Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 455

"If I choose to leave, can I leave with Shanshan?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head

"You are able to leave because you do not belong to this world in the first place. It will save you a lot of trouble to erase you from the long river of time, and the mountain in your mouth is a person from this world, and wants to erase her from the long river of time." , At least it takes my original cultivation level. After a thousand years, my strength has long since disappeared. Now I can't do it."

296 way

When Xia Yu heard Zhen Yuanzi's words, he took a few steps backwards, and muttered

"Is that so?"

Then raised his head, looked at Zhen Yuanzi, smiled

"I think I understand why I have been here."

Zhen Yuanzi was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what Xia Yu meant. Since she can't leave with me, then I won't leave. As long as I'm with her, how about being caught in a loop over and over again?

With a long sigh, Jin Yuanzi said

"I really didn't expect that this time you would still have plans to make this choice."

Xia Yu smiled faintly, looked at Zhen Yuanzi, and said

"Maybe Xiaoxuan is very important to me. After all, that is my sister, but mountains and mountains are also very important to me. Since I can't take care of the two choices, let me go on. I think, since this is a time loop, and it is not within your control, it means that the time between each world will not affect each other. I think that when I choose to go back in a later loop, I should pay You can save Xiao Xuan."

Zhen Yuanzi really didn't think of it this time, because in the previous cycles, Xia Yu had never said such a choice. No, this cycle is different from the previous ones. Many of Xia Yu's choices are different. In the previous few times, Xia Yu did not do things so casually and without rules. He has always been careful to protect himself and the girl named Shanshan, and maintain the honor of the so-called academy. However, in this life, he has changed even more. The atmosphere is, in many cases, even more reckless.

Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes looking at Xia Yu became much deeper, which also contained some different emotions.

Xia Yu concealed something. This was Zhen Yuanzi's first thought that appeared in his mind at this time, followed by doubts. It is reasonable to say that the level of this world is very low, and he can bring it out on Lao Chuan at this time. The strength is not as good as one-tenth of the weak to the ultimate body, but it is indeed the top level of this world. In other words, the top level of this world is just a heavenly immortal level.

Tianxian, Zhenyuanzi understood, his eyes looked at Xia Yu even more different.

"Perhaps, you still have a third option,"

Xia Yu was taken aback, looked at Zhen Yuanzi, and asked

"What choice?"

Jin Yuanzi looked at Xia Yu and sighed

"You are now the god of this world, right?"

Xia Yu nodded and asked

"Didn't you know it a long time ago? I think I have reached it in the previous cycle."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said

"No, this is the first time you have reached this level. If you change to the original world, your current strength has reached the level of the earth immortal. In all your previous cycles, you have not reached this level."

Xia Yu's eyes lit up

"What is different about this cycle?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded.

"Although I don't know what it is, but this is a variable, the existence of a variable, the result will be many different."

Xia Yu looked at Zhen Yuanzi thoughtfully

"So, what do you mean?"

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Xia Yu, and after thinking about it for a moment, he seemed to have made up his mind and said

"Leave here, but not to that world."

Xia Yu was stunned. This answer was something he didn't think of, because the answer was indeed, um, very strange. Since he left, why not just go back to Xia Xuan?Moreover, leaving here, my own problems have not been resolved.Isn't Shanshan still unable to leave with him?

Zhen Yuanzi smiled

"Using all of your cultivation base and the origin of the world as a price, you and the little girl named Shanshan can be brought to a world close to this place. In this way, she is equivalent to leaving the cycle of time. However, It is not erased from the time cycle, but is equivalent to being divided into two people from the mountains in this world without you,"

Xia Yu's eyes lit up and he thought of another possibility

"You can let me travel here, in the world, you can also take me and another person who is not affected by the force of time to travel again?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said

"Although it is difficult to rely on me alone, then I can pull the crape myrtle together, and that's it."

Xia Yu smiled

"So, as long as Shanshan and I leave here, you can let us travel to the original world together?"

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head.

"Not yet."

Xia Yu frowned and wondered


Zhen Yuanzi said

"The original world affects everything. When the time of the original world changes, other worlds will change. At that time, your original world, time will reflow."

Xia Yu looked up in shock

"Xiao Xuan,,,,"

"Yes, your sister can't be resurrected like that."

Xia Yu frowned, thinking about the solution.

Zhen Yuanzi smiled

"So, you need to go to another one that is similar to this world level, or a little lower, and then get the origin of that world, so that you can save your sister.

Xia Yu nodded

"In this way, there is only this way."

Then he looked up at Jin Yuanzi and said

"But this is the case, your thing is not right..."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said

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