Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 478

After putting down the medicine, Tianming walked into the stone door directly opposite the end of the stone ladder. It was not Tianming who chose this door, but there was only such a door here.

Entering the door, it is like a crypt. There are no regular buildings, just a channel and a stone chamber are excavated on the underground stones.

Tianming didn’t drink, and he walked very quickly, so soon I saw a guard holding a plate. Obviously this was one of the few people who had been drinking in the duty room before. The mad woman who delivered the meal.

Watching the guard lock the stone room in front of him and leave, Tianming inferred that the so-called mad woman was in this stone room.

What you saw in the stone room was not a mad woman, but a sarcophagus, and the so-called mad woman was behind the sarcophagus, eating the food brought in by the guards bit by bit.

Tianming walked to Mad Lady, and squatted down and asked

"Moon God? Moon God?"

The Moon God, the so-called mad woman, raised her head and glanced at Tianming, then turned around and hid the food in her arms, as if she was afraid that Tianming would take it away.,

Tianming frowned

"Moon God, tell me how to cure Yue'er,"

"Yue'er? Yue'er!"

Luna reacted, raised his head and looked at Tianming, and Tianming saw the change of Luna's expression and said hurriedly

"Yeah, that's Yue'er who was persecuted by you. Come on, how can we cure her?"

In the end, Tianming was almost shouting. If he was not afraid of being discovered, he would definitely shout. Even if his voice was low at this time, the anger in the tone could not be suppressed. After all, his beloved girl Being persecuted like that, being a man is unbearable.

"I don't know anything, I didn't kill it, not me!"

Moon God said this, and the more she said her emotions became more agitated, and Moon God's state at this time did not blame the guards for calling her a mad woman.

And Tianming doesn’t care about Moon God’s mental state. He squeezes Moon God’s shoulder, looks into her eyes, and says

"It was you who caused her. If you hadn't taken her away in the first place, how could she have become the way she is now? If you can't cure her, I will take you for life."

"It's not me, it's not me, the Broken Soul Needle! It was given to me by Lord Donghuang! I am implicated by Bihua. I want to be a moon god, and cannot resist Lord Donghuang, no, no!"

Luna's emotions have begun to collapse. Her tone is sometimes panicked, sometimes excited, sometimes sad, and the whole person is tragic and moody. It is already certain that she is indeed crazy and that the illness is not light.

However, it is also true. After all, in order to make her superior, what she hurt was her sister's only daughter, her own niece. Later, Yue'er was rescued, she lost her position as the moon god, and was put in Bihua's coffin by Zhao Gao. In the stone room, always receiving inner condemnation, it is strange not to be crazy.

Tianming was even more angry when he saw the moon god in this state. He didn't believe that the moon god would go crazy, so he shouted

"Don't pretend to be a fool, just tell me how to cure Yue'er,"

The Moon God looked at Tianming with shock on his face.


Then joy

"Bihua! Please, forgive me, forgive me, I didn't mean to kill your daughter, she is also my niece, I tortured her like that, I am not a human, I am not a human!"

Luna suddenly started crying, and began to slap himself, which made Tianming a little bit unable to stand it.

"Don't do this, don't beat yourself,"

"Bihua, I beg you to forgive me"

After that, the words of the Moon God were always these words, repeated repeatedly, as if they really regarded Tianming as Yue'er's biological mother, the twin sister of Moon God, Bihua.

This scene made Tianming very uncomfortable. In the end, he stopped asking questions about Yue'er. After breaking away from the pull of the moon god, Tianming left the stronghold of Yin Yang family and left Zhao Gao's house.

The next day, Tianming stood alone outside Xianyang City, leaning against the city wall, lost in thought.

The Yin-Yang family understands Yue’er’s situation at this time. It must be high-ranking existences, such as the former Yunzhongjun, Moon God, and Shao Si who ordered these positions, but they are either dead or crazy now. Only Dasiming and Donghuang Taiyi Zhao Gao can understand the details.

308 An accident, discuss

Now that I know who and where are the people who understand the situation and can solve the problem.Tianming, who was already secretly worried, would naturally not delay his time in Xianyang.

Now only Zhao Gao and Da Si Ming are the only people who understand the situation, and both Cha Cha Xia Yu and Gai Nie have concluded that Da Si Ming will help them, and even if they can, Da Si Ming will take action against Zhao Gao.

Therefore, this time Tianming's main goal on the road to the east is to command the mission.

However, when Tianming decided to follow the route of the first emperor’s eastward tour in search of Dasiming, a very influential event happened in this era.

One emperor through the ages, destroying the six kingdoms, setting up counties and counties, abolishing the enclaves, the same track, the same book, building the Lingqu, the water system, attacking the Xiongnu in the north, conquering Baiyue in the south, crossing the Great Wall, the first emperor who has expanded thousands of miles, wins Zheng is falling.

Before his death, only Zhao Gao was next to Yingzheng. Originally, Cui Zi had developed the legendary elixir and immortal medicine, and planned to dedicate it to Yingzheng. When Xiaochuan took the order to respond, he remembered Xia Yu’s words. Fleeing with Yushu with the elixir, and retreating to the forest, Gao Yao did not take the elixir of death this time. Did Yushu leave Yingzheng's side long ago? Xiaochuan did not experience suspended animation. .

However, what has also changed is the death of Fusu.

Before Ying Zheng was dying, he wrote down his will. No one knows what the original content of the will was. However, the current content must have been changed by Zhao Gao.

The edict was quickly sent to Shangjun on the way, and a secret letter was delivered to General Wang. After reading the contents of the superstition, General Wang began to look very solemn, and immediately called people to Fusu. come.

Also coming with Fusu were Gai Nie, and Xia Yu, who controlled Yue'er's physical condition and Yugui's strength in his body.

"Is there something to call us over in a hurry?"

Fusu asked General Wang, and Guyie also calmly said

"What happened?"

General Wang raised his hand to signal the others not to speak, then looked at the guard standing guard at the entrance of the camp.

"All retreat, retreat to twenty steps away from the big account, within this distance, no one is allowed to approach!"


After many guards responded, they retreated twenty steps beyond the big tent according to General Wang's order, and indeed did not let anyone approach here.

General Wang looked at Fusu and said slowly

"My brother is an urgent letter, saying that your majesty suddenly interrupted the east tour and returned to Xianyang early."

Gane looks at General Wang

"Did you say why?"

General Wang shook his head.

"My brother also sent a letter to ask Zhao Gao, but only got a vague answer, saying that his majesty's dragon body is not in peace, and he decided to return temporarily.

Fusu looked at a few people in confusion,

"Strange, according to the temper of the emperor, if it is just a physical illness, he will definitely insist on completing the east tour."

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