Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 24: Spread of influence

It is hard to leave your hometown after all. On the night of the Chinese Valentine's Day, everyone else was busy dating girls and hooking up with men, but Li Yi couldn't control his tears because he missed his hometown. Tian Lai Xiao Shuo

After missing it enough, you have to continue living. What will the future be like? These questions are not worth thinking about for the time being. How to lead the whole family to a well-off life is the problem that Li Yi should think about at this stage.

"He said that this little pain in the wind and rain is nothing. Wipe away your tears and don't be afraid. At least we still have dreams..."

The little maid who was worried about her son-in-law secretly hid outside the window and listened to the corner of the wall until the strange singing in the house gradually disappeared. The little girl looked up and felt relieved. She was also ready to go back to her room to sleep.

The sky was full of stars. As time entered midnight, the lively atmosphere in Liuye Village gradually faded.

A little further away, the sword-holding girl leaned against a willow tree that was as thick as several people hugging. She felt the gradually steady breathing in the room not far away, slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and her figure disappeared into the darkness.

At this time, Li Yi, who had reunited with his hometown in his dream, did not know that because of his unintentional action, an invisible wave gradually rose in a distant place...

The sight was pulled back to the painting boat.

When the two young scholars walked into the cabin, their expressions were still a little dazed, as if they had suffered a major blow in their lives. At this time, people had already gathered nearby.

"Brother Fang, how is it?"

"What did Miss Ruoqing say?"

"Tonight, the first place in the Qixi poem, Brother Fang must have been the center of attention in front of Miss Ruoqing this time?"

"Needless to say, Brother Fang's poem is a masterpiece even in large-scale poetry gatherings such as Bixuan Zhaowen."



Just after a competition, the talented man named Fang Zhou won the first place in the poetry gathering with an excellent Qixi poem, and everyone praised him.

That poem is indeed a good work, and it will not be buried even if it is placed in the most popular large-scale poetry gatherings tonight.

When someone sorts out the most outstanding poems from all the poetry gatherings tonight and compiles them into a book tomorrow, Fang Zhou's poems may also be on the list. By then, it is possible that he will become famous.

Just now, he took it out to ask Miss Ruoqing for evaluation. Now that he has come back, everyone came forward to ask.

If the scholar named Fang Zhou had heard the praises from everyone just now, he would definitely be very happy, but at this moment, he only felt inexplicably ironic and said with a wry smile: "Don't mention the first place anymore. Fang's poems are really not worthy of these two words."

"Alas, Brother Fang is too modest..."

"That's right. When it comes to Qixi poems, no one in the field can compare to Brother Fang."

Everyone smiled and spoke when they heard this, thinking that he was just being modest. Fang Zhou just shook his head and smiled bitterly, looking extremely embarrassed. After a moment, everyone also noticed his abnormality, and the atmosphere finally began to change.

"Could it be that Brother Fang has seen a better poem?"

The scholar surnamed Fang smiled bitterly, then nodded, walked a few steps forward, walked to a table, and slowly said: "Just now I heard Miss Ruoqing chanting another Qixi poem outside, everyone take a look."

With a slight stroke of the pen, three big characters appeared on the white paper.

Magpie Bridge Fairy.

As the scholar surnamed Fang laid out the words one by one, the noise in the boat hall gradually disappeared, leaving only the sound of the scholars' gradually heavier breathing.

When the last sentence of the second stanza of the whole poem fell, the surroundings were quiet, and you could hear a pin drop.

After a moment, a huge uproar flooded the entire room.



"Li Yi..." The singer and the beautiful woman walked down the stairs, muttering this name, and suddenly turned around and asked: "Do you know this talent?"

The beautiful woman had been thinking about this question in her heart, shook her head and said: "I have never heard of it before, but since the prayer lanterns can be picked up by you and me, he must be a talented person nearby, but this name... is really unfamiliar."

"I am afraid that the level of ordinary talents will not be able to write such good poems in this life. Could it be one of those people?" The singer's face showed doubts, and then she said a few names.

These people are all very famous talents in Qing'an Prefecture. They have profound attainments in poetry and have several poems that are widely recited.

"Let alone the different names, just the handwriting..." The woman named Ruoqing shook her head, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Just this handwriting, it is not something that an ordinary talent can write."

There is another sentence she kept in her heart and did not say it out. With her accomplishment in poetry, she could naturally see that even the people mentioned by the singer just now could not write such words.

A moment later, the two of them had arrived at the door of the boat hall. The singer pushed the door open, and the two of them stepped into the door. Suddenly, they felt that the atmosphere was a little weird. When they looked up, they found that the hall was terribly quiet. There was no longer the scene of loud talk just now. Everyone looked at them with a strange look.

The two women were shocked, not knowing what happened.

At this moment, the scholar named Fang stepped forward, smiled bitterly, raised his hands and clasped his fists to the beautiful woman and said: "Miss Ruoqing is so talented. Once this "Magpie Bridge Fairy" is published, I'm afraid we won't have to write Qixi poems anymore."

"I never thought Miss Ruoqing was such a talented woman. I'm so sorry!"

"Since you have such talent, why did you hide it before?"

"Such talent really makes men like me feel guilty!"



Although women's status is not very high in today's era, those talented women who are not inferior to them, or even more talented than them, can still be respected by these scholars.

At this time, the beautiful woman had roughly understood why they made such a move, and hurriedly said: "You may have made a mistake. This "Magpie Bridge Fairy" is not..."

"Hey, Miss Ruoqing, why do you have to be modest? Brother Fang and Brother Wu just heard it."

"Yes, I'm afraid that we will never be able to write such words in our lifetime."

"No need to shirk it..."



Seeing that everyone seemed to not believe her explanation, the woman smiled bitterly, stretched out her hand and pressed it down, and waited until the voice gradually became smaller, then she said: "If I say that this poem fell from the sky and I happened to pick it up, do you believe it?"

The atmosphere around was quiet for a moment, and then someone laughed.

"Haha, the girl is joking..."

Everyone looked at the beautiful woman with a strange look, with an expression on their faces that said, "Don't take us for fools."

If such a poem can be easily dropped from the sky, what are these talented people doing? It is better to go home and farm honestly, and write poems...

The beautiful woman could only smile bitterly when she saw this, and took out the prayer lantern she had just picked up.

Not long after, a letter was passed between two painted boats on the river. After being copied, it spread out like snowflakes.

This is the usual practice in the past. On such a large festival, if a poetry meeting produced excellent poems, they would be taken out to communicate with others for correction, and passed around in many poetry meetings. When it was dawn, someone would extract ten of the most popular poems and compile them into a book, named "Qixi Poetry Collection".

For a long time afterwards, these poems would become the must-order golden songs in brothels and music halls, and quickly spread.

Tonight, a Qixi poem called "Magpie Bridge Fairy" spread across both sides of the Yuan River in this way, causing quite a stir.

At this time, in Liuye Village, a scholar named Li Yi suddenly felt a little cold in his sleep. He frowned unconsciously, wrapped himself tightly in the quilt, turned over and continued to sleep.

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