Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiangye Chapter 474

Xia Yu smiled and nodded, Duanmu was a little confused, and asked impatiently

"What are you talking about?"

Gane said with a smile

"Xia Yu meant that Tianming took Yue'er to find the Xi family, and then figured out a way to take the opportunity to take the power of Yusha out of his body and put it into Yue'er's body when the Xi family held a ceremony."

Duanmu nodded without understanding, then asked

"But how can you guarantee that Tianming will be able to do it? You know, if this fails, Yue'er will be sacrificed."

Xia Yu looked at several people and said

"You won't forget the commander's life, right?"

"Da Si Ming"

Xia Yu nodded, took a sip of water, rinsed her mouth, and then slowly spoke

"When I saved Yue'er, Shao Siming helped us and was killed. Do you remember?"

Several people nodded, they did not forget, Xia Yu continued

"Although Da Si Ming is the master of Shao Si Ming, he still loves Shao Si Ming in his heart, and his lover dies. This kind of hatred is not universal and does not distinguish between ethnic groups."

Guy Nie nodded and agreed, Xia Yu continued

"Even if the chief commander is still working for Zhao Gao, I think he will not let it go once he has a chance to fight against Zhao Gao, and this ceremony is the best opportunity."

Duanmu asked suspiciously

"Why is it the best opportunity."

Xia Yu smiled and looked at several people and said

"It is necessary to understand a principle, which is equivalent exchange. The power of the jade evil spirit can be powerful and invincible. It is done at the expense of Yugui. The success of this ritual can control the jade evil spirit. However, failure depends on the strength of the jade evil spirit. It is certain that if it fails, the life of the person who is in charge of the ceremony will be threatened."

Guy Nie said

"You mean, if this ceremony fails, Zhao Gao will die?"

Xia Yu nodded and said

"Yes, and I think Da Si Ming will definitely let Zhao Gao die. After all, this can be regarded as the main murderer of his disciple and lover."

Tianming nodded and said

"Then I want to contact the chief executive."

Guy Nie shook his head and said

"Now is not the best time to leave."

Xia Yu agreed

"Princess Fusu is the person Zhao Gao wants to kill the most. Therefore, there must be someone from Zhao Gao in his army. I think Zhao Gao already knows the news that we are here. He has not sent anyone here now. The reason for arresting you and Yue'er is that he understands that if you want to save Yue'er next time, you must go to him, and you can only find him."

Gane opening

"And what we want to find is the Chief Commander. In order not to be discovered by him, we need to leave the celebration party openly, and then you halfway to Xianyang. This is the best way."

Tianming nodded

"I can only listen to you."

At the celebration banquet a few days later, this celebration banquet was actually held for the people of Guinie.

At the banquet, everyone greeted the wine, General Wang stood up with the wine glass, looked at the many soldiers, and said with a smile

"Wang, by nature, is straightforward. If there was any offense before, I would like to ask my son, please forgive me, gentlemen, and do it first."

After General Wang drank it, Fusu stood up with the wine glass, looked at General Wang and said

"General Wang, bold, benevolent, courageous and strategic, is worthy of the country's dry city,"

General Wang waved his hand and said

"Wang a certain martial artist, on the contrary, the son, not only has lofty ambitions, but also has a compassionate heart. It is really the blessing of Daqin Sheji and the people of Li people. This time the construction of straight roads, the son will take the lead."

Fusu saluted General Wang and said

"General Wang was joking. Fu Su is in the body of sin. He was demoted here. He didn't dare to do what he wanted anymore. He just wanted to do his own thing and not waste time."

Hearing this, Gane couldn't help but say

"His Majesty First Emperor, if he really wants to punish the son, how can he put him in the 100,000 army?"

Military power has always been the most cautious existence of the emperor's enemy. If Yingzheng really does not want Fusu to inherit the throne, it is naturally impossible for him to have access to the military power he ultimately belongs to.That's what Guene said.

Having said this, Gane also stood up, walked to Fusu’s side, and continued to say

"The son is familiar with the classics of the world, has he forgotten that the blessing lies in the blessing and the blessing lies in the misfortune?"

After thinking about it carefully, Fusu looked at Guinie and asked

"Mr. Guy meant to say that the demotion of Fu Su is actually a blessing?"

General Wang said with a smile

"Blessing or misfortune, it's all between the son's thoughts. Right now, I, Wang, don't say anything else. As long as the son gives an order, the whole army will go through the fire and water, and will not hesitate."

Fusu also laughed, looking at the many soldiers who had all stood up at this time, and said

"Thanks to everyone's trust, how can you help Su He De, you can only do it first."


A banquet, the host and the guests enjoyed themselves.

However, if several families are happy, there must be several sorrows.

Because of the erosion of Yugui's power, Yue'er's face was not as good as each day. At this time, the whole person was already haggard and distressed, and she would never want Tianming to see such a look.

Yue'er lay weakly on the bed, and said to Duanmu who was giving her the needle

"Sister Rong, Tianming, they should be back soon, right?"

Duanmu smiled

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