Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Carefree Life in Jiangye Chapter 497

Originally, according to Shao Yu's strategy, if Tianming sneaked into Chen Liuzhong to poison, perhaps Xiang Yu's army would still die some people, but there would definitely not be many people who died during the battle with Chen Liu's army.

In Chenliu City, all the people are soldiers. Naturally, they must fight bravely to kill the enemy. Shaoyu's troops want to have a lot more casualties than when they attacked the city normally.

On the second day, the war started, but halfway through, Shao Yu Mingjin retreated.

That night, Xiang Liang's troops rushed back.

"What happened?"

Shaoyu asked anxiously

The dying messenger said

"Qin,,, Qin army,,,, Qin army raided, Dingtao,,, Dingtao fell. General Xiang, he,,,"

Then, the messenger lost his breath and left this world of constant wars.

Shaoyu is still asking what he cares most

"What's wrong with my uncle? What's wrong with my uncle? Say, what's wrong with my uncle?"

At this time, Tianming and several people also ran over.

"Shao Yu, what's the matter?"

At this time, where is Shao Yu in the mood to answer Tianming’s question, but a person panicked and said something he would not believe himself.

"My uncle, my uncle will have no trouble, no trouble, impossible, no. Absolutely not, my uncle will never have trouble,"

Then he got up and rushed in the direction of Dingtao.

Tianming Xia Yu followed Shao Yu closely, trying to calm Shao Yu down.

Seeing that such a thing could not be stopped, Xia Yu winked at Tianming, not discouraging Shaoyu, but went to Dingtao with him to check Xiang Liang and the others.

It just so happened that I met Xiang Liang's army who had returned from the defeat on the road.

Xiang Liang's troops suffered heavy casualties. Xiang Liang died in battle. Chi Lian beside Wei Zhuang died in battle to protect him. All the generals died in battle, and the soldiers drove hard with their wounds. At this time, the sky was still raining heavily. , The soldiers who were continuously severely wounded couldn't stand their lives.

Seeing Shaoyu's arrival, all the soldiers stopped and knelt on the ground, and what Shaoyu saw in his eyes was the corpse of his uncle Xiang Liang.Of course the corpse was wrapped in a flag, and it was a very bad thing to expose the corpse. Xiang Liang's status was noble, so naturally it wouldn't be the case. Even soldiers and soldiers should pay attention to a shroud of horse leather.

Shaoyu could recognize that it was his uncle’s corpse because Xiang Liang’s saber was placed next to the corpse. It was the sword that the King Chu bestowed on the Xiang clan when Chu was still alive. Xiang Liang was In any case, he will not be allowed to leave, unless Xiang Liang is the corpse.

Shaoyu staggered towards the corpse, his face full of disbelief.Slowly stretched out his hand and lifted the linen cloth covering the body.Xiang Liang's dead face was revealed, and it seemed quite peaceful.

After all, they were killed in battle, and the Xiang clan were all descendants of the generals. Death on the battlefield was their highest honor.

Shaoyu couldn't help crying after seeing Xiang Liang's face truly.


Shaoyu lost his father when he was a child and perished his country. Since childhood, he has been by Xiang Liang's side. Although Xiang Liang is very strict with him, his love and care are indispensable. Shaoyu can have today. It can be said that there are eight layers because of Xiang Liang. The presence.

Xia Yu looked at Shaoyu, then looked up at Wei Zhuang, the last of the team. At this time, Wei Zhuang's face was very pale. Without the slightest shrewd look of the past, the whole person seemed silly.

There was another corpse in front of Wei Zhuang, covered with a piece of red cloth, which formed a sharp contrast with the white linen cloth covered by other generals.

Xia Yu already had a guess in her heart at this time, but she still didn't want to believe that if it was the person he thought of that died, then the fate of that person would be tragic enough.

Xia Yu stood next to the corpse, stretched out his arm a little hesitantly, and lifted the red cloth up, revealing the beautiful face underneath that was defeated and without the slightest blood.

It was the person Xia Yu thought of, the woman who was miserable in her life, and the lover in Wei Zhuang's heart, Chi Lian.

Chi Lian was really a miserable person.

In the early years, because of the war, the village where Chi Lian and Bai Feng were located was slaughtered. Only these two dolls survived because of hiding and were rescued by Wei Zhuang.

At that time, Wei Zhuang had already had the idea of ​​reviving the seven killers, so he adopted the two and gave them to an old seven killers who was a specialist in training the seven killers. The existence of disciples, poisons, hidden weapons, disguise, and assassination were all proficient, Chi Lian and Bai Feng followed him to learn.

However, as the days passed, Chi Lian slowly grew up, and his body became more prettier, and he was regarded by the old man with evil intentions.

Chi Lian would rather die than surrender, was punished many times, and finally killed the old man with his own efforts, and then followed Wei Zhuang's side, hiding his emotions towards Wei Zhuang in the depths.

When the Mohist government city was destroyed, she was the only one who seemed to search and rescue Weizhuang. This Weizhuang only lost her legs, not her life.

Wei Zhuang has also developed feelings for Chi Lian in his heart over the years, but because of his legs, he did not intend to accept it. Under Xia Yu's persuasion, he woke up and brought Chi Lian with him.

It is a pity that Chi Lian died in battle at this time.I can't help but sigh.

It was raining heavily, and there were tears on Wei Zhuang's face, no one noticed except Xia Yu.

Xia Yu sighed slightly and looked at Wei Zhuang

"It's my fault. If it weren't for my suggestion, you would not accept her, and you would not take her to set Tao."

Wei Zhuang shook his head

"It's not your fault, but my fault. If I am not a handicapped person, if I am not so useless, she will not block those bows and arrows for me to protect me."

Xia Yu raised his arm, patted Wei Zhuang on the shoulder, and asked

"Next, what are your plans?"

Wei Zhuang was obviously not as good as before. The whole person seemed to be stupid, and his reaction was much slower. After half a day, he answered Xia Yu’s question.

"I want to go to the place we've been together before after I buried her. I used to be bad to her, but now, when I want to be nice to her, she is gone."

Xia Yu sighed

"The man is dead, the living is like this."

Wei Zhuang shook his head

"Where is that simple."

Xia Yu asked again

"Then this world, the battle with Gane,,,"

Wei Zhuang sighed and said

"I wanted too much in the past, and I have never been satisfied. Now she is gone, taking my heart with me. On the contrary, I don't have that much. Just like this, it's good to live in quiet and seclusion. "

316 Duanmu Arrival

Xia Yu sighed and looked at Wei Zhuang

"Think about it?"

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