Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 477

"I know that Xia Yu is very hard, and I can see Yue'er getting better, but Xia Yu is still a bit reckless to let Tianming go to Xianyang by himself. What if there is a danger?"

Gai Nie sighed, took Duanmu's shoulders, and persuaded

"Tianming should also be independent. His martial arts are already very strong. It's time for him to try to wander the rivers and lakes alone."

Duanmu sighed and didn't say anything, not only because what Gai Nie and Xia Yu said were all right, there was also a part of the reason why she couldn't change the matter even if they were not right.

After all, Tianming has gone to Xianyang, and now it is estimated that he has arrived at Zhao Gao’s house. Even if he is now allowed to come back, it is too late. Therefore, Duanmu can only pray for Tianming’s operation to go smoothly and smoothly at this moment. Let's go back to Ziwuling.

So, what is Tianming doing at this time?

Tianming had indeed reached Xianyang at this time, and while Zhao Gao was not there, he sneaked into his mansion.

As Zhao Gao's commander of the CRRC Mansion, his mansion is naturally heavily guarded. Except for the soldiers that Ying Zheng arranged to protect Zhao Gao and his mansion, there are secretly many Yin Yang family warlocks guarding around the mansion.

It took a lot of effort to sneak here without being noticed.

This is not the first time Tianming has sneaked into this place. When Yue'er was abducted by the Yin Yang family, Tianming had come here to find news about the Xi clan, but unfortunately there was no gain.

However, the entire Xianyang, at that time, had already been checked by the men of Tianming Gai Nie and Fu Su Gongzi, and there was no place that could serve as a stronghold for the Xi clan, the Xi clan, which is the base camp of the Yin Yang family. The most likely place to exist is Zhao Gao's mansion, but this mansion Tianming has not been investigated, and there is indeed no clue.

Therefore, Tianming is in trouble.

Slowly closing his eyes, Tianming remembered what Gane had said to him before. When he encountered something that he had to do, but he didn't have any clues or strategies, calm down and carefully. Recalling whether you have missed any important clues, many times, what you need to do can be easily solved.

At this moment, Tianming, there was no way, and he was very anxious. He could only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and forced himself to calm down.

After Tianming really calmed down, he discovered that the pond full of lotus flowers in Zhao Gao’s mansion had a big problem, that is, the angle and shape of the reflection of the moon in the pool water, which is obvious. The pool is not as deep as he looks on the surface.

A pool is made very deep on the outside, but it is actually very shallow. This is obviously the existence of some secret rooms under the pool.

Tianming secretly affirmed in his heart that the place under this pool was the base camp of Yin Yang family.

However, how to enter the pool is another huge problem.

As mentioned earlier, there are many guards in Zhao Gao's mansion, and the layout is very comprehensive. Tianmingguang has already spent a lot of thoughts just sneaking in.

If you want to enter the secret room, you naturally have to take the formal way, which is to find the location of the organ, but use brute force to break open the secret room and enter. If there are not so many guards, you may be able to enter from the bottom of the pool. Obviously it won't work.

While avoiding the guards in the mansion, he carefully checked the situation of the yard. Tianming was sure that he could not find the location of the organ, and there was only one place left in the whole mansion that he had not searched for.That is Zhao Gao's bedroom.

That is the most heavily guarded place in the entire mansion, and it is also the most dangerous place. Before Tianming, he thought about whether Zhao Gao would put the entrance of the secret room in his bedroom. However, considering safety and privacy, Tianming again Denying this guess, after all, Zhao Gao also wants to rest. If the secret room is there, then walking back and forth will disturb the rest.

As the leader of the Yin Yang family, Zhao Gao couldn't let others enter and leave his bedroom at will.

So, even if Zhao Gao's study was the first target, the guard there was very tight, Tianming also searched there for a long time, and almost took the whole study apart.

Tianming took advantage of the guard's carelessness and entered the bedroom.

Zhao Gao’s bedroom is very luxurious. There is a huge incense burner in the middle. Looking back from the incense burner, it is a huge chair, or a bed, but it’s smaller than the bed, looking at the table before the collapse. The furnishings here should be where Zhao Gao handles some things, not a place to rest.

At the back of the collapse, there is a hollow screen, and behind the screen is a door. Inside the door is Zhao Gao’s bedroom. There are several bookshelves and a bed inside. The bookshelves are not inlaid on the wall. The bed and The walls are also separated, enough to see that there are no institutions here.

Coming out of the bedroom, opening the door next to it, and walking in, what you see is a meeting room with straw mats, sand tables, and many books. Like the previous bedroom, the furniture and walls in the room are not connected. It can be moved, which also eliminates the possibility of these furniture being the entrance organ of the secret room.

Tianming is also the tycoon of the Mohist school no matter how he messes around. However, one must understand the mechanism technique, and mechanism is the simplest mechanism technique.

Tianming took a close look at the inside and outside of the house, and often the arrangement of the organs does not exist here.

"Isn't the entrance to the secret room no longer here?"

Tianming murmured, but then he shook his head and denied his thoughts.

"Impossible. Except for this house, it is not the best choice to decorate the organization. Moreover, with so many furniture here, it is obvious that there is something to hide. However, the organization is not furniture. Is this Zhao Gaobu's suspicious array? "

Thinking of this, Tianming carefully observed the room again, and found two items that he had neglected when he first inspected it, two lampstands and a door curtain.

It is certain that the curtain must not be a mechanism, because it is just a piece of cloth, and there is no way to arrange a linkage mechanism.

So, the agency is a lampstand?

Tianming walked to the side of the lampstand vigilantly, tried to push it, and found that the lampstand was active, but could not move this position, but moved in a rotating manner.

When Tianming's eyes lit up, he put out his hands, turned the lampstand, and suddenly the wall behind the lampstand began to move.

A hallway the size of a door was exposed, and it was obvious that this was the entrance to the secret room.

After opening the entire entrance completely, Tianming looked around vigilantly, and then walked in carefully.

Entering the corridor is a stone ladder that spreads downward, and the voice of several people talking comes up from the stone ladder.

"Come on, drink!"

"Okay, okay, almost done, on duty, in case the drink is really high, what happened then, it is not a joke."

"Hey, sit down, what can happen, Da Si Ming and Dong Huang are on the tour, just our brothers are here, this opportunity is not open to drink? Are you stupid?"

"All right, then forget it after drinking this jar of wine,"

"That's right, don't pay for it, you will die if you drink it,"

"I see, why don't you just drink your wine, look at your petty spirit."

"Hey, by the way, is the crazy woman's food ready?"

"Then it needs preparation? This is not enough."

"This mad woman is miserable enough. You said that after all these years, you finally became a moon god, and after only a few days, she fell off."

"Isn't it, crying all day long, making people feel numb."

"Okay, stop talking about this, come on, drink!"

"Don't drink it, let's quickly deliver the meal to the crazy lady, we still have to be on duty."

"Will you go now?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

Waiting for the sound of voices and footsteps, gradually walked away, gradually disappeared, and then Tianming walked down from above.

What you see is a table full of wine and vegetables. Looking at the surrounding environment, this should be the place where the guards rest on duty, that is, the existence of the duty room. In that case, those people will definitely return here to rest.

Tianming took out a paper bag from his arms. It contained the strong sweat medicine Xia Yu gave him when he was leaving. As long as the tip of his tongue gets a little on it, he will fall asleep all day.

Tianming cautiously dropped the sweat medicine on the cups left by the guards, so that as long as those people returned to drink here, they would faint. As for why they didn’t download it in the wine, it’s because Tianming knew. If these few are found to have passed out, they will definitely check whether the drinks and dishes have been poisoned. On the contrary, it is the tableware, which is much less likely to be checked. Moreover, at one point, the entrance has disappeared. It is the residue that can only be found in the investigation.

In this way, these sleepy guards will be regarded as drunk.

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