Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiangye Chapter 475


Yue'er bit her lower lip, turned her head, and said

"I still don't want to see him today. You will find a way later and blast him away."

Duanmu raised her head in astonishment, looked at Yue'er, and confirmed that she was not talking nonsense. This was what she was thinking in her heart at this moment, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.Turned around and walked out of the camp, and came to the grass where Tianming was doing at this time,

"Um,, Yue'er has just taken the medicine and is already asleep. You know, she has to recuperate from this illness. What's more, you have been busy lately, so don't visit her first."

Tianming is not a fool, he understands Duanmu's meaning naturally, but he still speaks

"I haven't seen Yue'er for a while, tell me the truth, what happened to Yue'er?"

Duanmu is also very uncomfortable. One is her nephew, and the other is her apprentice who has been raised since childhood. These two people have suffered such pain now. How can she not feel uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help squatting down and looking towards Tianming,

"Actually, Yue'er is afraid that you are worried and don't want you to see her sickness. Besides, if you two meet each other, you will definitely be sad and sad. The more sad, the worse it will be for her condition. If you are really to Yue Good, just follow her wishes."

Tianming’s eyes were red, and tears appeared at the corners of his eyes, but he did not stay forcibly, nodded to Duanmu, then stood up and walked behind him.

Duanmu stood up and shouted

"and many more."

Tianming stopped and looked back at Duanmu.Duanmu walked to Tianming and said

"If you really want to see Yue'er, take advantage of her while she is asleep. Then, you can sneak in and take a look."

Tianming nodded, and then walked towards his camp lonely.

I have to say that Yue'er is really haggard at this time. The whole face is not only sallow, but also because the body's nutritional supply can't keep up with the consumption, the face has begun to collapse, and the body has also appeared abnormal white. People are a little bit thinner.Yue'er, who was already very thin, could clearly see the bones at this time.

Such a scene will indeed make Tianming feel distressed and heartbroken after seeing this scene.Seeing what Yue'er looked like now, Tianming staggered a few steps, and wanted to walk inside, carefully watching this woman he loves deeply, tears that had been rolling in his eyes finally shed.

After Ju Xuan died, Tianming, who hadn't cried for a long time, cried again. This time, the cry was not because of his own grievance, but because of Yue'er's situation.

At this time, it is not only Tianming who is sad, but Duanmu, Gai Nie, Master Ban, and Xia Yu are all sad for these two people.

Tianming squatted by Yue'er's bed, trying to reach out to touch Yue'er's face, but stopped nearby, because he was afraid of waking Yue'er.

From Yue’er’s appearance at this time, it can be seen what kind of pain Yue’er is suffering. Sleeping under such pain is undoubtedly a very difficult thing. Moreover, Yue’er does not want Tianming to see her. As it was, she would not be happy if Tianming awakened her.

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Enduring Tianming, who had not cried out, stood up and ran out of the camp. Duanmu wanted to chase him but was stopped by Gai Nie.

"Let him be quiet."

Duanmu nodded, and did not chase the sky again, but deeply looked at Yue'er who was lying on the bed, sleeping deeply, feeling a little sad, sad, and a little bit unwilling.

Duanmu was awarded the title of Doctor of Mo Family, Duanmu Rong, not only because Duanmu was the only healer of the Mo family at this time, but also because her medical skills were recognized by the world, which can be said to be one of the best in the world at this time. However, Duanmu, who represents the title of honor and status, now resents this title incomparably.

This title represents a kind of disease. If Duanmu cannot be cured, then there may be no possibility of curing this kind of disease in the world.

At this time Yue'er was like this. Duanmu's medical skills couldn't treat Yue'er. Therefore, other people's medical skills had nothing to do with Yue'er's condition.

At this time, Tianming ran to Xia Yu’s camp and looked at Xia Yu and asked

"Brother Yu, tell me the truth, is Yue'er's disease definitely not curable by medical skills alone?"

Xia Yu looked up at Tianming who suddenly ran in, then sighed, stood up, came to Tianming's side, and patted Tianming on the shoulder.

"I've said it a long time ago. The two things, Yu Sha Yugui, are not at the current level of medical skills. They are at a level that ordinary people have never touched. They belong to the monks. The problems caused by the vitality of the world, Naturally, it can only be solved by the level of heaven and earth vitality."

Tianming was very excited and asked with a little bit of distress

"Is there no other way?"

Xia Yu shook his head

"Although Yu Sha Yugui belongs to a kind of heaven and earth vitality, there are actually some differences. If you want to completely solve this problem, you still need the talents of the Xi clan to be able to do it. I have no other way, although Now I can temporarily relieve Yue’er’s pain, but that is actually equivalent to a disguised increase in Yue’er’s physical burden.”

Tianming nodded,

"I understand. I'm going to Xianyang now. However, I hope Brother Yu can help me cover it. Yue'er and Sister Rong don't want me to go to Xianyang now."

Xia Yu nodded and said in agreement

"You really shouldn't go to Xianyang now. The first emperor's body is not as good as one day, and Zhao Gao's power is now unprecedentedly grand. At this time, when you enter Xianyang City, you will enter the mouth of the tiger and you will cast your own net.

Tianming was stunned and looked at Xia Yu

"Brother Yu, are you going to pull me?"

Xia Yu shook his head and sighed deeply.

"Although it is most correct to stop you at this time and not let you go to Xianyang, but I didn't want to stop you."

Inexplicably asked


Xia Yu paused, and then looked at it with some difficulty

"Because Yue'er's body at this time is really bad. If this continues, I don't know how long Yue'er can hold on. At this time, Yue'er may abandon herself at any time, and the consequence of giving up is,, ,"

Xia Yu didn't say the remaining half sentence, because this topic and this matter are hard to say, especially in front of Tianming.

Tianming took a deep breath.

"Okay, I get it. I'll go to the Xi clan and ask them to rescue Yue'er, Brother Yu, trouble you. Before I come back, ensure Yue'er's safety."

Xia Yu nodded heavily

"Don't worry, before you come back, Yue'er will be safe and sound. What Yue'er looked like when you left, and what she will be like when you come back. This is what I said.

Tianming nodded, turned around and walked out of Xia Yu’s camp. Xia Yu knew that he would set off to Xianyang immediately, because in his heart, Yue’er’s safety was more important than his own safety, even, In his heart, there is nothing more important than Yue'er, otherwise he would not abandon the many disciples of the Mo family and go to Xianyang to rescue Yue'er who was held hostage by the Yin Yang family.

Moreover, the most important point is that Xia Yu learned that Ying Zheng was about to set off for an Eastern Tour not long ago. If there were no errors in the previous divination, Ying Zheng died on this Eastern Tour. As Yingzheng's closest inmate, Gao must go with him.

At this time, Zhao Gao would not have any extra thoughts to think about how to capture Tianming. Therefore, Xianyang is indeed dangerous for Tianming at this time, but it is also an unprecedented opportunity to sneak into the residence of the Xi family. , An opportunity to find more news about Yu Sha Yugui.

Moreover, what Tianming can actually find is not only Da Si Ming, who already hates Zhao Gao, but also Yue'er's aunt. At this time, the moon god of the Yin Yang family, the moon god is the twin sister of Yue'er's birth mother, but However, he did not inherit the power of Yugui, so he was not made a saint at the beginning. Later, he helped Yue'er's biological mother escape from the Xi family and was punished by Zhao Gao because of what he did to Yue'er not long ago. Such a position.

Unfortunately, after Yue'er was rescued, she was punished by Zhao Gao again. I heard that now her sanity has begun to become unclear, and the biggest feature of unconsciousness is that it will only affect the most important things in her life. Only then did she realize that, and Yue'er's biological mother is precisely the most important thing in her life, so to a certain extent, Yue'er is also very important to her.

But this is what Tianming has to face. At this time, Xia Yu has only one thing to do, that is, he promised Tianming to keep Yue'er in the state at this time. It was not that he could not do it before, but the price was too high. Big.

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