Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 458

Ying Zheng was a man who tried to be an emperor through the ages, how could his reputation be stained.

In the end, Ying Zheng had to decreed that Yushu could only belong to Meng Yi in the future, and no one was allowed to snatch it or manage it on his behalf.

That’s for sure. Nowadays, most of the people who wear green hats to themselves are Ogawa and Xia Yu. If they don’t follow this will, who knows who will do it in the future? How great is Yushu’s temptation, Ying Zheng is the most powerful Spoken.

When the will reached the imperial tomb, Xiaochuan and Yushu were both happy, because this time, the two of them could truly live and die together.So, in the following night, there was no sleep, and all the construction sites suffered from insomnia, because the sound was too loud and it was so tempting....

Xia Yu looked at the pair of wall men in front of him and couldn't help laughing.

"This time, you are considered to have completed your merits."

Ogawa and Yushu salute Xia Yu,

"I also want to thank Brother Xia for his help."

Xia Yu waved her hand and said

"Your matter is resolved, I won't stay here anymore,"

Xiaochuan was taken aback and looked at Xia Yu

"Brother Xia, are you leaving too?"

Xia Yu nodded.

"The imperial mausoleum is almost finished, and the people I want to meet have met, and things are settled between you and Yushu. Then, I will leave here to retreat."

Ogawa sighed and said

"Old Cui is gone, so are you. Really..."

Xia Yu smiled, raised his hand and patted Xiaochuan on the shoulder, and said

"Why worry? Parting is just for the next meeting. Next time, let's drink together."

Ogawa nodded and said

"Okay! Drinking together next time. Brother Xia, what are your plans next?"

Xia Yu looked into the distance and said

"Go to the Alchemist Academy to pick up Susu, and then go to Liu Bang, the Mo family is with him now."

Ogawa frowns

"Why, Brother Xia has something to do with the Mo family brothers?"

Xia Yu nodded

"There are still some things that I don't understand, and I need to settle down well. After I understand everything, I can go to my teacher with peace of mind."

Xiaochuan was taken aback, and asked Xia Yu with some doubts

"Brother Xia, your teacher, didn't you make a mistake?"

Xia Yu couldn't help but looked at Xiaochuan, then laughed

"The old man, no matter how long it takes, he will never be immortal. For him, as long as he has such a pot of warm stuffed stuffed flowers, a few pieces of peony fish, and a small dish of beef, it is perfect."

Xiaochuan said with some envy and admiration

"That's really a chic senior."

Xia Yu sneered and shook his head and said

"He is not a chic, but an old foodie. To be chic, he is still my seniors,"

Ogawa was also a little interested, and asked Xia Yu

"Brother Xia, I haven't heard you talk about your teacher, why don't you talk about it?"

Xia Yu glanced at Xiaochuan and nodded with a smile

"Then tell me, my big brother, he is a scholar, a poor scholar like you think. Although martial arts is very strong, but in essence, he is still a scholar full of benefits and love, with a shabby skin. Jacket, there is an unnamed miscellaneous book at the waist, and a water scoop. When I am thirsty, I will find a few sips of water from the stream. When I am tired, I will find a place to sit down and read the book."

"My second brother is a gentleman, a true gentleman, the most reasonable in his life, of course, his principle is the fist. It is also the most severe existence for us fellows. Of course, he is actually very good to us. Love it."

"Senior Sister San, a mysterious person, no longer writes this hairpin lower case all the time. Senior Brother Four, who is addicted to research, is very similar to Master Ban from the Mo family. Brother Five and Brother Eight are two stinky chess baskets. Senior Brother Six is ​​a full head muscle The blacksmith, Seventh Sister, is the one who loves me the most, sometimes naughty, sometimes quiet, always embroidering something. Nine Brothers and Ten Seniors are two fans, just like Boya and Zhong Ziqi, ten Brother Yi is a sophistical doctor,"

"Then Little Thirteen, a mischievous child who did perfect things, Fourteen, a paranoid person, who has been giving himself a daughter-in-law pervert since he was a child."

Xiaochuan looked at the corners of Xia Yu's mouth that began to rise as he said it, and sighed in his heart. Although Xia Yu said nothing good, it seemed to belittle the brothers, but he was still happy and missed it, otherwise he would not The smile is so warm.

"Brother Xia, miss them, right?"

Xia Yu nodded, looked up at the sky with some emotion, and said

"I really really miss them, miss the days when we played and slapped around the teacher together, and miss the dull but satisfying days when we were together."

Ogawa stood up, saluted Xia Yu, and said

"Then I am here to wish Brother Xia find them soon."

Xia Yu nodded, looked at Xiaochuan and said

"O Chuan, in the end, I still want to ask you a few words, don't put your mind on Da Qin, Yingzheng will not live long, Fusu Lord may not be able to continue, Da Qin is about to die."

"Isn’t your original idea of ​​defending Da Qin just for the person next to you? Now that everything is resolved, it’s better to get out of the room as soon as possible. Also, the elixir that Cui Wenzi wants to practice is probably not accidental. The elixir that Ying Zheng wants most, you can take one with Yushu if you can."

Said this, sighed and said

"Okay, you should have a count of the rest. This cough is endless. Why don't you just keep it like this. There is a long way to go, and you will treasure it all the way."

After talking, Xia Yu didn't wait for Xiaochuan's response, and walked outside the construction site, alone, but Xiaochuan felt very chic.

298 transition.

Clouds hanging in the plains.Set off the bamboo fence hut.El Jiyouju is really chic.It's green and beautiful.The husband uses dignity.And don't have five corners and six cards.If there is a Chenfang wine, it's okay to be happy.

After Xia Yu came out of the imperial tomb, he did not go directly to Xianyang, but first went to see Ju Xuan.

Leaning on the stone tablet outside the underground palace of the academy, unloaded from the waist the peach blossom stuffed with the help of Shanshan.

Xia Yu closed her eyes and murmured

"I said, this should be the last time I see you,,, I'm leaving!"

Take a sip of wine, pour some on the ground, and continue

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