Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 434

At this time, someone also said

"Brothers, since General Meng refuses to accept us into the Meng Family Army, then we will elect him to be the leader of Juxian Hall,"

"it is good!"

There is a lot of approval. Most of those who spoke have no relatives, or that most of the people here have no relatives, even if they want to come, before, Gao Yao and Li Si were accused of rebelling against them, you know, The rebellion is to punish the nine clans, so when they went to jail, many of their relatives had already been killed by Gao Yao.

Today, they are free again, but they are still homeless, and Meng Yi is obviously an existence that can take them in and give them the mastery.

286 Return

It is a pity that these Juxiantang people still think too much, Meng Yi, at this time really has no mind to think about them, what he wants to do now is to let everyone go back where they came from.

So, he stopped everyone’s applause and said

"Brothers, how can I, I can't bear this responsibility,"

"General, now, Lord Fusu has been expelled, and there will be no leader in the Juxian Hall. In the long run, I will definitely become a mess of sand. For the sake of Juxiantang and these brothers, please don't refuse the army.

The one who was speaking was an unnamed soldier, but his words really surprised Meng Yi, because he really didn't know about Fusu's expulsion.

"The son was expelled?"

Lieutenant Pang walked to Meng Yi's side and said

"It is said that because of a dispute with your majesty, he was driven to the frontier by his majesty,"

Meng Yi looked at Lieutenant General Pang and asked

"When did this happen?"

Lieutenant Pang lowered his head and said

"When we were fighting the Xiongnu in northern Xinjiang."

The battle with the Huns was the last thing Pang Lieutenant wanted to recall, not only because they suffered heavy casualties from the family army in this war, but also because he lost his love in this battle.

"Brother Xia knows? Did he not stop it?"

Meng Yi asked

Lieutenant Pang shook his head and said

"It is said that on the day of the incident, someone from the Yin and Yang family went to the alchemist hall, and Mr. Xia could not leave there, so he only found out afterwards."

Meng Yi sighed and looked back at the brothers in Juxiantang. He now understands the thoughts of these people. If he doesn't care about them, then they can only leave Xianyang in the day when they are in their early days. It is also his idea, what he has to do is to keep everyone away from the huge vortex of Xianyang.

When Meng Yi was thinking about how to reject these people’s requests, a disciple saw Meng Yi’s idea of ​​rejection and knelt on the ground and shouted.

"The brothers of Juxian cousins ​​see the leader."

At this time, other people also reacted, and they did not give Meng Yi a chance to refuse. They all knelt to the ground, letting Meng Yi's refusal be in his mouth, but there was no way to say it.

Finally, he could only sigh helplessly, his tone became lighter, and he said

"Everyone, get up, go home quickly,"

Obviously, there are some clever people among the people in Juxiantang, and they are the first

"Well, brothers, we all go home now and follow the orders of the leader. If the leader gives orders in the future, we will go through the fire and water, and we will not hesitate."

These words completely put Meng Yi there. He now has no reason to refuse the position of the leader of Juxian Hall. Even letting them disband and return home has become an order of the leader. If he does not accept this position , Then, he is not qualified to control these people, but for the obsession in his heart, he can't let these people fall into the political storm at this time, and finally can only accept this position, but, this way As a result, I have the responsibility to protect them, which was not what Meng Yi wanted in the first place.

He is ready to give up the position of commander-in-chief of the Meng Family Army, so naturally he does not want to have such a powerful combat power as Juxiantang, but now he can only accept this position, and at most he will not use them. .

Abandoning the Meng family army, Meng Yi also had a lot of reluctance. After all, after Meng Tian died, he almost ate and lived with these soldiers. The emotions in the army have always been heavier than other emotions. Naturally, it will be more difficult to give up.

Even though Meng Yi has made a choice, he still feels that there is a breath in his heart that needs to be released, but the feeling of being unable to release it is very depressing.

Not to mention, not long ago, in the war between Northern Xinjiang and the Huns, Meng Yi witnessed the death of many comrades in arms. It can even be said that those people died because of his strategy. The guilt in his heart also made Meng Yi unable to bear. .

Grape wine luminous cup, urge pipa immediately.

Drunk lying on the battlefield, Lord Grim, how many people have fought back in ancient times?

Wars are cruel. In the past and recent times, it was not the soldiers on the battlefield or the powers of the dynasty who could feel this the most, but the commanders who led the soldiers to fight. It was the source of their self-blame, that they brought these soldiers to the battlefield, but they couldn't bring them back. Such things will torture their hearts time and time again.

Mature generals can tolerate these, but Meng Yi can’t. He is not a child of a family who has accepted the idea of ​​war since he was a child, nor is he a killer who doesn’t care about his life, but an aspiring from the 21st century in a peaceful age Youth, in his heart, life is always the most precious.

This kind of thinking made him tortured at this time, and finally strengthened his idea and gave up the Meng family army.

In the original plan of Meng Tian and Xia Yu, there was also the assumption that Meng Yi would eventually leave the Meng family army, but that was the military power that Zhao Gao and others had calculated and lost instead of giving up by himself.

But in fact, in general, the gap is not big. When Meng Tian handed over the Meng family army to Meng Yi's hands, he had already begun to exchange blood for the Meng family army, and Meng Yi has been doing such things since he took over. It was to let the hen of the Meng Family Army hatch out of Meng Yi’s own army. At this time, there were already many soldiers of the Meng Family Army who were hiding in the dark, or that belonged to Meng Yi himself instead of Da Qin. If assembled, it is already a new force that is not weak.

At the beginning, in the affairs of the alchemist hall, there was the handwriting of this Meng family army hidden in the dark, which allowed Xia Yu to change the alchemist hall belonging to Zhao Gao into his own territory less easily.

Therefore, even if Meng Yi handed over the Meng family army at this time, when one day, when he needed an army, he could still quickly assemble a powerful iron cavalry, one in Daqin, even at this time. Among the famous iron cavalry.

Loyal to the liver and righteousness, the heroic spirit is indeed the soul of the Meng family army. However, this also refers to the time when the virtuous and virtuous officials were in charge of persecuting the commander of the Meng family army. Therefore, this series of actions did not suffer. To anyone's objection.

When Meng Yi was thinking about how to hand over the military power in his hand, Xiaoyue came here.

There are also two people called Gao Yue, but they are completely two people. Gao Yue of the Mo family is a descendant of the royal family of Yan, Gao Yue is just a pseudonym.At this time, Gao Yue, who came to Mengyi's Mansion, was just a maid named Xiaoyue in Li Fei's Mansion, who was finally accepted as a sister by Gao Yao, and this was called Gao Yue's.

That Gao Yue Xia Yu was very familiar, and this Gao Yue, Xia Yu was the first time I saw him.

In the past few days, Xia Yu could obviously feel the depression in Meng Yi's heart and his hesitation.Xia Yu was worried that Meng Yi would eventually embark on a path of no return because he didn't want to drive away, so he often came to Meng Yi's house to observe Meng Yi, of course, in the dark.

Today, seeing Gao Yue's arrival, he felt very curious.

Although he has not seen Gao Yue, but for the sister of Gao Yue who has been passing news between Meng Yi and Li Fei.Xia Yu is still very interested. After all, Gao Yao and Meng Yi are now dead feuds, and Gao Yue has a very good relationship with both of them. Such things are really interesting, aren't they?

Quietly following Gao Yue, came to Meng Yi's room.

In the meantime, Gao Yue took out an object from his sleeve and handed it to Meng Yi. Xia Yu's eyes made it easy to see that it was an object in the depths of Xia Yu's memory, an object he had already forgotten. Cell phone.

No, in the era of Daqin, there is no such thing as technology. Why did a mobile phone pop up? Well, Xia Yu knew that Meng Yi traveled and can bring the mobile phone. But how do you charge it?You know, at this time, even if there is a charger, there is no power supply available.

Xia Yu secretly decided in his heart that he must ask Meng Yi how he did it when he had the opportunity to do it, and not to let Meng Yi doubt his identity.

At this time, Xia Yu heard Gao Yue say

"I'm here today. In addition to giving you the medicine, I will also take the medicine back. Although Yushu's illness has improved, she has recovered very slowly. There is nothing in her heart that can support her to live. She needs Such a thing, and Ogawa is the best."

Although Meng Yi had made up his mind at this time, Tong Mengtian's words were still deep in his mind. He understood that without the existence of Xiaochuan, it might be best for Yushu.So, he said

"There is only Meng Yi here,"

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