Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In The Night Chapter 383

Yue'er shouted

Gai Nie was also very anxious, you know, Tianming is not only the son of his confidant Jing Ke, but also Duanmu's nephew.

Xia Yu smiled.Tianming finally realized.

Tianming practiced the Demon Sect technique that Xia Yu had preserved from the era of the night, sucking the vitality of heaven and earth in his body, and tempering himself. However, in today's era, without the vitality of heaven and earth, Tianming can temper himself through the power of jade, but , Which also led to Tianming and his susceptibility to the influence of his own demons.

261 Fleeing

In fact, it’s not just Tianming, or the demon sect’s techniques that make people fall into demons easily. But everyone, whether he is a warrior or a monk, when his heart is full of selfish thoughts, it’s easy to fall into it. Extremes, and extreme people are often the ones most likely to fall into the demons.

What kind of person is the most extreme person?Those who have not been frustrated, suddenly gained strength that is not their own, or have lost an emotion since childhood. Such people most hope to be recognized by others, but when others deny them, they will Extremely extreme, and even think that everything is not my own fault. No matter what I do, everything is the fault of others. It is like, I want something from you, if you don’t give it to me, it is your fault. Once such an idea appears, Then, such a person has slowly begun to fall into his own demons.

The heart demon is terrible, especially the heart demon after losing the vitality of the world, Xia Yu has encountered the heart demon, but at that time the heart demon was at most creating illusions and attempting to occupy Xia Yu's body.The demons of this era are not like this. They often appear when people are unaware, and do not make any obvious actions, but subtly introduce the people who produce the demons into the bottomless abyss.

Xia Yu has always been worried that Tianming will fall into a heart demon. After all, the previous Tianming was very extreme. He gained the power of Yusha overnight, and even wanted to be recognized by others, but, what he did. They won't let people recognize him, they can only deny him. These are the conditions for falling into the heart demon. Therefore, at dawn, during that time period, you may fall into the heart demon at any time, and then you will enter the abyss.

Therefore, Xia Yu allowed Tianming to retreat, not only to allow him to calm down to feel the power of the jade evil in his body and complete the practice of the magic sect, but also to reduce his contact with others, indirectly. Avoid the possibility of falling into the demons.

Now, Tianming can jump into the Mogui Pond in order to keep everyone alive. This is a kind of progress. It also means that Tianming has walked out of his own heart and has truly begun to consider for others instead of before. That way, everything is for himself, he will not fall into the demon in the future in a short time, or if there is no accident.

Xia Yu thought this way, and Gai Nie and Shao Yu also jumped off the elevator. Everyone knew that Tianming was able to move the Xuanwu Gate. It must have used the power of Yusha, but at this time, Tianming’s body could no longer stand it. The shock of the jade evil spirit, once used, will inevitably fall into a severely injured coma.

If Tianming can get out of the water, he still has a chance to survive. If he can't get out, he will definitely die in Mogui Pond as the organ city collapses. Now, Tianming is in a coma, so naturally he won't surface. , Therefore, both Gai Nie and Shao Yu decided to go to the bottom of Mo Gui Chi to bring Tianming back.

Suddenly, the elevator shook for a while, which represented Tianming's success.

Master Ban was amazed

"He actually moved the Xuanwu Gate! Saved, we are saved, the sky is endless, my Mo family."

The elevator descended slowly, and everyone hurried to the side of the pool to help Guyie and Shaoyu pull Tianming up from the water.

Yue'er looked at the unconscious Tianming in panic

"Tianming, wake up, wake up!"

Guy Nie Quandao

"Yue'er don't cry, think of a way to save Tianming first,"

Yue'er only reacted and said

"Yes, I have golden needles, which can protect my heart,"

At this time, the collapse of the organ city became more serious

The giant said

"Let’s go out and talk about it, this place is about to collapse,"

The front gate of the agency city is full of Qin soldiers, and the agreement between the giant and Fusu is that Fusu will save those Qin soldiers with a good reputation. Therefore, everyone in the Mo family can only go out by another road, the underground of the agency city. The river is connected to a river in the distance, so you can get out of the underground river by boat.

After everything settled down, Yue'er stayed with Tianming and was very worried. Gai Nie sat beside him holding Duanmu, quietly waiting for Duanmu to wake up.

However, the giant was pale and almost unconscious. Most of the people present were taking care of the injured disciples of the Mo family. Instead, they did not pay much attention to the giant. At this time, the only person who saw that the giant was in the wrong state was the only one who knew that the giant was dead and poisoned. Xia Yu.

"are you OK?"

Xia Yu came to the giant's side and asked in a low voice.,

Giant smile

"Very bad, I can't stand it anymore."

He was about to faint, Xia Yu took a look and hurriedly raised his hand, and a thought force injected into the giant's body, temporarily protecting his heart.

"You can't faint right now. At this time, the Mo Family just lost the base camp. It was a time when people were panicking. You are everyone's spiritual support, so you can't have trouble."

The giant shook his head

"Okay, don't save me, I know your condition is not much better than mine, save some effort, you and I know that even with your help, I will not last long."

Xia Yu sighed, and did not continue to inject thought power into the giant's body, because he also knew that what the giant said was right, even with the support of Xia Yu's thought power, the giant would not survive today.

"Call everyone here for me."

Said the giant.Xia Yu was taken aback and looked at the giant


The giant looked at Xia Yu in surprise. He didn't expect that Xia Yu would ask himself this way. Obviously, Xia Yu had guessed what he thought.

"He is the son of Jing Ke. He has the background of the power of Yu Sha, he is gifted and has such a good relationship with Yue'er. Today, he sacrifices himself to save everyone. It is best for him to inherit the position of the Mo family giant. He is still the younger brother of Fusu, and he can help him to achieve the ultimate ideal of the Mo family."

Xia Yu sighed

"For the ideals of the Mohist school, you spent a while and didn't recognize your daughter. Now, do you have to do this for these ideals?"

The giant nodded, Xia Yu sighed, stood up and said


When everyone heard Xia Yu’s voice, they all looked at him, wanting to know what he was going to say

"Dear Mohist leaders, please come to the giant's side. There are some things you need to know."

After finishing talking, he ignored the reactions of everyone, walked to the side of the tree and sat down against the tree, closed his eyes, he couldn’t bear to see the giant’s last moments. During this time, he and the giant had a very good chat. Counted as friends.

The giant looked at the people who came to him, his face was pale, and he said with difficulty

"I'm dying."

Just said a word, Yue'er shook her head desperately

"Impossible, this is impossible."

In fact, Yue'er had already guessed, but she couldn't believe it. Seeing the giant's face now confirmed her guess.

She hurriedly stretched out her hand and opened the giant's collar, and saw the giant's chest that had been poisoned into purple and black. It was obvious that in a moment, the giant's heart veins would be infected by the poison and then died.

"How could this be? No, no. Nothing will happen. I will be able to heal you, dad, I will be able to heal you!"

Everyone didn't respond to Yue'er being called the giant father. In fact, everyone knew that Yue'er was the giant's daughter. However, because of the giant's order, everyone didn't tell Yue'er.

The giant smiled hard at Yue'er


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