one who designed the assassination of the first emperor together with the Prince Dan of the Yan Kingdom and the hero Jing Ke back then. He was a man who could not recognize his daughter for more than a decade for the Mohist philosophy. How could the existence of Mo School change their minds by the resistance of the disciples of the Mohist school?

"Abandoning the institution city and the foundation of the Mohist generations. Like everyone else, I am very unwilling, but this is the most reasonable choice right now."

Master Ban said sadly

"I am the chief engineer, and I know the organ city best. If the water source organ is opened now, the organ city will be saved immediately. I guarantee it with my life!"

This is Master Ban shouting with his life, begging the giant to take his life back.Master Ban is the younger brother of the Six-Finger Black Xia. In other words, Master Ban is actually the uncle of the giant. Moreover, the chief engineer of the Mo family is generally a backup candidate for the position of giant. When the giant emerges unexpectedly, the chief engineer will temporarily replace Giants are responsible until new ones are born. Therefore, Master Ban is very prestigious in the Mo family, not only because of his seniority and approachability, but also because he himself is one of the most powerful people in this city.

Many disciples of the Mo family heard the sorrowful cry of Master Ban, and they shouted again, hoping that the giant would take his life back.

This made the giant very angry, because both the hammer and the master class were shaking the foundation of the giant at this time. If it is a dynasty, the behavior of the master class is to force the palace.

"Is there a giant like me in your eyes?"

The giant said that he raised the famous sword in his hand, Mo Mei, which symbolized the position of the giant of the Mo family.

"If you still recognize me, this giant, just listen to me quietly and finish!"

"For more than a hundred years, the organ city has been safe and sound, and what is the most important reason? Because no one knows where our location is. Indeed, as long as the water source is turned on, we will be able to repel the current Qin soldiers. But, our position It has been exposed. From now on, what we have to face is the attacks from Qin soldiers again and again. What can we do? Can we fight with them?"

"I know. No brothers of the Mo family are greedy of life and fear of death, but I am unwilling to see all the brothers and make senseless sacrifices. Rather than show the courage of my husband, use the blood of countless brothers to defend such an institution city. It’s better to take the initiative to abandon it and use its destruction to accomplish a great thing,"

Everyone understood that when the giant came back this time, it was in itself asking everyone to abandon the organ city. This was the case with or without the encirclement and suppression of the Qin army, just for the big event he said.

Master Ban said sadly

"What kind of event is it? Today is going to destroy the Institution City"

Master Ban cried as he spoke. Here, Master Ban has the most affection for this city.

The giant felt the sadness of Master Ban, and his tone was a little sad, but he was very firm

"Shang Xian! Become the son Fusu!"


Master Ban asked

The giant was lost in thought.

"The institution that destroys the city is in the ink core,"

Although Master Ban didn’t know what the giant and Fusu had planned, he felt the giant’s determination, knowing that the ending could not be changed, and said

"That's why I often tell everyone that the Mo core is related to the survival of the Mo School."

In the center of the ink core, there is a huge axis with a simple and mysterious shape. There are two keyholes on it. This axis is the axis of the organ city. From the top of the ink core to the bottom of the channel, it is deep. In the bottomless water pool, to start the organ destruction process, you need two keys. According to the ancestral system of the Mo family, these two keys are kept by the giant and the chief engineer separately. When two keys, they are inserted into the axis of the ink core , Destroy the city mode will start, and the organ city will collapse.

After the giant and Master Ban inserted the key, the organ city began to collapse.

"Get on the lift!"

Master Ban shouted.Everyone went up one after another, but there were still many people who were injured by the falling boulders and even died because of the destruction of the city.

At this time, Wei Zhuang came here, facing the elevator with a few swords.However, there was no effect. Wei Zhuang definitely didn't want Ganie and the others to leave like this, so he inserted the shark teeth in his hands into the gears of the elevator, and the elevator came to a standstill.

Master Ban said flusteredly

"Weizhuang, it must be Weizhuang! He broke the linkage mechanism,"

At this time, most of the people present did not understand the mechanism technique, even if they did, they were not very clear about such a huge mechanism as the mechanism city, the hammer asked

"Old man Ban, what will happen to the organ city? Say it"

Master Ban said very disappointed

"The current organ city will continue to collapse under the action of gravity, but the escape door will not open."

Everyone felt desperate when they heard this. After all, the escape door was the only hope for everyone to live.

The giant didn't think that in order to make Fusu a wedding gown, he ended up putting everyone in the Mo family to death. He asked without giving up.

"Is there no way at all?"

Master Ban broke the jar and said

"Yes! It means nothing."

The hammer said anxiously

"Say it."

Master Ban said

"The only way is to go to the depths of the Mogui Pond and open the Xuanwu Gate. The central axis of the ink core is ultimately connected to the Xuanwu Gate. As long as the Xuanwu Gate can be moved, the escape door can be reopened."

Hammer has never been a head-witted person. Hearing the words of Master Ban, he said

"Get up, I'll go!"

Master Ban stopped him and said

"It's useless, the Xuanwu Gate is so heavy that it can be pulled by ordinary people?"

The hammer said without giving up

"Then are we stuck here to die?"

Behind everyone, Tianming, who was well protected by everyone, seemed to have thought of something, ran through the crowd, and jumped into the Mo Gui Pond.


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