Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 454

Distraught, he also had the idea of ​​self-destructiveness at the time, but his mind was changed by a consciousness, which was called Gaia consciousness in later generations, or the consciousness of Mother Earth.

After Xia Yu talked, he discovered that Gaia and Mother of the Earth were wrong.

"who are you?"

Xia Yu looked around blankly, and in his arms, he was still holding his sister Xia Xuan in the hospital.

That consciousness didn’t have any clear words, it just passed him a memory

It turned out that back then, when Pangu opened up the world and the innate spirits continued to appear, several ancient gods appeared in this world. Among them, the two with the greatest ability and authority were called Tianmu and the other was called Earth Lord.

Tianmu creates thousands of stars, controls the sky and the earth, shapes mountains, rivers and lakes, and controls the earth.

However, neither of these two ancient gods existed fighting for power. In their view, since they had such power, they had to do the obligations brought about by such power.However, in the end some bad-minded people appeared and they seized power.

The mother of heaven is in charge of the sky, so the order of the heaven is her authority. Unfortunately, when she was thinking about creating stars, the two demon saints seized the opportunity to seize the power of the heaven and established the demon court. The two headed by them are often said in later generations. Taiyi and Emperor Jun.

After the war between the two groups of witches, the thick soil of the ancestor Zhiyi of the witch clan took over the power of reincarnation that should have belonged to the Lord of the Earth, and the existence of the two was completely weakened.

From the second time, Tianmu became Doumu Yuanjun, the mother of ten thousand stars.The Duke became the Great Immortal of Zhenyuan, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

It was Zhen Yuanzi who contacted Xia Yu.Xia Yu was actually curious about why Zhen Yuanzi contacted him.

According to Zhen Yuanzi, a thousand years ago, the world had changed, and the spirit was lost. The gods either left or died. However, existences like the Earth Lord and the Heavenly Mother have no way to leave, they can only leave. Waiting for death, but also because of their original authority and origin, neither of these two died, and became the only two gods in the world, but they would often fall asleep.

Zhen Yuanzi asked Xia Yu to ask Xia Yu to do something for him, and the price was to resurrect Xia Xuan.

This matter requires Xia Yu to travel through time and space. Xia Yu originally thought it was to prevent him and the heavenly mother from being weakened. Unexpectedly, in the end, it was for Xia Yu to investigate the cause of the loss of spiritual energy and try to stop it.

However, even so, Zhen Yuanzi was a little doubtful that Xia Yu could do it, so he sealed this memory of him and allowed him to come to one of the parallel worlds, Jiangye World, to see that he could finally do it. .

The so-called ore is actually the origin of this world. When Xia Yu gets the origin, he has two choices. One is to absorb the origin to recover his injuries and go to Shanshan and the others.

The other is not to absorb the origin, but to use the power of the origin to travel back to the original world, resurrect Xia Xuan, and then go to the original world where the aura has not been lost to complete Zhen Yuanzi's mission.

Only at this moment did Xia Yu understand what his so-called choice was in Lao Chuan's mouth. In fact, this is a question of choice, whether to live a happy life with Shanshan and the others, or to go back to save Xia Xuan and experience a new period. challenge.

Xia Yu was a little confused at this time, he didn't know how he chose before, but, obviously, his choice did not suit Zhen Yuanzi's intention.

Doesn't suit Jin Yuanzi?Zhen Yuanzi needs Xia Yu to help him, so Xia Yu's choice is not to help him. In other words, Xia Yu's previous choice was to stay here and go to Shanshan?

Well, Xia Yu nodded. At that moment, he did plan like this, because he didn't know if he could save Xia Xuan, but mountains and mountains were real, so he was more inclined to look for mountains and mountains. .

Thinking of this, he said to Zhen Yuanzi

"I used to choose to recover from my injury and go to Shanshan?"

Lao Chuan, who was possessed by Jin Yuanzi, nodded and said


Xia Yu asked again

"So, once I choose this way, I will fall into the loop of time?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said

"It is so, but there are also differences. I can't change this time cycle. It exists here. When you choose to recover your own damage, you don't actually disappear in the long river of time in this world because you touch After this period of time, it has been circulating. In fact, it is not you who are circulating, but Ogawa is circulating. You are only affected by him. If you go to Shanshan, you can indeed be with her. Life to death, it's just that you have appeared in the long river of time."

"And if you choose to go back to that world and save your sister, it is equivalent to erasing your existence in the long river of time, because you no longer exist, no matter how time cycles, it has nothing to do with you, and the same is true. What we have to do when we step into the realm of Daluo is to erase all the clones of ourselves in the long river of time and our own origin, so that we will not be affected by time. Well, the so-called Daluo, you don’t temporarily Need to understand."

Xia Yu nodded and said

"Are you trying to say, I'm actually stuck in a time loop here that has nothing to do with you?"

To Xia Yu's expectation, Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said

"No, you got caught in the time loop on purpose."

"on purpose?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded

"Yes, deliberately, this time is actually very interesting. Among the few remaining ancient gods, it is also a very famous existence. It itself has a very powerful time loop. Even if it is us, there is no way. Block, and I valued this cycle before I brought you here."

Xia Yu frowned

"Powerful, you have no way to break the time loop?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said

"The cycle of time is actually a period of continuous repetition. Xiaochuan crosses and then lives, and the new Xiaochuan continues to cross. This is a time cycle. However, this world, in this cycle, adds another, that is, Xiaochuan is living. In the end, I traveled again and came to the time when the last Xiaochuan existed. This is the second time cycle. It can also be said that this world is the world where these two time cycles intersect."

Xia Yu nodded thoughtfully

"I understand,"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded in relief and said

"You are indeed very qualified, and Ziwei recommended you to me."

Xia Yu looked at Zhen Yuanzi with some doubts


Zhen Yuanzi said

"It's Doumu Yuanjun's second son, Ziwei Xingjun, well, that's what you call the Great Emperor Ziwei at the North Pole."

"He recommended me?"

Zhenyuanzi said of course

"Otherwise? There are people dying in this world all the time. Why don't we just resurrect other people and just give you this promise?"

Xia Yu nodded

"Is that so? What is the qualification you just mentioned?"

Zhen Yuanzi explained

"Achieving Da Luo's qualifications is one of the realms of cultivating immortals. If you want to achieve Da Luo, you need to understand the long river to be able to do it. You are now exposed to this in advance, and it will be easier to achieve Da Luo in the future."

Xia Yu nodded, indicating that he understood something, Zhen Yuanzi said at this time

"Well, let me give you a reminder at last. Part of the origin of this world lies in the treasure of the Yin and Yang family, Yu Sha Yugui. The moment they cancel each other out, they will appear. Your main purpose now is Let this source appear, and then seize your hand. As for the first choice, you will slowly consider it later. This time cycle involves more than two thousand years, and you have time to think."

Xia Yu thought for a while and asked

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