Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 384

Yue'er shed tears of joy

"Father, are you willing to recognize me? You finally recognize me."

"Ru'er, Dad is sorry, Dad made you sad,"

Yue'er shook her head

"I'm not sad, I used to want you to tell me an answer in person, but now, I just want you to be well and stay with me all the time."

The giant smiled

"Ru'er, don't cry, Dad doesn't want to see you cry, Dad wants to see you smile."

Yue'er smiled and nodded with tears in her eyes. Although this smile is very ugly, it is not as good as not, but in the eyes of a giant, this is the best smile in the world.

"How is Tianming?"

Guy Nie gently placed Duanmu on the ground and came to the giant's side and said

"Tianming, he pulled out all the golden needles that Rong'er used to prevent the power of Yu Sha from damaging his meridians. Now the meridians are destroyed.

The giant stood up with difficulty and walked towards Tianming.Xia Yu sat under a tree in the distance and watched this scene. She couldn’t tell her sadness. Was this era just a scenic spot for him? With concern.

Raising his hand to attract Susu standing behind him, and handed Susu a pill. If someone from Jiangye Period was here at this time, he would be able to recognize that this was a seated pill.

"Give this medicine to Tianming."

At this time, the giant also walked to Tianming's side and said

"Help him up."

The giant sat in front of Tianming, with luck, and injected it into Tianming's body. This was the only way to quickly repair the Tianming meridians.

Everyone looked at them and blocked them, the giant said

"I know what I am doing and what the consequences are. I just want to do another worthwhile thing."

Yueer said

"Father, what are you talking about, why I don't understand at all."

Said the hammer

"Giant, isn't it just spreading gong? Heal my wounds and treat him, let me come."

The giant speaks faintly

"At this time, one pass of gong is already a drop in the bucket for Tianming. Now, only by passing all my internal strength to him can he save his life."

Everyone wanted to comfort the giant, the giant said

"Have you ever heard of Liuli Poison Technique?"

Some people with a wide range of knowledge have changed their faces, and Yue'er has even lost expression.

The giant continued

"I have been poisoned by this poison in my body, so there is not much time left. I will die with this internal force. It would be better to pass it on to those in need,"

Dong Guo said sadly,

"Giant, what are you talking about?"

Giant speaks

"I have decided, so I don't need to persuade it anymore. Give me back. Who dares to obstruct, Li Ke expelled the Mo family."

"If you really do it for the good of the day, don't give him your inner strength."

Xia Yu's voice came from a distance. At this time, Susu also walked to Tianming's side and put the sitting ground pill into Tianming's mouth.

The giant looks at Xia Yu

"You know what I think, why do you want to stop me?"

Xia Yu sighed and said

"You don't want to think, if Tianming really received your internal strength, what would the Mo family disciples think of him? Someone who exchanged the life of a giant?"

The giant was stunned, yes, once Tianming accepted the internal strength of the giant, then these Mohist disciples would inevitably not think that they died because of the transmission of power to Tianming. Then, how can you become the new giant of the Mohist after Tianming?

Xia Yu continued

"The medicine I asked Susu to give Tianming just now is called Zuodidan, which can quickly repair broken meridians, but the side effects are huge."

Talking and looking at the hammer

"Iron Hammer, if you want to use your half-life cultivation base, you will die, can you save it?"

The hammer patted his chest

"Although Tianming this kid usually gets mixed up a little bit, I am impressed with what I did today. It can save this kid's life. What's the deal for half a lifetime?"

Xia Yu laughed

"Okay, you don't need to cultivate for half a lifetime, you use your own internal force to arouse the jade evil force in Tianming's body, and help him temper the meridians along the line of this exercise."

With that said, Susu handed Iron Hammer a practice method, which was the Demon Sect practice method previously handed to Tianming.

Xia Yu looked sadly at the giant

"I always thought that I was just a spectator, but you and Lao Gai can be regarded as my few friends. Go and explain your planned plans. Then, I will accept your cultivation. "

At this time, whoever accepts the internal strength of the giant is equivalent to the real murderer of the giant, and Xia Yu is willing to bear this reputation at this time.

To be honest, is the internal strength of the giant useful for Xia Yu?It's really useless. After all, Xia Yu cultivates mind power, not internal power. For Xia Yu, the giant's internal power is strong.

Although the giant didn't know that his internal strength was superfluous for Xia Yu, he also knew in his heart that Xia Yu was fulfilling his last wish and would not let this internal strength of his own go by in vain.

"Unfortunately, I didn't drink the wine you always said. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely have a few drinks with you!"

Xia Yu looked at the giant and nodded solemnly

"Well, if there is an afterlife, I will accompany you for a few drinks."

In fact, Xia Yu knows that this is impossible. Let's not say, is there any way to say that Xia Yu at this time is immortal to some extent.

The giant nodded with a smile, and looked at the surrounding Mohist disciples.

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