Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 397

Now that Xia Yu saw this possibility, he naturally wanted to avoid it.

Of course, the biggest problem today is not the Huns, but Rong Di.

When night fell, Meng Yi was about to set off, and Xia Yu walked out of the tent to see him off.

Meng Yi saw Xia Yu and said with a fist to Xia Yu

"Brother Xia, I beg you for my brother's safety."

Xia Yu nodded

"General Meng himself is a brave and proficient player. Even if he is poisoned, he is safe in terms of safety. I will help him suppress the toxin at a critical moment, so you can rest assured."

After a pause, Xia Yu said to Meng Yi

"The success of this plan depends on whether you can successfully invest in your home. Therefore, you must pay attention to safety after a little bit. I am waiting for your good news."

Meng Yi nodded and fisted at Xia Yu and Meng Tian

"Then I will set off,"

Then he walked into the distant desert with the Meng family army wearing dark yellow armor behind him.

The Meng family army wears black armor, but this is a desert. In order to ensure the safety of these people, Meng Yi suggested wearing dark yellow armor close to sand to help conceal.

Meng Tian was a little emotional

"I don't know, Meng Yi and the others can successfully complete the task."

Xia Yu smiled and said to Meng Tian

"I think we should worry about ourselves, you know, tens of thousands of us are bait, but I still have a plan."

Meng Tian looks at Xia Yu

"Oh? I don't know what Mr.'s strategy is?"

Xia Yu said with a smile,

"You said, what if we attack Rong Di's camp now?"

Meng Tian frowned

"If we are attacking now, why let Xiaochuan and the others take risks? Isn't the reason why we take such risks to reduce casualties?"

Xia Yu said with a smile

"General, you think, Rong Di might not believe that our water is destroyed, right, but if we take the initiative to attack them, will they think that they are eager to jump over the wall? Moreover, I didn't say that it was a real attack, just mean it. Just entice Rong Di's army to leave the camp."

Meng Tian's eyes lit up

"You want to create opportunities for Meng Yi and the others?"

Xia Yu nodded

"Yu Qi sets everything on uncertainty. It is better to take the initiative and take the lead."

Meng Tian nodded

"Well, we will start the attack tomorrow afternoon."

The reason for choosing it in the afternoon is because Meng Yi and the others will not be able to rush to the vicinity of Rongdi Base Camp in the afternoon.

War is never a beautiful thing. The dead are certain, and there has never been a situation where people are completely wiped out without injury. As long as it is a war, people will definitely die. Not only the enemy will die, but they will also have their own comrades in arms. One night they were still together and made an appointment to drink together when they got home. One of them died in the war on the second day.

There are also a large number of soldiers who were not killed in battle, but died from wound infections, and died from delayed treatment.There is no way. The bacteria on the battlefield are the most. Even if the wound is treated carefully, there is still the possibility of infection. Even Xia Yu can only reduce this possibility.

The Mengjia Army is a loyal and righteous division. Many severely wounded soldiers will choose to take a few days of food and leave the team to prevent the speed of pulling down the team from becoming a burden to their comrades. There is no way to avoid this kind of thing. When the army returns victorious, the well-destined soldiers will be retrieved by the army and brought back to Qin. Many people are not so well-destined. In the end, they either die from the wounds, or are attacked by wild beasts and mountain bandits, and eventually died.

Take this war with Rong Di as an example. With the strategic bonus of Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, and Xia Yu, the 30,000 Meng family army finally returned only a little more than 20,000, and nearly 10,000 remained forever. In this desert.

And Rong Di?

Defeated, even almost killed by the Meng family army led by Vice Admiral Pang, but eventually stopped by Meng Yi.

Sure enough, Meng Yi still hasn't completely let go of Ogawa's experience, or that he is still Ogawa, but he has hidden Ogawa deep in his heart.

He was right, at least in Xia Yukai.

There are many enemies around Daqin, and they cannot be killed. Otherwise, Ying Zheng would not build the Great Wall.The enemy is also a human being. If it is just to kill, then how many wives will be scattered, their families will be destroyed, and the endless killing will only bring more hatred and never return to peace.

Of course, Meng Tian has an opposing view.Because he knew the laws of war, in his opinion, Rong Di would not give up.

Of course, in the end, Rong Di will not give up, and this is not something that this war can know, because the Meng Family Army has already planned to return to the court.

This confirms Xia Yu's previous prediction that the Huns are likely to ambush the Meng family army.

There are only 20,000 people left in the Meng Family Army now, and they are still very tired. Under such circumstances, Xia Yu still has to talk to Meng Tian and Meng Yi about his predictions. Everything is left to them. After all, Xia Yu is just a spectator. Although the relationship between these Meng family soldiers and Xia Yu is fairly good, Xia Yu will not be heartbroken because of their deaths. After all, they are not the first time Xia Yu has contact with dead soldiers.

A long time ago, Xia Yu had a private army, the white robe army. However, there were not many monks in this army, or that they were mostly martial arts monks, and their realm was only the early stage of the cave. After the night world is broken, even if they receive the bonus, they are only in the middle stage of the Profound Cavern. Such a realm makes them inseparable from the world and will not have such a long life. Therefore, after Xia Yu woke up, they knew, Most of them have passed away.

You know, this army can be said to be left to him by Xia Yu's biological mother. Even so, Xia Yu is not so sad, let alone the Meng family army in front of him.

However, as a friend, he would still tell Meng Yi.

No, I came to Meng Yi's side and said

"This time the battle report is about Rong Di and the Xiongnu. Now we only see Rong Di and not the shadow of the Xiongnu. Therefore, this time the class teacher returns to the court, we must pay attention to the Xiongnu's attack."

Although it was the first time for Meng Yi to fight, he still knew Sun Tzu's art of war. Otherwise, Xiang Liang would not have let him go.

Now that I understand, I know how important Xia Yu’s concerns are, so I hurried to find Meng Tian

Meng Tian looked at Xia Yu and Meng Yi nodded and said

"It's a good thing that you can think of this, and this is indeed a problem. However, different concerns, I and the protégé who asked Vice General Pang to give it to me, Sanchuan County Shou Li You, he will come to meet us."

Xia Yu frowned

"Sanchuan guard, Li You? If I remember correctly, he is Li Si's eldest son?"

Meng Tian nodded, Meng Yi's face changed drastically

"Brother, is this Li You credible? You know, there is a high possibility that we were attacked this time by Gao Yao and Li Si in partnership."

Meng Tian shook his head

"If you talk about other people, I might not be at ease, but this Li You I am at ease. He is my protégé, and he has never been in a relationship with his father. He also takes the safety of the country at heart, and will do his best for the country to die."

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