Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 459

"I found a way to go to Shanshan and the others. If there is no accident, your daughter’s problem can be solved together. Look, I’m pretty interesting, this is going to go, and I’m still thinking about your daughter’s body. Of course, don’t get me wrong, I am the only one who is healthy."

"Tianming that kid is not bad, although he is still a bit reckless, but now he can accept some burdens, he can be considered a man, I will go to them next to solve these last hidden dangers. After that, I can leave with peace of mind."

"By the way, I don’t know if you met Yue’er’s mother below. If you do, you have to treat them well. After all, she has saved Yue’er’s daughter for you. Okay, no. After you talk, I will leave. I won’t see you anymore. I will give you all the rest of the wine, brother, let’s go."

As he said, he poured all the wine in the wine gourd in his hand under the stone monument, stood up, walked down the mountain, came quietly, and then quietly left without taking a handful of soil, but The only fine wine left here.

Since then, separate, never meet again, and wish each other good.

The Alchemist Museum in the suburbs of Xianyang, Susu was settled here by Xia Yu to learn some of the alchemists of this era. Although it is much simpler than the teacher system in the Jiangye period in Xia Yu’s mind, it is not without good places. There is no need for the magic of heaven and earth, the methods of divination, mathematics, medicine, astronomy and geography, which are rare knowledge in this era. After Susu learned these, Xia Yu will no longer be by her side, and can live. Very good, very good, even, can do many things she could not do before, um, of course, two people work hard together, no matter how hard Susu alone, of course, , This has nothing to do with Xia Yu.

For Xia Yu, Su Su is like a collection of sister, daughter, and disciples. Naturally, he will miss it. Before he understands everything, Xia Yu must choose a good destination for Su Su, at least In the past few decades, Susu will not have to live a miserable life due to wars, natural disasters and man-made disasters.

The Alchemist Academy does not allow people to leave. Even the supervisor can only go to the palace hall to talk to Ying Zheng. It is not allowed to go to other places. Every time you travel, you must follow a large number of soldiers, and those ordinary academies Naturally, the Chinese alchemists have no chance to go out. Many people have not left here for many years.

Now, Xia Yu wants to leave with Susu, it is much more difficult. He is the supervisor. However, after being sent to the imperial tomb by the Ying Zheng, the place is under the management of Lu Sheng. Well, this Lu Sheng was the one who was in charge at the time. Feng Sheng's cronies overthrown by Xia Yu.

This is a very clever person. He has vision and a keen mind. After seeing Xia Yu's return, he hurriedly came to the gate to greet him. He was greeted with various etiquette and gestures. That is a respectful person. Generally do not provoke, because they can even use themselves, there will be no one they can’t use at this time. A person who can endure humiliation will never be a good character. Once you become an enemy, you will never Will know when and how he will retaliate against you,

It is very possible that any of his revenge will sting you completely, and the knife behind this will probably make you completely lose the capital that is hostile to him.

Therefore, while Lu Sheng respected Xia Yu, Xia Yu also attached great importance to him and did not despise him. Although Xia Yu was not afraid of stabbing him in the back, it should be avoided. After all, more flies are also annoying.

However, even if Lu Sheng respected Xia Yu, it was still a bit troublesome to leave the alchemy hall with Susu.

"Lord Xia, you have also been in this alchemist academy, and you have been a supervisor. You also know that these alchemists here are not allowed to go out without your majesty’s will, not to mention that you are taking her away. If you just go out for a walk and just follow a few soldiers and pass by like that, I won’t be troubled by you, but if you suddenly took one away, I can’t explain to it.”

Xia Yu waved her hand and said

"Okay, just take my disciple away. When you come, you can just find a reason to save a dead person's place. You said, I have also been the supervisor here. I am not the doorway. Not sure,"

Lu Sheng stretched out his hand and wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and said flatly to Xia Yu

"Master Xia, you also said that it was not before. Since you left, your Majesty has been more strict in the management of the academy and paid more attention to it. Small ones really can't commit crimes against the wind."

Xia Yu looked at Lu Sheng and said a little displeased

"Are you using your Majesty to press me?"

Lu Sheng waved his hand and said

"How can it be, who doesn't know that you are your majesty's favor, my lord, even the former concubine was given to you as a slave."

Xia Yu laughed

"Why, you also want to taste Princess Yushu?"

Lu Sheng smiled happily

"Isn't that little man, too, who is such a beautiful woman as Princess Yushu who doesn't want to try it? So, my lord, you let me have a taste. This is leaving with Susu, just,,,,"

He smiled ambiguously at Xia Yu.Xia Yu shook her head and laughed out loud. He was laughed at

"I dare to do that because your majesty will give me this face. Meng Yi can do it because he is a nobleman and has the support of the Meng family army. You? What do you have? What are you? I will give you a little bit. For the sake of face, you forget that I am still the director of this alchemist hall. You are just an agent. If it weren't for this matter, I don't want your majesty to know. Do you think I am using this to talk nonsense with you?"

Lu Sheng saw Xia Yu turn his face, and no longer bends over like that, smiled flatteringly, but straightened up, looked at Xia Yu, and said disdainfully.

"Since you have said so clearly, I also tell you clearly, now that I am in charge of this place, then I am the biggest here. No one can come here. I just won’t let you take her away today. What can you do? Kill me? Not afraid of your majesty's accusations?"

Xia Yu's eyes lit up and smiled

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot, I can kill you."

With that, he took a step towards Lu Sheng. Seeing this, Lu Sheng hurriedly backed up a few steps, and said with some horror.

"No, you are real, you,,,,"

Xia Yu smiled

"What's wrong with me?"

Lu Sheng was timid, but didn't want to lose face, said threateningly

"You can't kill me, I was personally arranged by His Majesty, and I'm from Master Zhao Gao, you can't kill me."

Xia Yu took a step forward again, getting closer to Lu Sheng

"Oh? Your majesty ordered it? You really think too much, so he won’t know who you are? Zhao Gao’s person? Don’t you say, I might be able to let you live, but since you Having said that, then you should die."

After speaking, Xia Yu stretched out his hand, grabbed Lu Sheng's neck, raised him high, and left his feet off the ground.

"Spare,,,, forgive me!"

Lu Sheng said very hard.Xia Yu smiled disdainfully, the power in his hand increased, and said

"I said, you are going to die here today."

As he said, with a sudden force in his hand, the pinch of Lu Sheng in his palm completely lost his breath. Even so, Xia Yu pinched hard for a while, and broke Lu Sheng’s neck and broke Lu Sheng’s neck. You can't live by pretending to be dead.

Sending away the hand that pinched Lu Sheng, Xia Yu took out a white silk paw from his arms, wiped his hands carefully, and looked at an alchemist who took over Lu Sheng's original position and said impatiently.

"What are you waiting for? Take me to find Susu."

The alchemist nodded hurriedly and said to Xia Yu

"Yes, yes, Miss Su Su lives here now."

The alchemist said to Xia Yu timidly, and then led the way to the backyard of the alchemist hall.That is the room Xia Yu lived in before.

"Master Xia, Miss Su Su is inside."

Xia Yu nodded and pushed in the door of the room. Inside, Susu was meditating on the bed. Suddenly felt that the door of the room was opened, and hurriedly opened his eyes and looked at the door vigilantly.

Susu is a woman, or a woman with good looks. In this man, there are still a bunch of men who have never seen or rarely seen women. Naturally, you have to be careful about everything, even when meditating. Separate a trace of mind and stay vigilant to prevent the kind of desperate people who are eroded by desires from running into their rooms and doing things to themselves

Speaking of it, Susu is also very pitiful. She grew up in the love of her brother and sister. The first time she went out with her sister and father, she met mountain bandits. After being rescued by Xia Yu, she fell in love with Xia Yu. , Xia Yu left without saying goodbye, avoiding herself.

So he went out alone to chase Xia Yu's trail, and then encountered the bandit for the second time. To be honest, Susu seemed to have something incomprehensible with the bandit. As long as he went out, he would meet the bandit.

After being rescued by Xia Yu again, he showed his thoughts to Xia Yu and declined. After that, he ran with Xia Yu. In the end, Xia Yu was accepted as a disciple, and he never had a chance to fall in love with Xia Yu again.

Xia Yu was still an irresponsible teacher, so she placed Susu in this alchemy hall and left it alone, leaving Susu a little girl in fear of practice, study, and even rest and eating. With twelve points of vigilance.

Finally, today, Xia Yu returned, and came to his room, and pushed his door.

Susu was very excited and hurriedly got up and ran towards Xia Yu. However, halfway through, looking at Xia Yu's frowning brows, Susu hurriedly stopped and saluted Xia Yu.

"Sir, you are back."

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