Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 443

"Do you blame me for not following your plan?"

Xia Yu sighed, shook his head and said

"That's between you and him. I was meant to help you. So, you do the same. After all, there are a lot of terracotta warriors to be done. The thousands of soldiers, swords, war horses, and chariots who were going out There are beauties, concubines, and even common people’s pottery figurines on the ride, enough for him to work for a while without causing any trouble."

Ogawa also sighed and said

"Now, we have all become part of history, every time we want to change history, but everything we do becomes history again,"

When Xia Yu heard what Xiaochuan said, he couldn't help but smiled, pointing to Xiaochuan and saying

"Yeah, our Mongolian general has a deep feeling. All the arguments are coming out at this time. Since you can't resist, then just enjoy it."

Xiaochuan was taken aback, and finally laughed with Xia Yu. Indeed, it is completely unnecessary to sigh now. After all, all he can do now is to accept it.

The two laughed for a long time before Xia Yu spoke

"Okay, Xiaochuan, the two of us still need some preparation. You have to know that the previous supervisors were chopped off due to the delay in the construction period. It is enough to see how complicated this imperial tomb project is."

Ogawa nodded and said

"Indeed, there must be something we don't understand about this project, otherwise it won't be completed on schedule by a few people in a row,"

Xia Yu sighed and said

"What we can do now is to meet the deadline and think of ways to solve the hidden problem, and if possible, to reduce the workload of those labors."

Ogawa nodded and said

"Then Brother Xia, go to see the scene with me tomorrow?"

Xia Yu nodded.

"We have to go to the scene to take a look, otherwise we will never know what the problem is."

Talking that the two people walked out of the room together, they saw a crowd of people gathered at the door. Xiaochuan walked to the other side in confusion, and saw a fast horse running thinking about Xianyang City.

At this time, the craftsman next to him was still talking gossip

"This horse is in a hurry. It seems to have come from the north. Maybe something has happened to the border. Will there be war again?"

Another craftsman answered

"Maybe there is another war. Now the people will suffer again."

Someone agrees

"Yes, the unlucky people are always ordinary people."

Ogawa was a little excited, and walked a few steps forward with a serious expression, and then was held by Xia Yu.

"I said, have you forgotten that you are no longer a general? You can't control or control these things now,"

Ogawa froze for a moment, and then looked very lonely, turned around and walked towards the courtyard, Xia Yu sighed, pinched a few times, his heart tightened, and quickly walked towards Ogawa and said

"Perhaps you will want to know about this."

Xiaochuan looked at Xia Yu with doubts in his eyes.

"What's the matter? You were right just now, this matter is out of my control."

Xia Yu sighed and said

"It's Tuan's business,"

The boss with open eyes


Xia Yu nodded and said

"King Tuan learned the news of the queen's death in Xianyang City and that Li Fei was imprisoned in the cold palace, so he raised his troops."

Ogawa stepped back very lonely, staggering, unable to stand still.

"What does this have to do with me? What if I know? Can I stop it?"

Xia Yu looked into Xiaochuan's eyes and said

"Don't forget that the two countries are at war. According to the ancestral system, the other's royal blood should be taken hostage and belittled, and the Lifei in the cold palace is the Tuan royal family."

Is Ogawa wrinkled?

"She wasn't involved in this matter, and she was still in the cold palace when Tuan raised troops."

Xia Yu sighed and said

"Are you really stupid or don't want to think that way? Now Gao is going to supervise the building of the terracotta warriors, but there are still Li Si and Zhao Gao in the court. They will not let Li Fei off so easily, you know, she But your backer. Even if she loses power now, no one is sure that she will be favored by His Majesty one day, so..."

Ogawa sighed, turned and left, and said

"You leave me alone."

In fact, Xia Yu didn’t know why he had to tell Xiaochuan about this matter. After all, the place where Li Fei can go now is probably the imperial tomb. The most important thing is that Xiaochuan knows about this matter. Whether it is the same, he has nothing to change.The only chance to break the game has passed. He was fighting the Xiongnu in northern Xinjiang, and Xia Yu was trapped in the alchemist academy by Zhao Gao and some of the Yin and Yang family, and there is no way to do it. Now, no one can change this. Up.

Sure enough, a few days later, Zhao Gao brought Li Fei to the imperial tomb.

Zhao Gao saw Xiaochuan who supervised the construction of the imperial tomb and said

"Oh, Master Meng, you are here, too,"

Ogawa nodded and said

"Master Zhao, why did you come to this dirty and smelly place like us today? You came to trouble me?"

Zhao Gao smiled and said

"Look, Master Meng, what you said, I think you are too tired to work here, so I found someone to help you do the work. From now on, I will leave all the dirty work to her."

Xiaochuan glanced behind Zhao Gao, because Li Fei was now blindfolded, so Xiaochuan did not recognize it, and smiled.

"Thank you Master Zhao, I am not short of manpower,"

Xia Yu came here at this time, pulled Xiaochuan and said to Zhao Gao with a smile

"Master Zhao, don't listen to him, mine, now I am missing someone who does dirty work,"

Zhao Gao smiled and said

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