Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 476

As I said before, the power of Yugui in Yue'er is actually due to lack of power to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, which will erode Yue'er's body. Therefore, as long as the power of Yugui is constantly replenishing the vitality of the heavens and the earth, Yue'er can be used. The body no longer suffers from the power of Yugui.

However, the vitality of the heavens and the earth between the heavens and the earth is too thin. It’s not that they don’t have it, but they are so thin that even a Xia Yu who wants to absorb it needs to use all his thoughts and work hard to absorb part of it. This is why Xia Yu didn’t use the heavens and the earth before. The reason why the vital energy healed himself is, after all, the reason why his current physical injury can slowly recover, and it can still keep from getting worse is because he has been using mind power to control it. Once all the mind power is exhausted, his injury will definitely increase. of.

Just like the last time I stabbed Yue'er on the formation of the fish cage bird in the pond, Xia Yu would never use such a method to help Yue'er maintain his physical condition.

But now, he promised Tianming, so he must do this.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu took a deep breath, walked out of his camp, and arrived at Yue'er's camp, opened the door, and walked in.

Seeing Xia Yu's arrival, both Duanmu and Gai Nie were surprised, because Xia Yu had never been to Yue'er's camp so late before.

"Xia Yu, why are you here? Is something wrong?"

Xia Yu nodded, looked at the sleeping Yue'er and said

"I promised Tianming to maintain Yue'er's state and not let his condition worsen."

Duanmu's eyes lit up and looked at Xia Yu

"Can you keep Yue'er from getting worse?"

Xia Yu nodded, Duanmu couldn't wait to ask

"Why didn't you shoot before?"

Xia Yu sighed and said

"The price is too high, so I'm still thinking about it. Well, don't ask so much. In the next few days, don't bother me and Yue'er if nothing happens, and remember to bring food in for me. These few days, I can't get out."

With that said, Xia Yu walked to Yue'er's bed, ignoring whether Yue'er was asleep or how she was sleeping, and directly lifted Yue'er from the bed with his hands, and he sat cross-legged behind Yue'er.

Hold both hands flat and reach Yue'er's vest,

"Remember, don't come to disturb me, and don't let other people disturb me,"

Then, I closed my eyes, and when the thoughts in my heart moved, all my thoughts exploded, and he began to draw the heaven and earth vitality that was already thin to the extreme in the air rushing toward him, and then injected into Yue'er's body through his body.

The strength of Yugui that had been surging in Yue'er's body surged toward Yue'er's vest at the moment when Heaven and Earth's vitality entered his body.The greedy mouth sucked the heaven and earth vitality that entered Yue'er's body.

This heaven and earth vitality may not be so pure, on the contrary, there are many impurities, but even so, it is much stronger than Yue'er's body vitality.

With better ones, who is willing to eat the bad ones, Yugui’s power that was raised by Xia Yu, completely ignores Yue’er’s body’s own vitality, but frantically absorbs what Xia Yu injected into Yue’er’s body vitality.

At this moment, Yue'er's face suddenly became more rosy, and the weakness of the whole person began to recover.Next, just let Yue'er make a good supplement, and it will be easy to return to the previous state.

In the next few days, as Xia Yu said, he didn’t leave Yue’er’s camp even a single step. He hadn’t even been in Yue’er’s bed. He kept injecting the vitality of heaven and earth into Yue’er’s body, maintaining the power of Yugui. Stop eroding Yue'er's body

Corresponding to Yue'er's healthier and healthier body is Xia Yu's body, becoming weaker day by day. It can be seen that Xia Yu's injuries have begun to recede, and even begin to show signs of aggravation.

In the middle of the night, Yue'er was already asleep, and Xia Yu was still doing the same thing. Duanmu came to Yue'er’s camp, looked at Xia Yu, and asked.

"Xia Yu, where did Tianming go?"

Xia Yu smiled helplessly and said

"I said, eldest sister, let me rest for a while, OK? I have been maintaining Yue'er these days and I really don't have the energy to answer your questions."

Duanmu took a deep breath, looked at Xia Yu, and spoke slowly. The tone seemed to say, if you don't give me an answer and explain, I will definitely be with you.

So Xia Yu had to sigh and said

"Go to Xianyang,"

Duanmu's surprised opening


Xia Yu said helplessly

"Duanmu, don't wake up Yue'er, she just fell asleep, and she doesn't want Tianming to go to Xianyang, although Tianming's purpose is to save her."

Duanmu took another deep breath and looked at Xia Yu

"What do you think, you don't even stop when you go to Xianyang in the morning."

Xia Yu smiled

"I advised him to go, why should I stop"

Duanmu became even more angry after listening

"Are you crazy? What if something happens at dawn?"

Xia Yu didn’t laugh this time, because Duanmu’s attitude really made him a little angry. Even if you don’t thank me for helping Yue’er like this, don’t ask me when I’m exhausted to the limit and can’t hold on anymore. .

"Duanmu! As a medical immortal of the Mo family, I don't believe you would not know if Yue'er continues like this, will you not live long?"

Duanmu was taken aback, then his angry expression stagnated, and he sighed

"I also know that Yue'er's body can no longer hold on, and I am also very sad, but this is not the reason for Tianming's risk."

Xia Yu's tone started to be cold

"Duanmu, you are for Tianming’s good, that’s right, but you also have to be clear that what Tianming wants you to do for his good, he has always valued Yue'er most in his heart, so, for Yue’er, he It is willing to take risks."

Duanmu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xia Yu.

"Don't say what you would think of a solution, or what made Gai Nie go with Tianming. Tianming and you understand it. At this time, Yue'er's problem is no longer within the scope of medical skills. , So no matter how you think about it and study it, you will not find a solution."

"We still need to be connected with people. Only people from the Xi clan can completely solve the problem of Yue'er. Moreover, now, Ying Zheng is seriously ill, coupled with certain goals of Zhao Gao and Li Si, and we are about to start another Dong Xun, I think he won’t be able to come back this time, so at this time, Zhao Gao really doesn’t have much energy to pay attention to Tianming’s problems. In addition, at this time, there is the existence of Dasiming and Moon God. , The best time to find a solution to the problem of the month."

Duanmu was taken aback,

"At this time, is it really the best time for Tianming to go to Xianyang?"

Xia Yu nodded

"I think so. After all, for the sake of Yue'er, tomorrow morning and evening have to go to Xianyang. This kind of thing is always early and not late. It happens that the current situation is very suitable, so let Tianming try. It’s okay."

"The most important thing is that if Tianming can return safely this time and find a solution to Yue'er's problem, even if it cannot be completely resolved, but it must be a mitigating solution, Tianming can really be said to be able to stand alone. I think so, whether it is you or Lao Guy, it will be very gratified."

What more Duanmu had to say, at this moment, Gainie walked in

"Xia Yu is right. Let Tianming try it. Moreover, he has already set off now. It is useless for you to blame Xia Yu here. Moreover, Xia Yu has been really working hard these days. You can also You can see that Yue'er's body is getting better every day."

307 Xianyang, Zhao Gao Mansion, the residence of the Yin Yang family

Duanmu nodded, his tone eased a lot, but there was still some dissatisfaction.

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