Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 238: Waves Rising in the Jianghu

The little maid didn't sleep all night last night. At this time, she finally felt relieved and threw herself into Li Yi's arms, crying, and her voice gradually became quieter.

After a while, Li Yi looked at the girl who was breathing evenly and still had tears on her face. He shook his head helplessly, bent down and carefully picked her up, returned to his room, and gently let her go. After lying on the bed, cover her with the quilt.

Although last night was thrilling, after what happened, no Green Forest gangster would dare to come to Liuye Village to cause trouble again.

After the earth-shattering experience, Liuye Village returned to its usual calm overnight, but in other places, the waves had just begun.

The roadside teahouse far away from the capital has always been a gathering place for people in the martial arts world. Drinking tea and resting is just one of the reasons. Another important reason is that here you can get the latest intelligence information and major events in the martial arts world. A large part of the little things come from here.

The tea shed is simply built with a few pieces of wood. The weather is very cold in winter. The top is covered with a straw curtain and the surrounding area is covered with dark coarse cloth. The space inside the shed is not large. There are actually several old wooden tables surrounding it. They were all full of people and the space seemed a bit crowded.

Two strong men opened the curtain, and the cold wind poured in from the outside. Seeing that the teahouse was so crowded, and there seemed to be no place to sit, they were startled and did not walk in immediately.

"If you want to come in, come in quickly... It's really freezing with this strange wind today!" Being blown by the cold wind outside, the person closest to the door tightened his clothes and urged.

The two lowered the curtain and walked in. After looking around, they still couldn't find a place. They simply squatted down in the corner and said, "Waiter, bring me a pot of hot tea!"

"Okay, sir, wait a moment!"

The waiter scratched his head in confusion. Business in the teahouse had always been deserted, but the past two days had been surprisingly good. There was often not enough room in the room...

He quickly put aside this doubt and ran to prepare tea.

"I hope the butcher and the others haven't heard anything yet. I'm afraid the worst is worse." A square-faced man murmured while the two of them were squatting on the ground, waiting for the waiter to serve tea.

"I think so." Another man nodded and said: "But this matter is too unbelievable. There are dozens of people in Zhu Butcher's group. Looking at the entire world, they are also a big force. How could they be so silent?" Disappeared without any trace of news."

"It doesn't matter if you die, there will finally be less smog in the world." The square-faced man said.

"Two brothers, are you talking about the boning knife butcher?" A gentle voice came from the front. The two looked up and saw a man looking at them with a smile at a table somewhere in front.

"That's the Butcher Zhu." The square-faced man said, cupping his hands.

"Brothers, can we come to the table to talk?" The man smiled and said to the people around him: "Everyone squeeze in and make room for these two brothers."

"Then I'd like to thank some brothers." After the two looked at each other, they didn't refuse and sat in the seats vacated by those people.

"Chen Zhengsheng, what do you call the two brothers?" The man personally poured tea for the two of them and asked with a smile.

"The name of Master Chen is as loud as thunder." The two looked at the man in surprise, and then the square-faced man introduced: "I am Zhang Dujiang, and this is my brother-in-law."

After hearing each other announce their names, the two men felt relieved.

The hero Chen in front of me is not comparable to those who call themselves heroes of the jungle. He comes from a well-known family and has become famous at a young age. When he went out to explore the world, he did a lot of things to defeat the strong and help the weak. In the martial arts world, Zhongsu has a good reputation.

After exchanging names with the men at the same table, the conversation became more casual.

"Brother Zhang just mentioned Butcher Zhu, but is there any news about him?" Chen Zhengsheng saw the two people looking at him and explained: "To be honest, I have been tracking Butcher Zhu for a long time. That evil man claims to be a hero and is doing harm to the martial arts world. I All the chivalrous people wanted to get rid of him quickly, but there was no trace of him. When I heard that he appeared in Qing'an Mansion, I came immediately. "

The man surnamed Zhang took a sip of tea and said: "We only know that dozens of green forest gangsters, led by Cui Yan, the butcher with the boning knife and the ghost ghost Cui Yan, are going to Liuye Village to cause trouble for a woman, but strangely Unfortunately, after last night’s operation, there was no news from them.”

"But that woman named Liu?" Chen Zhengsheng asked.

The man named Zhang nodded.

"I have long heard that there is a hero among women in Qing'an Mansion who has captured countless scum in the world. He is indeed a role model for our generation. When I heard about this the day before yesterday, I wanted to summon my colleagues to help, but it was still a step too late." The man surnamed Chen sighed, and his tone was uncompromising. Said regretfully.

"Haha, the bones have been shaved off by the butcher Zhu Zhu with the boning knife, and Cui Yan, the reminder ghost, has already gone to the underworld to meet the King of Hell." At this time, a voice came from the side.

In the teahouse, everyone was listening to the man named Chen. As soon as these words came out, the speaker immediately became the focus of the teahouse, and countless people looked over.

"What do you mean by your Excellency? Could it be..." Chen Zhengsheng asked with a surprised look on his face.

The man laughed again and said: "Last night, not long after Butcher Zhu and others went up the mountain, there were several loud noises in the mountain, and there were faint flashes of fire and thunder. It is said that Butcher Zhu and others had done many evil things on weekdays and angered God. , sent down the heavenly punishment and chopped them all to death."

Chen Zhengsheng smiled and said, "This statement is too absurd. Do you really believe it?"

He had heard the saying of heavenly punishment today, but he just laughed it off. If this was true, wouldn't all the evildoers in the world have been chopped clean long ago?

The man stood up and walked out the door. When he lifted the curtain, he said lightly, "This morning, someone saw soldiers carrying the bodies of Cui Yan and others down. I heard from the brothers working in the government office that the dozens of bandits who made trouble last night have all been killed..."

"All killed!"

In the teahouse, everyone who heard this had an extremely shocked expression on their faces.

If Zhu the Butcher and his men were only a few people and were killed by that woman, they might just think that the woman was very good at martial arts and would not be too surprised..., but there were dozens of bandits!

This force is a big force in the whole martial arts world. It is hard to imagine that they are all dead...

When everyone wanted to ask more, the person who had just spoken had left the teahouse and was obviously unwilling to say more.

When many people were shocked and could not digest the news, a few people secretly changed their faces.

There were many people in the martial arts world who paid attention to this matter. In half a day, similar news came out from all over the place. The dozens of people who were with Zhu the Butcher had not been seen since last night, which also proved the authenticity of the news.

Until someone got the exact news from the government through various connections. In order to catch those villains, the government had sent masters to ambush there, waiting for them to come to the door. And the gangsters last night, who resisted stubbornly and stubbornly, were indeed all killed...

This news undoubtedly threw a huge rock into the lake, which was not very calm to begin with. The huge wave swept in all directions with Qing'an Prefecture as the center.

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