Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 457

"That's natural, that's natural, Master Xia, would you please? Zhao Gao, it's better to learn."

Xia Yu's eyelids jumped, this Zhao Gao, in order to avoid conflict, he gave him a step, he also gave himself a cold snort, looked at Yushu and said

"Yushu, you and I go back to the room!"

Yushu was taken aback, looked at Xia Yu and found that Xia Yu's eyes changed slightly, so she followed Xia Yu's back and walked into the room.

After a while, Yushu’s cry came out, and Zhao Gao’s eyes changed slightly. This time he would not be the same as the last time. He retreated, so he walked to the door of Xia Yu’s room and put his hands on the door, gently Pushed over.

297 rivers and lakes are far away, treasure all the way.

However, Zhao Gao did not push the door, but the thought force covered by the door bounced back.

Xia Yu roared from the room


Immediately afterwards, Xia Yu, naked to the waist with a towel around his waist, walked out of the room and looked at Zhao Gao with a fierce look in his eyes, with a strong killing intent.

"Zhao Gao, this is not the first time I warned you, don't come to provoke me,"

Zhao Gao was swayed by Xia Yu, and was a little angry at this time, looking at Xia Yu,

"I want to see the princess being punished!"

Xia Yu shook his head and looked at Zhao Gao disdainfully

"When I'm doing errands, I don't like other people watching, and you're sure it's not uncomfortable for you to watch, and you don't have the tools to vent."

After speaking, the corners of his mouth rose, and the expression of disdain on his face was even worse. His words also completely pierced Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao is a minister, that is, an eunuch. In other words, he is actually disabled, and at least a three Grade disabled.

When a person becomes disabled, um, this refers to the kind of murdered the day after tomorrow, and the psychology will change more or less, while Zhao Gao's psychology of being punished will be extremely gloomy and extreme. After their pain, which is what they lack, their anger will also reach its peak.

Zhao Gao was like this at this time.

Therefore, Zhao Gao's eyes towards Xia Yu also began to have killing intent.

This Zhao Gao is not the other ministers. Even if he has anger, he must be buried in his heart. The most different thing between Zhao Gao and them is that Zhao Gao has the confidence to avenge himself. That is his original identity, the patriarch of the Xi family, the Yin Yang family. The leader of Donghuang Taiyi.He is one of the best known alchemists in the world, and such a character will not be weakened by magic or martial arts.

Now, Zhao Gao was enraged, and he didn't intend to hide it anymore. He shot Xia Yu directly. After that, it would be a big deal to wipe out the entire imperial tomb construction site. No one saw me, that would be a perfect assassination.

Therefore, Zhao Gao began to experience strong thought power fluctuations at this time, and Xia Yu felt it for the first time, frowning and looking at Zhao Gao with a serious warning.

"Zhao Gao, you have to know that once you do it, you can't hide it anymore."

Zhao Gao was stunned, then looked at Xia Yu, and began to hesitate. He also knew in his heart that if he could kill Xia Yu today, then he would be exposed, but if he could not kill Xia Yu, he would be exposed as an alchemist. Yes, he is equivalent to committing the crime of deceiving the emperor, and it is the most serious of them.

Xia Yu is very strong, this is what Zhao Gao knew. Since Xia Yu killed Yun Zhongjun in the hall, Zhao Gao knew that Xia Yu was very strong, so strong that even he could not kill Xia Yu.

At this time, there was a very weak voice in the room. It was Yushu's voice. However, at this time, the voice was full of temptation, as if it was something that Yushu had just experienced. Can't mention it.

"My lord, haven't things finished yet? Yushu,,, Yushu wants it."

The voice of the last few words is already extremely small, but who is Zhao Gao, he can naturally hear it, understand that this is actually a step, after thinking about it, put his hands away, and looked at Xia Yu

"Since Master Xia, there is still something to do, then we might as well discuss it another day,"

Go ahead, turn around and wave, and say to the ministers who are following him

"let's go!"

Then leave.

Xia Yu looked at Zhao Gao who was leaving, thought for a while, and said

"Meng Yi, you can enter, I'm tired, sure enough, this woman can be subdued by you, there is too much demand."

Xiaochuan was taken aback, a little confused, but still cooperated with Xia Yu and laughed

"I'll just say you can't do it, it's up to me."

After the last incident, both Xiaochuan and Yushu understand that if you want to save Yushu, then you should not keep Yushu's reputation. After all, a person with a good reputation will never give up. At this time, Xia Yu's plan has been implemented smoothly, but Zhao Gao still wants to seize the handle of Ogawa, so Xia Yu intends to make Yushu's reputation worse.

Xiaochuan understood that Xia Yu was doing a play before, and when he walked into the room, Yushu was sitting on the bed with a blushing face. Even if Yushu is not a young girl who has just learned about human affairs, in this day and age, she is fair and honest. She was still very shy when she made such a sound and said such words, especially when her lover Ogawa was still outside.

Ogawa looked at Yushu with pity, and couldn't help being a little obsessed.

Yushu felt Ogawa’s hot gaze, she glanced at Ogawa, her red lips opened slightly


This sound seemed to turn on the switch of Xiaochuan's animal desire, making Xiaochuan's eyes flushed and Yushu went away.

Ying Ciao tactfully, sometimes tight, sometimes long, sometimes weak, sometimes high.

The alluring voice made many farmers outside listened to the blood spurting, and some of them were not afraid of death and even came to Xia Yu’s side and asked

"Lord Xia, look, can this princess help the brothers?"

Xia Yu glared, looked at the soldier who was questioning, and said

"From now on, Yushu will be Meng Yi's slave. If you want, go find him!"

Then turned and left, still talking

"Left and right, when I need it, this kid Meng Yi will not stop me."

These words reached Ying Zheng's ears that night, and Ying Zheng smashed a few wine bottles.Pointing to Zhao Gao who was kneeling on the ground and said

"It's you, it's you. If you hadn't suggested that Yushu was Tuan's royal bloodline and dealt with her according to the ancestral system, she would not be insulted like this now."

Zhao Gao hurriedly kowtowed his head begging for mercy, saying weak begging for mercy, but what he thought in his heart was,

"Who knows what Princess Yushu looks like now, I think this is what he wants,"

Zhao Gao is also a master of mind power. Although the realm is only about Dongxuan, or even lower, he can still know that Xia Yu has not done anything to Yushu by virtue of mind power. However, Zhao Gao also knows that he can't say this. First of all, Ying Zheng did not know his alchemist, and there was no reason to say this. Secondly, he believed that, first Ying Zheng knew that he was an alchemist, and this thing could only be done. Yushu said in front of the farmers and laborers. Such a seductive voice, whether it is true or false Yingzheng, can't make her return to Li Fei.

What was originally a fake slave has now become a real slave, but the ownership of this slave belongs to Xia Yu, no, it is now Meng Yi.

As the emperor of Da Qin, Ying Zheng can naturally get Yushu from Meng Yi, and he is still the kind of righteousness. However, he cannot do this. Da Qin is still a noble society in the final analysis, even if Ying Zheng is in To some extent, it depends on the faces of those nobles,

Slaves are the bottom line. If Yingzheng snatches even a slave from courtiers, then what else can Yingzheng not be able to steal?Today is a slave, tomorrow is a retainer, and then a wife and daughter?

If Ying Zheng really did this, then he was digging the roots of Da Qin himself.Ying Zheng is not a fool. On the contrary, he is still a very smart person. Now, when the anger is slowly extinguished, he also understands the reason for Xia Yu to do this, that is Chengquan Xiaochuan and Yushu.

Is there an adultery between Meng Yi and Yushu Yingzheng really doesn't know?How could it be possible, but he didn't want to put this matter on the bright side.First of all, Meng Yi was the person who escorted Yushu to Xianyang. No one knew what happened on the road. Although, when she touched Yushu, she was still a virgin, but no one can guarantee that. Along the way, there was no adultery between her and Ogawa.

During the treatment of the plague, Ying Zheng actually had some guesses when he was on duty in the palace, but he could not do anything to Ogawa, because Ogawa had rescued one of him before, and he was still in front of the Manchu court. The rewards made, if this kills Ogawa, won't Yingzheng become an ungrateful villain?

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