Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 276: A new concubine?

In the past few years, when we could only eat one meal a day, it was already very good to have a bowl of porridge that we couldn't see the bottom of the bowl during the New Year. 』』

Now that we are not short of money, we can't continue to live in such a makeshift way.

It is necessary to buy New Year's goods. After walking around the street, Li Yi couldn't carry the things he bought with both hands.

"Uncle Master, let me take it." The girl who insisted on worshipping Liu Ruyi as her master hurried over and said.

Unconsciously, he had grown up a generation. For this "Uncle Master", Li Yi was still very useful, but he still shook his head to refuse.

Although the girl seemed to have recognized Ruyi, her "master" did not agree, and as an uncle master, he could not take over.

Miss Liu Er did not agree, nor did she drive her away. The girl simply followed a few people, without putting down the sword in her hand, but leaving the small bag on her back at home.

Without a third hand, Li Yi could no longer hold anything in his hands when he walked to another street.

He bought a fish in the fish shop and prepared to go home to make sweet and sour fish. The girl took the fish from Xiao Huan's hand at the right time and held it in her hand, and then retreated to the back without saying a word.

The little maid took a look at her and knew that this young lady wanted to worship the second young lady as her teacher, but the second young lady had not agreed yet. It seemed a bit inappropriate to ask her to take things. Just as she was about to refuse, she turned around and saw Li Yi, who was covered with things.

"Son-in-law, I'll help you take some." He hurried over to help Li Yi share a small part. After all, Xiao Huan cared about herself. She was not as heartless as the second young lady Liu. When she saw something she liked, she only thought about buying it, but her hands were always empty.

Since she had already carried a fish, she didn't care about asking her to carry more things. Half of the luggage was divided, and she felt much more relaxed and had the energy to think about other things.

It is not a whim to create such a list of martial arts heroes, and bad taste does not occupy too many factors. As for Mr. Zhao, he was just randomly assigned a position. I believe that he will be kicked off the list soon, but before that, some unpredictable things may happen to him.

Martial artists love reputation, and the brothels will try their best to improve their information. Wang Daxia from Anxi County carried an 80-year-old man across the river yesterday, and it will become a good story that people talk about the next day. Zhao Daxia molested a decent woman on the street in Qing'an Prefecture City. In a few days, this scandal will spread all over the world...

Of course, if you want to achieve better results, you have to spend more time on details.

Shocking! Men will be silent after reading it, and women will cry after reading it. What did Chen Daxia do to cause the wrath of heaven and people, and the indignation of both people and gods? Behind this incident, is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality? Welcome to follow "Old Sun Talks about the World", and we will see you tomorrow.

Ancient people who had not been poisoned by the circle of friends should have no resistance to such a title.

The more upright people are, the more they cherish their reputation. A large part of the evil deeds of knights who break the law with force are done by these people with high force. As a county lieutenant, Li Yi needs to do something to maintain the law and order in his jurisdiction.

Of course, for those green forest bandits who don't care about face and are notorious in the world, this method will not work. Instead, it will spread their notoriety further and boost their arrogance.

At this time, it is necessary to bring some positive energy to the smoky martial arts world.

Zhang Daxia, ranked 36th on the Heroes List, broke into a thief's den alone and killed more than ten thieves, eliminating a great threat to the martial arts world. According to the latest strength assessment, Zhang Daxia's ranking rose by two places to become 34th on the Heavenly List...

The Qingzhou caravan was hijacked by bandits. The two heroes Chen and Li saw injustice and wiped out the bandits, but they were seriously injured and almost died. This selfless and fearless spirit is worth learning for everyone. Chen and Li were also named martial arts stars and moved the top ten martial arts figures. The caravan received a thousand gold coins as a reward for saving their lives, and Anxi County Magistrate Liu personally came to visit...

Positive energy news like this can be promoted more.

Of course, this is a very complicated and tedious task. Old Man Sun and his team are still in the exploratory stage. Li Yi gave them sufficient funds and saw that Li Yi attached great importance to this matter. Old Man Sun has assigned many people to be responsible for these things.

Old man Sun has a great ideal. He wants to revitalize this industry and let more and more actors have enough food. This ideal cannot be realized by himself. Li Yi has become his sustenance to realize his dream.

One day, their brothels will be built in other prefectures, even in Kyoto, and even in the entire Jingguo...

Whenever he thinks of these, Old Man Sun's face will be shining.

The ranking of the Wulin Heroes List is updated very quickly. Yesterday, Zhao Yuanwai of Chuzhou, who ranked 40th, was broken three ribs by Pang De of Qingzhou, who ranked 41st. The ranking of the two was swapped the next day.

Those masters who ranked at the end of the Heroes List or were not on the list seemed to have found a breakthrough and expressed their desire to challenge Zhao Yuanwai. In view of his injuries, in the spirit of humanitarianism, everyone was willing to give him half a month to recuperate.

It is said that in order to decide who will challenge first, several heroes fought for a long time. The scene was extremely fierce. Some people were even more seriously injured than Zhao Yuanwai.

Later, the old house of the Zhao family in Chuzhou was empty.

Most of the Zhao family's property was sold, leaving only a part to be managed by the old servants of the family. As for where Mr. Zhao, who ranked 41st on the Heavenly Ranking, went, no one knew...

All these things were told to Li Yi by Wu Er.

Wu Er has now become Sun Laotou's martial arts consultant, with a monthly salary of 500 Wen. He only needs to mobilize his friends in the martial arts world and pay attention to the big and small things in the martial arts world. The more valuable the information he provides, the more rewards he will get.

After Sun Laotou's team sorted out these news, they told those martial arts people and received a large amount of rewards. A small part of this money was taken out for rewards...

I still underestimated Sun Laotou. A great cause, under his efforts, is thriving. Almost all the poor actors in Anxi County have been integrated by him, and spacious brothels are also spreading to more distant places...

Because of the sluggish business of Ruyi Lu and strong liquor, the family's daily income has become more and more.

Even Li Yi himself had to admit that he had underestimated the huge potential of the brothel.

After lying in the yard for a while, Xiaohuan had come to complain twice.

The object of the complaint was, of course, the girl named Yang Liuqing who was still begging Ruyi to accept her as a disciple.

The girl was young, but she was very persistent in doing things. Ruyi did not agree, so she came every day before dawn to clean the courtyard, boil water and chop wood. After doing these things, she took a rag and wiped all the places in the house spotlessly...

A large part of these jobs were done by Xiaohuan, but in the end they were all taken away by her. The little maid had never been so idle as she had been in these few days.

She was told several times not to come again, but she never listened. She didn't say a word and just worked hard. It must be said that even Li Yi was a little moved.

"Son-in-law, what do you think of her? She did all the work, and Xiaohuan had nothing to do..." The little maid looked at the girl who started to clean the courtyard with a broom, dissatisfied, and hugged Li Yi's arm and said.

"It's not good to have nothing to do..." Li Yi tapped her head lightly and said, "Go and play with Sister Xu and the others. Let her do these things if she wants to."

Before Xiaohuan went out, Li Xuan walked in from outside, pointed at the strange girl in the yard with some suspicion, looked at Li Yi and asked, "Who is she, your new concubine?"


The sound of a long sword being unsheathed, a sword light slashed over.

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