Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 444

"Yes, Master Meng, don't be polite, let me tell you, this coolie, you have to accept it,"

After speaking, she walked to the side of Li Fei, Yushu, and lifted the black cloth on her head.

The moment Ogawa saw Yushu’s face, his face changed and he hurriedly saluted Li Fei.


Zhao Gao said to Xiaochuan

"Don't call it that in the future. The princess has been stripped of her title now, and she is no longer a mistress. Da Qin fought with Tu'an. As hostages, the princess differs from other slaves in that her face is less. Got a tattoo,"

Xiaochuan's face turned ugly this time, and he was also angry. He grabbed Zhao Gao's collar and said

"Zhao Gao, don't deceive others too much,"

Zhao Gao smiled and said

"Master Meng, this is your majesty's will. It's up to you,"

Ogawa slowly released her clenched hands. At this time, Yushu almost fainted because her body had not healed yet. Ogawa ran over and tried to hold her.

At this time, the minister who was holding her next to her said

"Master Meng, what are you doing, this is a hostage of the enemy country."

Ogawa pushed a few internal officials away, held Yushu in hold, and asked "How are you?"

Yushu shook her head slightly, and Zhao Gao said

"Master Meng, it seems that the relationship between you and the princess is unusual. I can tell your majesty and return."

Xiaochuan did not move, Zhao Gao said it again

"Back. Back!"

Ogawa turned his head to look at Zhao Gao's eyes full of killing intent, Zhao Gao's eyes did not retreat at all, at this time, a laughter interrupted the solemn atmosphere.

"Master Zhao, is this the princess that the pattern sent over?"

Zhao Gao turned his head and looked, it was Xia Yu who spoke

"Exactly, I don't know what kind of advice from the National Normal University?"

Xia Yu pointed to Yushu and asked Zhao Gao

"She is like a slave now, right?"

Zhao Gao nodded.


Xia Yu laughed and said

"Then I have no problem with what I do to her."

As he said, the eyes that looked at Yushu were full of and occupation, and that and occupation made Yushu shrink back, and Zhao Gao was also frightened by Xia Yu's eyes, and hurriedly spoke.

"Master, Master, this princess, even though she is a hostage to an enemy country, she was once the concubine of His Majesty, and there are some things she cannot do."

Xia Yu turned his head to look at Zhao Gao, and said playfully

"Oh? Then Master Zhao is not afraid to get back at you when his Majesty wants her to restore her identity in the future?"

Zhao Gao was taken aback and said with a smile

"I work for your majesty, so I won't."

Xia Yu pointed to the ministers and said

"What about them? I think it is easy for a concubine to clean up a few ministers."

Zhao Gao hesitated


Xia Yu smiled again and said

"Since Master Zhao hesitated, it means that what I said is correct. Why, according to what I said, give her to him?"

Talking, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, as if he was very hungry for Yushu. Zhao Gao glanced at him. He knew that Xia Yu and Xiaochuan had a good relationship, but he didn't know, Xia Yu knew Xiaochuan and The relationship between Yushu seems to be unknown now, maybe even Xia Yu doesn’t care.

Zhao Gao tends to the second answer, because Xia Yu, a cultivator who is a cultivator, will not see anyone in his eyes. They will cultivate and enjoy later in their eyes. Then, give Yushu to Xia Yu. Once the limit is really exceeded, If things happen, he can't walk around.

He had to speak

"Um, Master of National Normal University, your majesty's will is to let her work here, um, Master Mongolia is in charge,"

He just wants to quickly hand over Yushu to Xiaochuan, because then Yushu will lose his responsibility if something goes wrong, and the responsibility is Xiaochuan's, maybe it can do more with one stone?

Zhao Gao looked at Xiaochuan and said to him

"I'm also telling you a piece of news. This time, General Li You led an army to fight against Tu'an. The army led by you is your Meng family army. No matter which side you die, I don't think you will feel good. I, I am so happy to see you sad."

Xiaochuan laughed suddenly, which made Zhao Gao a little strange. As the leader of the Yin Yang family, he was the first time he saw that he had not obeyed under his persecution and laughed.

At this time, I only heard Xiaochuan say

"Don't you just want me to be sad, I won't let your conspiracy succeed,"

Xia Yu spoke

"I said, Master Zhao, are you alright? I haven't tasted this princess yet. You should finish it quickly."

Zhao Gao glanced at Xia Yu jealously, and said to Xiaochuan

"Then wait and see, I really want to tell you one thing, Princess Yushu was sent here, it was your majesty's will, and your majesty also specifically confessed to me, if anyone dares to approach her, take care of her, or help her If I run away, I will aggravate her punishment. I can engrave a word on her face."

Ogawa said

"Okay, very good."

Zhao Gao glanced at Xiaochuan and said to the two ministers

"Listen to you two. From now on, you will stare at the princess all the time. As long as you hear any interesting and interesting things, you must report to me. There are other people working, her work, others rest. , She still has to work, in short, she wants to work all the time, have you heard?"

291 The Secret

After Zhao Gao finished speaking, he looked at the two ministers, motionless, waited for a while, he said angrily

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