Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 436

Li You sighed and said

"Big brother, you can really be joking. How can you get rid of your armour and return to the field? This time your Majesty came and asked me to discuss the attack on Tu'an."

Hearing this, Meng Yi's eyes changed. He was no longer indifferent to anything as before. Instead, he was a little serious and his expression became nervous. He directly got up and stood up and looked at Li You.

"What are you talking about? Your Majesty is going to send troops? Attack Tu'an? The Tu'an of Empress Li's wife?"

Li You frowned and said.

"Don't you know the eldest brother? Tuan sent here to assassinate Your Majesty. Your Majesty was furious. Even the Empress Li was implicated and sent to the cold palace. A few days ago, it was just because the war with the Huns had not ended. Now After the Xiongnu fight, your majesty will also liquidate Tu'an's account. Brother is invincible, and of course he is the best candidate to lead the army."

Li You said this, suddenly found that Meng Yi's face was very ugly, and could not help but wonder.

"What? Big brother is not willing to go?"

Meng Yi did not nod or shook his head, so he lowered his head and said

"Not to mention that I am seriously ill now, even if my illness is cured, I will not go."

Li You asked suspiciously

"What is this for?"

Meng Yi said

"Before, when I fought against Rong Di and put down the Huns, I would go all out. That was because Da Qin's land was being invaded. But now, if I want to lead my troops to attack Tu'an, that means we will invade other people's territory. Meng Yi will never do anything."

Seeing this, Li You couldn't help being a little anxious. Ying Zheng had bluntly told Meng Yi to lead the army. If Meng Yi didn't want to go now, it would be a defiance and disobedience. This is a serious crime of beheading.

"Big Brother!"

Meng Yi raised his hand and stopped what Li You was about to say next.

"All right,"

Then he looked at Li You and said

"Don’t persuade me anymore. I have already decided to retreat. After I put down the Huns, I have been considering whether to retreat. I made a decision slowly in my heart. There are 100,000 Meng family soldiers. They have followed my Meng family for many years in the war of resistance for Da Qin, and there are countless deaths and injuries. I don’t feel relieved when I leave them to others.

While speaking, Meng Yi smiled and looked at Li You, and said

"But now it's okay, you are here, it is finally possible but the concerns in my heart are gone,"

Li Youyi was taken aback, he heard what Meng Yi meant and couldn't help but say

"Brother, don't do it, how can Li You be able to take on such an important task?"

Meng Yi smiled and patted Li You on the shoulder and said

"You can fight against your father in the hall for the word loyalty and righteousness, and even become red-faced. What else can I believe in you? And, brother Xian, you are the disciple of my eldest brother Meng Tian and also in the army A member of, handing the Meng Family Army into your hands is justified,"

Li You still hesitated

"This? Who can replace brother,"

Meng Yi speaks

"I have long been tired of killing on the battlefield, and I don’t have the determination to win on the battlefield. I am no longer qualified to be a general, the Meng family army. What they need is a real commander, who can lead them. The leader of victory."

Li Youmian was still very hesitant, but Xia Yu could feel the joy in his heart in the dark. In fact, when Meng Yi said those words, his heart was already happy, Meng Yi Now the body is weak, startled and tired, and can't notice it, but Xia Yu feels it really in the dark.

However, Li You can be regarded as okay, at least he really rejected him, and he was sincere, well, it should be sincere.

Li You finally told Meng Yi to think about it, and then left. However, seeing his departure is very fast, it seems that there is another more important thing, which makes Xia Yu very curious. The figure appeared in the dark and said to Lieutenant General Pang

"Vice-General Pang, what do you think Li You is doing in such a hurry?"

Lieutenant Pang obviously didn't know that Xia Yu was here, and was shocked by the sudden appearance of Xia Yu.

"It turned out to be Mr. Xia,"

After taking a few deep breaths, lieutenant Pang continued.

"I said, Mr. Xia, can you be frustrated next time? I'm so timid."

Xia Yu smiled and pointed to Lieutenant General Pang and said

"The lieutenant of Daqin Iron Cavalry, the Rong Di who killed on the battlefield and the defeated lieutenant Pang of the Xiongnu, you say you are timid?

Lieutenant Pang smiled happily

"That's all the general's credit."

Xia Yu waved her hand and said

"Okay, tell me, what is Li You doing in such a hurry?"

Lieutenant Pang shook his head.

"I do not know either."

Xia Yu looked at Xiaochuan and said

"What about you? Any ideas?"

Ogawa shook his head helplessly

"I said, Brother Xia, why are you worried about this?"

Xia Yu sighed and said

"Well, it's boring, your body is calm now, and the depression in your heart is also relieved, and the rest is just happy. Is there anything else that can make people happy than gossip?"

Xiaochuan thought for a while and said

"Gossip about others making a fool of yourself?"

Xia Yu was taken aback, then laughed

"Yes, this one is really funny,"

Ogawa touched his forehead and said

"You are really nasty."

Xia Yu waved her hand

"Stop talking, are you really thinking about it? Are you sure?"

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