Happy Life in Jiang Ye

Happy Life In Jiang Ye Chapter 498

Wei Zhuang nodded

"Before, I was so sorry for her. I wanted to make it up slowly, but now that I don't have a chance, I will use my entire life to repay it."

For a time, sighing, sobbing, and painful crying continued.

In these voices, under the downpour, the group did not immediately return to Chen Liu's camp.Instead, many soldiers were buried nearby.

On the second day, Xiang Yu held a funeral for many soldiers who died in the battle of Dingtao's fall. Of course, Chilian and Xiang Liang were the main burials.

Shaoyu knelt in front of Xiang Liang’s grave and cried bitterly. Tianming wanted to comfort him, but he was thrown away by his hand, pointing to Tianming’s nose and shouting loudly.

"Don't touch me! In Chenliu, why are you not willing to help me, why? If you are willing to help me, I won't be here for so long, so I can go to meet my uncle earlier, then, my uncle He won't die."

Tianming also looked sad, and had nothing to complain about Shaoyu.

After a while, Shaoyu was tired from crying, and his voice became hoarse, but he was still kneeling there alone, murmured in his mouth.

"Uncle, I finally understand what you said that the king is domineering and must be ruthless, because being sentimental will only cause greater sacrifices,"

Tianming was standing behind Shaoyu, hearing Shaoyu's mumbling, couldn't help but speak

"Shaoyu, don't do this,"

Shaoyu didn't pay attention to Tianming immediately, but stood up alone, turned his head to look at Tianming, and said angrily to Tianming.

"Now it is to give me the greatest pain and the most painful lesson. If we attacked Chen Liu quickly, we would be able to rescue in time, then lie here."

Tianming was silent, turned his head, couldn't bear to look at Shaoyu's eyes, and Shaoyu paused before continuing to speak.

"Then those who lie here will be Qin's dog thief,"

Having said this, Shaoyu turned around, no longer looked at Tianming, and said decisively

"You go, I don't want to see you anymore,"

There was a meal at dawn, but when he thought that Shaoyu’s emotions were the most exciting now, he was absolutely unable to continue to stimulate, so he had to speak

"Then I will go back to Chen Liu first, take care,"

Then turned and walked outside, Xia Yu looked at Tianming's departed back, so lonely and lonely, she couldn't help but nodded to Wei Zhuang, then turned on his horse and chased Tianming away.

Tianming left alone. It’s very dangerous. There are still many soldiers from Xiangliang’s army here, and Wei Zhuang is also here, but on the way back to Chen Liu, if Xia Yu doesn’t follow, then There was only Tianming alone, so Xia Yu decided to go back with Tianming.

However, when I returned to Chen Liu, the scene I saw was completely different from when Xia Yu and the others left. There were many wounded soldiers in Chen Liu’s camp, which surprised both Xia Yu and Tianming. You know, they It's been less than two days, I can't. In this short period of less than two days, another city battle occurred.

But it's not right, the wrong commander, Shaoyu is not there, soldiers will not play easily.

So Tianming grabbed a soldier and asked

"Brother, what's wrong here?"

The soldier just shook his head and said nothing.At this time, Xia Yu saw the hammer there helping to bandage the injury, walked over and asked

"Hammer, what happened here? We are not here these few days, what happened?"

The hammer looked up and saw Xia Yu and Tianming behind him, and said

"Why are you back? Let me tell you that after you leave, it will be fine today and it will not rain. My eldest brother will discuss with Lao Gai, and absolutely once Xiang Liangjun is defeated, let's not We have to withdraw. Then I thought, we might as well take this opportunity to fight a big battle, and if we win, we will reverse the situation. Hey, who knows, people are not as good as heaven."

Tianming hurriedly asked

"How is my master now?"

The hammer sighed,

"Hey, my eldest brother and Lao Guy are still unconscious,"

Tianming said anxiously

"No, I have to go and see,"

Xia Yu nodded and followed Tianming's footsteps into Gaie’s camp, and saw that Duanmu was treating Gaieie.

"Duanmu, are you here?"

Duanmu nodded, then gave Xia Yu a white look

"Speak down, I said, what did you do, why are you not by his side,"

Xia Yu was about to speak. At this time, Guyie woke up, and the hammer said happily

"Hey, wake up, wake up."

Duanmu glanced at Gane, and confirmed that he really woke up, then said in an angry tone.

"Your dog's life is saved,"

Gai Nie looked at Duanmu and said

"You are really here."

Duanmu stood up and said insincerely

"Someone begged me to come stubbornly, can I not come? Let's say, what is going on looking for me all the way?"

Gai Nie sat up with difficulty and looked at Duanmu's back. Before saying anything, the hammer interrupted the way.

"Girl Duanmu, you see that Lao Gai is okay, my elder brother is still unconscious, or else, you can show him too?"

Duanmu looked at the hammer with no anger and said

"Don't you see me chatting with Gai Nie? Besides, I can save everyone in the world, that's the one with the surname Liu, don't talk about it!"

The hammer asked

"Why? My elder brother didn't offend you. Why do you say that to him,"

Duanmu reached out his hand and lighted the hammer and said

"The mouth grows on my own body. I just want to say what I like. Can you control it? I just can't save that surname Liu, how about it."

Duanmu glanced at Gane with a little anger, and continued to say

"If he hadn't talked a lot, some people would have been happy in Jinghu Medical Village. Why bother, lying here half-dead?"

The Hammer was helpless, so he winked at Gai Nie and asked Gai Nie to speak for him.Gane stood up, walked to Duanmu's side, took out the second kit from his arms, and handed it to Duanmu.

"Save him, this is my second request,"

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