Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 435

Gao Yue shook his head

"No, I clearly saw that Xiaochuan is here, why are you lying to me,"

Looking at the silent Meng Yi, Gao Yue put the phone in his hand, turned and walked out.

In fact, Gao Yue is not selfish. She also has the shadow of Xiaochuan in her heart. Only when Meng Yi can let go of her obsession and return to Xiaochuan can she have a chance.

Meng Yi was hesitating. Yushu was always the most important thing in his heart. The young man who could give up love for freedom had become a young man who could abandon everything for love in Tuan.

In the end, he still lost to his own heart. He turned on the video recording function of his mobile phone and said

"I am back."

Xia Yu sighed slightly when he saw this scene, but was heard by Meng Yi who was sitting on the bed. He hung up and hid the phone quickly. The speed of the action reminded Xia Yu of those high school students playing in class. It can be seen from the look of the mobile phone that Ogawa did not practice this skill less.


After Meng Yi put the phone away, he asked

Xia Yu had no choice but to show up


Xia Yu really didn’t know what to say. The usual Meng Yi was definitely not so sensitive. He just sighed slightly. Even if Gai Nie wanted to find out, he would waste a lot of hands and feet, but Meng Yi found out so simply. So, after going through high school, as long as there is a mobile phone in hand, people will become a master with sensitive perception?Is the mobile phone the biggest gold finger?Yes, it must be so.

Meng Yi looked at Xia Yu who had just appeared, and said

"Brother Xia, how are you here?"

Xia Yu's helpless opening

"It's not that you can't think about it, but it seems that you have discovered some great secret."

There is no change in Meng Yi's face, but there is a way in his heart. He naturally believes in Xia Yu, but after experiencing many things, he naturally understands that things like travel, mobile phones should not be discovered by others.

Xia Yu spoke lightly, letting Meng Yi let go of his worries

"You are still in contact with Li Fei, and ah, brother, the other Li Fei is married to Ying Zheng. If you contact her, it is an affair? Should it be counted."

Meng Yi touched his forehead helplessly. Why didn't he find that Xia Yu still had such a bad taste before?

I waved to Xia Yu

"Hey, I have to reply, do you want to avoid it?"

Xia Yu thought for a while and nodded

"Well, I'd better avoid it."

Meng Yi rolled his eyes

"You still know."

After a while, Meng Yi recorded the video for Yushu, and then handed it to Gao Yue.

Xia Yu sighed and said

"When you stop constantly, you will suffer the chaos. You should understand this truth."

Meng Yi said with emotion

"I understand, but I still can't let her go. When I learned that she was imprisoned in the cold palace, my heart would still be flustered. When I learned that she was seriously ill, I would still worry. What do I do? What I want to do, but for her, I still feel cruel, Xiaoyue has already said that without my support, she may not be able to survive. How can I be cruel?"

Xia Yu looked up at Gao Yue's back, and said

"Then you have to know that when you admit that you are still Xiaochuan, it not only brings hope to Yushu, but also brings trouble to yourself."

Meng Yi nodded

"I know, but I have to do it."

Xia Yu shook his head

"There has never been anything compelling, and no one has forced you to make these choices. You just haven't fully accepted your heart yet."

Meng Yi, no, it's Ogawa now. He was stunned, because he had never thought about his own heart. At this time, he subconsciously thought about his own heart, and suddenly wanted to understand many things.

Slowly his eyes became firmer and firmer and firmer, and finally, there was no flaw in his firmness.

"I am Xiaochuan, but Xiaochuan. Whether it is Meng Yi or Xiaochuan, I am actually myself, and I, only Xiaochuan, is the Yi Xiaochuan who advocates freedom and love."

Seeing this, Xia Yu nodded in satisfaction. When Xiaochuan understood his inner heart, many of his choices would change, and he would not have considered so much. Only such Xiaochuan is the biggest variable of this era.

A teacher passed by Xiang Liang, and Liu Bang, Xiang Yu are brothers with a keen mind, and no one knows what he will stir the world in the near future, and this is what Xia Yu hopes most.

287 Leaving the Meng Family Army

Xiaochuan understood his heart and made the decision. It just so happened that at this time, Meng Tian's disciple Li You returned to Beijing to complain and learned that Meng Yi was seriously ill and came to visit.

When Li You arrived, Xia Yu had to continue to hide. After all, he is now the steward of the alchemist hall. According to the law, he cannot enter and leave at will. It is not possible to visit other ministers at will.

For Li You, Xia Yu has never been very trustworthy, even if he is Meng Tian's disciple, Xia Yu does not trust him, so when he comes, Xia Yu naturally has to hide, and let him know that he is here.

Li You slowly walked into Meng Yi's room, and Xia Yu disappeared in the room the moment he entered.

Xiaochuan looked at the disappearing Xia Yu, although he was curious, but he was not shocked. After all, every time Xia Yu left him, there was no sound. He suddenly disappeared. After a long time, he naturally got used to it.

When Li You saw Meng Yi's face, his expression became a little pale, and he walked quickly to Meng Yi's bed and said

"Brother Montgomery, why are you so haggard?"

Meng Yi shook his head, did not answer, but thought of Li You’s greetings

"Hyun brother, are you here?"

Li You nodded and looked at Meng Yi very worried, but was not asking about Meng Yi's body. Obviously, Meng Yi didn't want to talk about it now, so he just sat there.

And Meng Yi happened to have something to ask Li You, so he said

"By the way, I heard that today, in that hall, you and the prime minister were red-faced? Unexpectedly, it was because of me. But your father and son are ashamed of my brother because of the gap in my heart."

Li You shook his head and smiled

"Brother, don't worry, I am not for the eldest brother, but because of Da Qin, and the two fathers and sons have different opinions because of Shanhe Sheji."

Meng Yi smiled and said

"If everyone in the court wants to be so loyal to the virtuous brother, and only for the sake of the mountains and rivers, then I can be relieved and return to the field with peace of mind."

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