Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 237 The Princess's Attitude

"You mean, this thing called "gunpowder" has actually existed for a long time?" Li Mingzhu looked at him and asked with a frown. 』』

Li Yi nodded and said: "Fireworks, firecrackers, and the acrobatics of breathing fire and swallowing smoke in the hook bar are actually the same as it."

The formula for gunpowder had actually been figured out a long time ago by a crazy Taoist priest who wanted to take the drug to heaven. However, the proportions were wrong and the effects of black gunpowder were not achieved at all.

And its application is actually very wide. Li Yi once saw those jugglers puffing clouds and smoke in the hook bar, using gunpowder.

"Then why didn't they..." Li Mingzhu only said half of the words, but the meaning was obvious.

If fireworks and actors' performances could have caused the noise last night, those people should have been dead long ago, let alone not being discovered until now.

Li Yi explained: "This depends on the proportion of each ingredient in the formula. Even if there is a very small difference, the effect will be very different."

"How did you discover the secret?" Li Mingzhu looked at her and asked doubtfully.

She has actually been brewing this problem in her mind for a long time. Whether it is the problem of stones falling to the ground, or the horseshoe, or the method of seeing through people's hearts, or today's gunpowder, for thousands of years, no one in the entire world has discovered this. The mystery within.

Why does it have to be him------Why does it have to be him every time?

Is he really smarter than everyone in the world combined?

How else could Li Yi know what he was thinking? He just relied on hundreds of thousands of years of knowledge accumulated by his predecessors and the library cheats in his mind...

"At first I was just making firecrackers for fun, and while I was doing it, I accidentally discovered..." Li Yi looked at her and said.

Li Mingzhu glanced at him, thinking that he must have accumulated a lot of virtue in his previous life because he was still sitting here talking to her.

Then she thought of another question and asked again: "So, others can also discover the mystery of this?"

Li Yi rubbed his eyebrows. If she could control herself, could she control others?

"From a probability perspective, this is indeed the case." Li Yi looked at him and said, "It may be a few days, months, years, or even decades, but maybe a second person will show up tomorrow. "

"Probability..." Li Mingzhu's face began to look puzzled again, "What is probability?"

"This is not important." Li Yi waved his hand, looked at her, and said seriously: "The important thing is, what are you going to do after I give you the formula?"

"Now on the border, our soldiers from the state of Jing are fighting with the state of Qi. If the gunpowder is really as powerful as you said, it must be a great achievement. If you can perform meritorious service on the battlefield, it is impossible for my father not to reward you and give you an official title. It's all very possible." Li Mingzhu thought for a while, looked at him and said slowly.

If such an important weapon of the country were discovered by an ordinary person, what awaited him would not be a reward, but a disaster.

In order to prevent the secret recipe from being leaked, he will most likely be executed secretly. The best outcome is probably to be imprisoned for life, because the secret recipe is of great importance and if it is leaked to other countries, the consequences will be disastrous.

But Li Yi was different. The better he performed, the more important he was in his father's heart.

He is a talent that his father admires very much. The reason why he has not transferred him to the capital yet and only made him a small county captain is because he wants him to polish himself here for two years. After all, although he has many rifts in his heart, His temperament is really lazy, and such a character is not suitable for display in the court.

In fact, at the beginning, even she herself didn't know why her father valued someone he had only met once so highly. Just relying on his previous actions was not enough.

But what happened next forced her to admit that her father was still his father, and his vision of people was far beyond hers.

The young man sitting opposite her is a being who can continue to create miracles.

After saying that, she looked at Li Yi and found that his mood was not very high.

"What scholars pursue throughout their lives is nothing more than being promoted to official positions, but you don't seem to be interested in these." She finally asked the question she had been wondering about for a long time.

Li Yi looked at her and asked: "If everyone has the same ideal, as the princess, shouldn't you be in the deep palace at this moment?"

Li Mingzhu was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

After a moment, she looked up at Li Yi again and said, "You know, this kind of life cannot go on forever."

Li Yi nodded noncommittally. After experiencing this incident, he also realized how naive his previous thoughts were. Living in such an era, it is not that easy to live a carefree life, even if he decides to The emperor, who cares about whether everyone lives a happy life, probably has nothing to do with the word "freedom".

"The government can't keep an eye on those Green Forest people all the time. Although they pose no threat to your wife, the others are still a bit troublesome." Li Mingzhu looked at him and said, "I will find a place in the city. Let them settle down first.”

Regarding Liu Ruyi, she had some comparisons in her heart before, but at this moment, she really had no idea at all.

"We will discuss the gunpowder matter in detail after you return to Fucheng." Li Mingzhu did not ask Li Yi any more questions about the gunpowder formula, stood up, clapped her hands and left.

"Does the thing that produced fire and loud noises have a name?" When she reached the door, she turned around and asked again.

"Maybe we can call it a grenade?" Li Yi thought for a while and said.


"Then call it "Heaven's punishment." After a pause, Li Mingzhu nodded and turned away.

Li Yi sat in the yard for a while, with a thoughtful look on his face. After a moment, he stood up and left.

It was indeed beyond his expectation that Her Royal Highness did not take the formula of gunpowder directly, but he also knew that she was conveying an attitude to him, a kind attitude.

Li Yi sighed, he had to admit that Her Royal Highness was very courageous.

However, such hot things should not be touched again unless necessary...

When he returned to his yard again, Xiaohuan was drying the half-washed underwear before Li Yi left with two red and swollen eyes.

When she saw Li Yi, her mouth shrank and her eyes were immediately filled with tears.

Last night, she stayed alone in the county government office and was worried all night. It was not until the morning that she was brought up by the constable sister.


The next moment, she threw herself into Li Yi's arms like a young swallow, tears streaming down her face.

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