Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 396

Xia Yu speaks

"I felt a few words before, Chu and Han quarreled, burning Afang Palace. Do you think she can survive such a thing? You need to have your own power."

Ogawa's expression has changed. No one in this world is more familiar with what will happen in the future. That's why he knows that Xia Yu's predictions have such power.

What Xia Yu said is indeed not only a prediction, but also a memory of this period of history in his memory.However, this does have part of his prophecies, which is not actually a prophecy, but a feeling of the will of the world.

As the only god in this world, Xia Yu can communicate the will of the world, which is the legendary way of heaven.

Xia Yu once felt from the heavens that afterwards, Ogawa and Yushu will experience many hardships, and the final outcome will still be different. However, if Ogawa has enough power, all of these can be avoided.

Xiaochuan turned his head and looked at Xia Yu deeply.

"I will consider it."

Then walked out of the camp.

Outside the battalion commander is the garrison of the 30,000 troops of the Mengjia army. At this time, the soldiers were not damaged by the water source. Therefore, there have been no casualties. However, trapped in the desert and betrayed by the Qin people, The morale of the soldiers has been reduced a lot.

Ogawa looked at these soldiers who were rushing to the battlefield time and time again for the country, and the perseverance in his heart began to shake. The words of Meng Tian and Xia Yu kept echoing in his ears, and there was always a voice in his mind. Keep telling him, let him give up Yushu, this is the most correct.

This made Ogawa very painful. He didn't want to give up Yushu, because Nabi only meant that he gave up his love, and it also meant that he gave up the world in his memory, gave up his persistence and gave up. To my own bottom line and beliefs.


Ogawa yelled to the sky, he needs to vent, needs to be released.

In the camp, Vice Admiral Pang heard Xiaochuan’s voice and was very worried. He wanted to go out and take a look. Xia Yu stopped him and said

"Let him vent, he made a choice that made him extremely painful."

Meng Tian nodded, did not speak, but his eyes were full of pride and relief.

"Yushu, Yushu, can you hear me? I'm sorry, I can't watch so many die in front of me. I don't want their family members to lose their loved ones from now on. Please forgive me, forgive me for no way to change for you You’re selfish, Yushu, just forget me. From now on there will be no Xiaochuan, no Xiaochuan, no Xiaochuan,"

Xia Yu can hear Xiaochuan's voice. Even if his voice is small, he can hear it. In the same way, he can feel the prayers of Princess Yushu from Xianyang. Xiaochuan has always grown up.

Meng Tian brought Xiaochuan wearing his armor to the front of the soldiers of the Meng family army.

"Dear soldiers of the Meng Family Army. Now our Meng Family Army is facing a very dangerous situation. We will face life and death at any time. I know you are not afraid, because this is the soul of my Meng Family Army. But just This is not enough. We need to save ourselves, and God has not forgotten us. He sent a lucky man to rescue. Just now, I found my good brother who had been separated for many years."

As he pushed Ogawa in front of him, he patted his shoulder and said

"He is my long-lost brother, Meng Yi! You all know that I am seriously ill, but I have been leading the Meng family army because I can’t worry about it. Finally, I found a wise and brave man. , Loyal and righteous person, I can safely hand over the Meng’s army to him, brothers, from today on, I hope you can treat General Meng Yi like me, and obey him like I’ve ordered The order. Because, because Meng Yi was given to us from the sky, it was given to me by the Meng family army to overcome the disaster."

267 Great Victory, Tragic

Meng Tian looked at Xiaochuan, no, it was Meng Yi now, and said

"Meng Yi, from today, you will be the new commander of the Meng Family Army. You must lead the Meng Family Army down to defend the country."

Meng Yi nodded to Meng Tian and said

"Brother, I will definitely do my best for the Meng family army, and die. I will never let down the loyalty and courage, and the heroic spirit."

Meng Tian nodded in relief, and Lieutenant Pang knelt down on one knee while facing Meng Yi. Behind him, there were all 30,000 Meng family soldiers.

"Final general, I would like to follow the major general to the death!"

Meng Tian said loudly

"I Meng Tian, ​​with the soldiers of the Meng family army, I have worshipped Brother Xian."

As he said, he went down one knee towards Ogawa,

Ogawa received this worship, and he should also receive it, not only because he is about to do that hidden but equally dangerous task, but also because, for Meng Tian, ​​for the 30,000 soldiers in front of him, Give up on yourself.

As he said, from now on, there is only Meng Yi, not Xiaochuan.

Ogawa helped Meng Tian up, looked at the soldiers of the Meng Family Army who were still kneeling in front of him, and said

"Brothers, today, you handed over your lives to my Meng Yi hands, and Meng Yi also handed over your lives to your hands. Please start."

Meng Yi took a deep breath and continued

"From today, we have the same sky above our heads and the same ground with our feet. We are brothers who live and die together."

Meng Tian handed the sword in his hand to Meng Yi and said

"This armor and this sword on your body, as I have fought for many years, now I can no longer go on the battlefield, but the armor is still strong and the sword is still sharp. Now I pass them all to you, I hope you can Saw everything on the battlefield."

Meng Yi solemnly took the sword in Meng Tian’s hand and looked towards the desert in the distance, where Meng Yi was about to lead the elite team. Whether it was Xia Yu or Meng Tian, ​​their lives were in Meng Yi’s hands, only his Only when the task is successfully completed can they survive.

Xia Yu was also looking in that direction. There was the only lake in this desert. When the surrounding wells were all destroyed, there was the only water source.And now, there is even Rong Di's base camp, only Meng Yi and the others succeeded, and the 30,000 men of the Meng Family Army were able to get out of the encirclement.

Susu stood behind Xia Yu and said with some worry

"Master, can they succeed, Master Yi?"

Xia Yu looked up at the sky and said

"I believe he can succeed, and even if he fails, I can take you out of here. You have been a learner with me for a long time. Even if you are not proficient, you can get a general idea. For me, obviously, you have detected some disturbing factors."

Susu nodded, but did not say what this factor was. Xia Yu could also understand that he would not be able to estimate it. That is Sangsang's specialty. However, it is still possible to communicate with the gods and teach the apprentice. Because of this, Xia Yu wouldn't ask what Susu had measured, because he knew how serious the backlash of Heaven was.

"Tonight, Xiaochuan and the others are going to leave. When that happens, you will send them away with me."

Susu nodded, followed Xia Yu and walked into the camp.

Susu knew Xiaochuan. At that time, he was still called Xiaochuan. At that time, Xia Yu and Xiaochuan rescued Lu Gong's family as soon as they came out of it. Later, Xia Yu left and Susu followed. Logically speaking, Xiaochuan should have met Lu The pheasants were together, but when I heard from Xiaochuan again, he had already returned to Xianyang and saved Li Fei, and Lu pheasant, now I think he should be with Liu Bang,

The topic is too far apart. The reason I say these things is to say that Susu is worried about Ogawa for some reason, and it is precisely because he knew Ogawa early that she knew what kind of character Ogawa used to be and how she is now What kind of personality is that makes this worry.

Returning to the camp, Xia Yu turned towards Susu. It was obvious that Susu had predicted something very bad, otherwise he would not take the initiative to talk to Xia Yu. This made Xia Yu a little puzzled. There may be many shortcomings in his and Meng Tian’s strategies. However, there will never be any big loopholes, let alone dangerous loopholes for everyone.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu, who was not very predictable, also closed his eyes, and kept floating upward, getting higher and higher, until he touched the heaven.

Everything has a cause and effect, everything has its original trajectory, which is the long river of fate, but there are many possibilities in the future, which is the branch in the long river of fate.

Susu's calculation is to explore one of the branches, and those who are proficient in this way can explore the most possible branches, but now Xia Yu does something different from them.

Xia Yu invested his mind into the long river of fate, observing that there was no possibility, every branch.Then, he can judge the most likely one based on the factors in these branches, so as to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Xia Yu finally found the cause of Susu's anxiety, Xiongnu.

That's right, it was the Huns. You know, the reason for the Meng Family Army's expedition this time is not just Rong Di, but the Huns.However, even at this time, the Meng family's army had to face only Rong Di, and the Xiongnu army had no trace at all, and even the scouts who went to investigate did not find anything, which was very abnormal.

Xia Yu found the reason, or found the most probable cause. The Xiongnu did not think that Rong Di’s strategy would be effective for the Meng family army. Therefore, they made an ambush on the way back to the Meng family army. In the battle, the Meng Family Army, who was exhausted and wanted to go home, took a shot, which was much easier than the Meng Family Army in the victory period.

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