Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1224: . The large intestine is yours (5/5)

Except for the unlucky Wang Bo who was named after his surname, no one else was willing to stand forward.

Anatomy of a fresh corpse, this is too heavy.

Atulu snickered, and he stood comfortably outside, furthest from the dissection table.

The instructor had no choice but to name each one: "The last person wearing glasses said you, stand forward."

The last man to wear glasses was the sweet man. This guy deliberately pretended to have a pair of eyes.

Hearing the instructor's words, he calmly took off his glasses and continued to pretend that he didn't hear him.

The instructor was so angry that he took off his mask and threw it over: "Come here!"

Sweet man came over in frustration and stood next to Pharaoh.

Wang Bo asked: "Instructor, there are female classmates in the medical school. Will we block them?"

The instructor said: "It's okay, they don't have to take anatomy class, they have already taken it."

After the trainees stood, the instructor continued the lecture: "I said before that the abnormal dead body will be sent to a forensic doctor under the supervision of the police for anatomy and pathological tests."

"The purpose is to make a clear and scientific investigation into the cause of death and to clarify whether there are signs of murder or manslaughter, but you must also have some understanding of anatomy."

The instructor said as he beckoned several medical students. He didn't order anything. The students took the initiative to carry a few large glass basins.

Suddenly, Wang Bo couldn't open his eyes. For the first time, he knew that Formalin's thing was hot eyes.

The instructor, holding a sharp scalpel, dissected the body from the chest to the lower abdomen.

The corpse was really fresh, the blood was not completely coagulated, and a paste-like blood burst out.

Tian Nan didn't respond, saying, "I saw this stuff on the battlefield a lot."

Wang Bo shrugged: "I've seen a lot."

Upon hearing this, the sweet man suddenly changed his face. Pharaoh smiled: "Don't think too much. I have seen more on the ranch. I have a large ranch where I slaughter cattle and sheep every day."

Others were not so lucky, Pharaoh had heard the retching sound.

The instructor is very skilled in breaking open the skin of the chest, then removing the internal organs and introducing them.

The corpse's master was very fat before his life. After the instructor pulled open his skin, he could see a thick layer of yellow fat underneath.

After the organ was dissected out, the instructor did not directly put it into the formalin aqueous solution, but first put it on a balance for weighing.

Weighing is just fine. He seems to be disgustingly deliberately, looking at it over and over again, of course, it may also be teaching needs.

When the liver arrived, the instructor took out and said, "Look, this is the standard fatty liver, so students who are overweight here must pay attention to it, otherwise they must lose weight, isn't it terrible?"

A French student groaned: "Damn, I swear I won't eat foie gras all my life!"

Upon hearing this, the instructor pulled him directly, and the trainee was about to cry. The instructor's gloves were covered with dripping plasma paste, which was a blood fingerprint on his white coat.

After pulling it over, he handed the liver to the student and said, "Come, take a closer look, then weigh, sample, and say what you found."

The student had ten minutes of observation time, and the instructor continued to dissect, and then, like tug of war, shake out the intestines, the large intestine, the duodenum, and so on.

Wang Bo was sadly divided into a large intestine. He had to dissect to see what was inside, and then analyzed what the deceased had eaten in the last stage of his life.

What can be in the large intestine? It must be shit!

Seeing this, the student who had been assigned to the liver felt a lot of psychological balance.

Wang Bo also felt that he was psychologically balanced, because what the students left saw worse.

The belly was already empty, and the instructor began to clean up the throat. After cutting, he spread the blade vigorously to both sides, and let the students reach out to pull.

In this way, he held the pulled skin with a steel clip, exposing the throat area in front of a group of people.

Finally, someone couldn't help vomiting.

The instructor pointed at the trash can and said, "You have two minutes to vomit. If you exceed this time, you will stay here for ten minutes after class, and stay here for tuition."

As soon as this was said, both the vomiting students speeded up, while the others felt stubbornly suppressed.

However, this was Bai Ya, and the instructor took out the chainsaw and danced twice, just like the chainsaw maniac, and started to strike the corpse.

Chainsaws deal with bones, especially the skull.

Wang Bo smiled bitterly: "Instructor, don't you have to be so enthusiastic about teaching? It's a bit disrespectful of the corpses."

Questioned by him, the instructor was not angry, and said with a smile: "In fact, for this corpse, the anatomy of the skull is the most important, because the biggest doubt now is that he died of a serious wound on the head."

Someone asked, "But his head looks normal."

The instructor asked the two students to support the upper body of the corpse and show everyone his back: "Look, what's here? You can't see it, touch it with your hands."

Everyone reached out and felt for a while. Wang Bo felt that the tentacles were soft, and the back of the person was a little strange.

"This is the result of crushing the internal bones of the skull. According to my judgment, the part of his back brain has become a paste. When the deceased was found, he was at the scene of a car accident. Obviously, his head hit a hard object. "

"In this case, the entire brain must be dissected out for a detailed examination. Everyone points back and be careful to be sprayed on the body."

As soon as the instructor's words came out, a group of people suddenly changed color, and they immediately retreated.

Seeing this, the other forensic doctors laughed and said, "Can you still learn something so far away? Otherwise, you come to us to learn."

The trainees were embarrassed, and then surrounded them again.

The instructors just scared them, how could it be possible to spurt their brains out? This is the real insult to the corpse, they won't do it.

One night's forensic medicine course, Wang Bo finally survived.

They didn't leave until twelve in the evening, and the instructor said before leaving: "You don't have to stay so late in the future, the next class will be the morning after tomorrow."

The group was relieved, and Atulu smiled bitterly: "I thought that this course must be conducted in the evening."

The instructor shook his head and said, "How come, the reason for the first class tonight is to follow the tradition. I have to give you a kick. The class will not be so intense in the future."

The medical students laughed, and the students looked at each other: Is this instructor too honest? But what is the ghost tradition of the police academy? From the moment they entered the school gate, they were stunned enough. (To be continued.)

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