Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 23: Poems from the Sky

"This is……"

Suddenly a foreign object fell from the sky. The beautiful woman was a little frightened at first. When she saw the thing at her feet clearly, a hint of surprise flashed across her pretty face. She leaned over to pick up the object at her feet and said, "I'm afraid it's... A prayer lantern that burned out and fell down, right? "

According to the tradition of Jingguo, during every festival, people will fly sky lanterns to pray for blessings, especially the Chinese Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival. The rosin or oil-stained cloth pieces will always burn out, so on the night of Chinese Valentine's Day, I happened to pick up a lantern. A prayer lantern is not a strange thing. Tian Lai Novel

"There are words on it, look at what it says." After a brief moment of confusion, the singer glanced at the prayer lantern in the woman's hand, an interested smile appeared on her face, and she said with a smile.

Girls in Jingguo often write their wishes on the lanterns they fly to pray for on the Chinese Valentine's Day. Most of them pray to the Weaver Girl to give them a husband, or to bless them with a harmonious relationship.

Everyone has the desire to gossip, not to mention women, who are still very interested in the secrets of a woman they don't know.

"This... I'm afraid it's not what a gentleman does, right?" The beautiful woman looked hesitant.

"We are little girls, we are not gentlemen to begin with..." The singer chuckled lightly and took the lantern from the woman's hand. When she looked over, the first thing she saw was a painting.

In fact, at first glance, the singer was not sure whether it was a painting.

It is just a simple line outline without any color rendering, which is different from any painting she knows, but it is these simple lines that outline the beautiful scene of the magpie bridge meeting.

She had never seen such a strange painting before, and the singer was stunned for a moment.

"This painting..." When the beautiful woman came closer, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face, and she murmured: "It's like a meeting on a magpie bridge, but I have never seen this kind of painting before. Although It’s a bit too simple, but it looks... somewhat interesting.”

The singer's eyes stayed on the painting for a moment, and then she said, "There are also words here."

But when she saw the handwriting next to the painting, she couldn't help but laugh: "It's so arrogant and unorganized, I'm afraid it was written randomly by an ignorant child..."

Then, he sighed and said, "It's a pity for this painting."

Just when he was about to throw away the prayer lantern in his hand, the beautiful woman next to him suddenly changed his expression and said, "Wait a minute."

She reached out to take the prayer lamp and looked at the writing on it carefully.

"Magpie Bridge Immortal."

When the beautiful woman read out these three words, the singer's expression changed and she blurted out: "Is it a Chinese Valentine's Day poem?"

As a singer, most of the poems she sings every day are those famous poems. This time she was invited to participate in the Chinese Valentine's Day Poetry Festival. When good poems come out, she will sing them.

She couldn't be more familiar with these brand names.

The beautiful woman nodded, ignored the crooked handwriting, and continued reading to herself.

"The thin clouds make tricks, the flying stars spread hatred, and the silver man is far away in darkness."

The singer nodded, with a look of praise on her face: "It's actually a new word, and the wording is so clever. I'm afraid that this first sentence is not something that the talented people downstairs can come up with. But... although the words are good, Wonderful, but lacking in conception, "Flying Stars Spread Hate"... after all, it did not escape the pattern of Chinese Valentine's Day laments. "

For these singers, they may not be able to write a good poem, but they have been singing poems for many years, and they can be considered experts in judging the quality of poems.

Her evaluation of this first sentence was also fair, but the singer didn't see it at this time. When the woman next to her glanced down again, her face gradually bloomed with brilliance.

"The thin clouds make tricks, the flying stars spread hatred, and the silver man is far away in darkness. As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will defeat countless people in the world." After finishing reading the poem, before the singer could speak, the beautiful woman couldn't help but comment. Said: "The peaks suddenly turn, turning hatred into pity. What a "Golden Wind, Jade Dew, once they meet, they will defeat countless people in the world." This single sentence can be better than thousands of other people's sentences."

In fact, when the words come here, the idea and outline have already emerged. This word is obviously different from the plaintive style of previous Chinese Valentine's Day poems. It is unique, graceful and subtle, and has an endless aftertaste.

Chinese Valentine's Day poems have always been the subject of literati's chants. I don't know how many words have been left down through the ages. However, although the words and sentences are different, most of them follow the traditional theme of "joy is short", with a sad and sad style. In contrast, this word has taken a sudden turn. It has changed from the usual, without any resentment or hatred, and has reached a higher level in terms of conception.

"Xiaque, hurry up and read it out!" At this time, the singer was completely attracted by this word and couldn't help but urge.

Without the need for the singer to urge her, the beautiful woman's eyes were already looking towards Xiaque.

This time, the singer waited for a long time but no sound came.

When he turned around to look back, he realized that the face of the beautiful woman had undergone some obvious changes, revealing a formal expression. She murmured a few words in a low voice, and her face gradually changed from formal to serious...

"Tender love is like water, good times are like dreams, and I can't bear to look at the Magpie Bridge on the way home." The singer couldn't recognize the way she poked her head over, and recited it in a low voice: "If our love lasts for a long time, how can we be together... and how can we be together..."

When I read the last sentence, the voice gradually became quieter, and finally it was no longer heard.

On the boat, the two women looked at the words on the prayer lantern, and they were crazy for a moment.

Which girl doesn't have spring in her heart? Which girl hasn't fantasized about a lingering love, finding a lover, sharing the joys and sorrows, and spending the rest of her life together.

But when the words "If the love is long-lasting, why should we be together day and night" appeared, the girl's concept of love was shaken.

Love must withstand the test of long-term separation. As long as they can love each other sincerely, even if they are separated all year round, it is much more valuable than the vulgar interest of being together day and night.

This is a gap in realm, far beyond all the Qixi poems they have seen.

The beautiful woman opened her red lips slightly and sang this "Magpie Bridge Fairy" involuntarily.

This is a very familiar ci tune for her. The singing is light and ethereal, as if it came from the clouds and floated far away on the river.

A little further behind the two, two blue-clothed scholars stood at the stairs. When they heard the words sung by the woman, their faces showed extremely shocked expressions.

"I really didn't expect that Miss Ruoqing would have such a great talent..." One person murmured in a low voice.

"What a great poem "Magpie Bridge Fairy". Both the words and the idea are excellent. We are ashamed to be compared with it!" A man beside him showed shame on his face and tore a piece of paper with his own poem in his hand into pieces.

He was the recognized first place in the Qixi Poetry Festival tonight. He wanted to bring his work up for evaluation just now. After listening to the poem of Magpie Bridge Fairy, he no longer had such thoughts.

"If the love between two people lasts for a long time, why should they be together day and night... I am afraid that this sentence alone is enough to be passed down through the ages." After an unknown amount of time, the beautiful woman sighed leisurely, and there was still endless aftertaste on her pretty face. It was obvious that she was affected by the poem.

At the same time, the two scholars also quietly went downstairs and walked into the boat hall from outside.

In an instant, several people surrounded them...

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