Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1223: . You stand forward (4/5)

Put on a white coat and a white hat, the sweet man looked around and was happy: "Hey, we are all Muslims."

The instructor warned him: "You can joke with Christians, you can joke with Buddhists, but don't joke with Muslims, or your police career will not be long."

The sweet man nodded and said, "I know, I've seen them terribly when I was in Afghanistan."

Instead of going to the morgue, they went directly into the morgue, and the instructors watched them enter at the door. Wang Bo asked: "The instructor please first."

The instructors smiled, "No, we don't need it. You can enjoy it inside and bless you."

"Xuete." The students whispered in private.

The post-mortem room is an underground hall. The temperature was very low after entering. This time Wang Bo felt that the wind blowing was definitely overcast. Too fast. "

Facing the cold wind, they passed through the corridor. There were some small rooms on both sides of the corridor, and the doors were closed, so I didn't know why.

At the end of the hallway are some thick plastic curtains. Open the curtains and officially enter the hall of the postmortem room.

Compared with the corridor, the temperature inside is lower. Wang Bo opened the curtain and felt that he had entered an ice cave.

Atulu also stumbled a few times and said to Wang Bo, "Boss, it's colder than the cold storage in the ranch."

There are several movable stainless steel countertops in the hall. There are fixed tables next to the wall. Some have tools on them, while others have a dead body.

Wang Bo counted and whispered: "A total of twenty corpses, where are so many?"

At this time, the curtain shook, and five or six people in white coats and masks walked in. They walked silently, and they seemed horrible to cooperate with the environment.

"These five are forensics?" Bingge asked in a low voice.

Asturo said: "This is six."

Wang Bo and others all showed surprised expressions: "How can there be six? Obviously five people, you see, one two three four five ..."

Aturu was in a hurry, pointing to a short white coat on the farthest edge: "No, there's another one here, can't you see?"

Wang Bo and Bingge looked blankly.

At this moment, Maori Han almost fell to his knees with a soft knee.

Uncle Bing pushed both of them and said, "Okay, don't scare Aturu, everyone is serious."

Aturu suddenly became angry, and the soldier shrugged, "Who knows he is so timid!"

"I'm not timid, I'm afraid of ghosts!" Atulu argued.

A forensic doctor came out and said, "Everyone wait for a while, wait for the students of the medical school. You can take a look here first, familiarize yourself with the environment, and see if there are any interesting projects."

The students laughed: "Interested in these things? Forget it?"

Wang Bo has never seen a corpse in reality, and the setting sun town is not bad. There have been no homicides, so he was trembling in this environment.

Out of sight and upset, he chatted with Atulu and others.

Ten or more minutes later, twenty or thirty white coats came in. Needless to say, this is a medical student.

Bingge urged: "How many people to count?"

Uncle Bing frowned: "Gerald, you're enough, I'm angry!"

Bingge spread his hands and looked helpless, and said nothing.

A tall forensic doctor grouped them, one student with one medical student, and then two corpses.

In this way, there are still a few dead bodies. These are not used for class, but for the forensic doctors. Among the six forensic doctors, the tallest one is an instructor, and the other are normal workers.

Wang Bo was unlucky. The corpse assigned to him was dead. His head and chest were stained with blood, his eyes widened, but his pupils spread and his eyes looked horrible.

The forensic instructor said: "It is well known that in our country, once an abnormal death occurs, the body must be transported to the forensic department for inspection under the supervision of the police, and generally ..."

"Ah! Fack! Ah! Help!" A scream suddenly sounded, and a stainless steel platform looked like a frying pan, and the students screamed back.

Wang Bo's courage to cope with this corpse finally disappeared from their screams.

"What's wrong?" The instructor asked angrily.

A student pointed tremblingly at the corpse and said, "His, his hands just moved, we all saw it, right? You saw the corpse's manual bomb!"

The people next to them nodded one after another: "Really, teacher, the corpse's hand shakes twice, a great deal!"

Atulu was short, Wang Bo estimated that he was kneeling down.

The instructor looked over, pinched the body, fingers and other parts of the body, opened the skin on the back of the hand with a scalpel, and said, "It's all right."

"It's all right?" The students were dissatisfied.

The instructor said: "Generally, during the decay process, a lot of gas will be generated inside the corpse, so the corpse will swell. At this time, the hands and legs will slightly extend to both sides, and the five fingers will swell, as if the corpse moved same."

"How is it possible that the corpse is not dominated by the brain. How can the limbs bend or straighten to varying degrees? The corpse's brain has long since died." Someone complained.

The instructor looked at him and said, "You're from the police academy, aren't you?"

The student said, "Uh, yes, how do you know?"

Everyone wears the same, white coats, white hats, masks on their faces, it is really difficult to distinguish.

The instructor said: "Because medical students don't say such unscientific words."

Wang Bo couldn't tell, the knee jump reflex didn't need the brain to participate, and then his limbs could move.

After a pause, the instructor went on to say, "Exactly, I plan to tell you about the supernatural reaction today, so take this opportunity to talk about it."

"The so-called hyperbiotic response means that tissues, organs, and cells still maintain vital functions after the death of the body, and still have a certain response to the stimulus. For example, within a few hours after death, skeletal muscles still contract under mechanical stimulation, dilated pupils or mitigating reactions, Intestinal motility and sperm motility are important for forensics and can be used to infer the time of death. "

Everyone took out their notebooks and began to record.

The instructor beckoned: "Don't rush to take notes. The things you take down are useless. Come to me. I will dissect this fresh corpse for you to see the supernatural reaction hidden in it."

Atulu touched it again, and the instructor pointed at him: "You are too tall and strong, stand at the end of the team, or you will block everyone's sight. You, your figure, stand forward."

Wang Bo looked sadly: me? Is there anything wrong, I am also strong and good! (To be continued.)

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