Happy Little Scholar

Chapter 277 Something happened in the theater

The retribution of a mean-mouthed person always comes very quickly. The girl named Yang Liuqing has the temperament of a charlatan. She will cut with her sword whenever she disagrees. There is a certain reason why she chose Liu Ruyi to be her master.

Of course, he can't kill people. This sword is mostly intimidating.

Li Xuan's bodyguards, regardless of whether she was threatening or really wanted to harm the Crown Prince, anyone who dared to attack the Crown Prince would be treated as assassins.

The two guards shouted loudly, and a flash of sword light flashed, colliding with Yang Liuqing's sword, making a sound of gold and iron, and the girl couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Li Xuan's guards are all experts who are one in a hundred or one in a thousand, and their strength is obviously better than Yang Liuqing.

Li Yi didn't have a clear understanding of this girl's strength. He had only seen her and Ruyi fight, and she was captured alive without a single move. However, this does not mean that she is weak. Miss Liu Er cannot be used as a reference. Li Yi Yi was extremely convinced that even Li Xuan's guards would still be unable to make a move in her hands.

After forcing the girl back, the two guards clearly had no intention of letting her go. They bullied her and seemed to want to capture her alive.

There was a sound of clashing swords in the yard. It was difficult for Yang Liuqing to deal with one of them. With both of them attacking, she could only retreat steadily, and soon she was about to retreat into the house.

Li Yizheng planned to tell Li Xuan to stop his guards. He could not blame others for his bad words.

Before the words were spoken, the knives of the two guards were broken into two pieces. One had a sword held on his neck, and the other was horrified. He was about to explode, but after being coldly brushed off by the woman, he was like A basin of cold water was poured on her head, and she stood there without daring to move.

"If you want to fight, go out and don't dirty the yard." Liu Ruyi said coldly and entered the house.

The two guards didn't have time to wipe the cold sweat from their foreheads, picked up the broken weapons on the ground, and immediately retreated, never daring to cause trouble to the girl again.

I didn't even see clearly just now, I just felt my eyes light up, the knife in my hand broke, and then a knife was held to my neck.

I knew before that this woman was not simple, but today I realized how terrifying she was. If she were on the list of martial arts heroes, she would probably be at least in the top five, right?

Seeing the two people who had just forced him to the point where he had no power to fight back, they left in a blink of an eye like a lost dog with its tail between its legs. Yang Liuqing looked at the back of the figure who walked into the house, and the determination in his eyes became stronger.

The two guards were driven outside by Li Xuan, and they lay down comfortably on Li Yi's rocking chair. The chair beneath them swayed with the rhythm, and they couldn't help but sigh: "They say the royal family is extravagant, but in fact, the one who knows the most about extravagant enjoyment is You.”

Li Yi curled his lips, what the world, sleeping in a rocking chair is extravagant, and claiming his own place and claiming that he is extravagant, the palace just took out a rosewood chair, which can buy dozens or hundreds of rocking chairs of his own.

"We're about to get married. Why don't you run around all day? If you like it, I'll sell this chair to you as a gift. As per the old rules, it's one hundred taels of silver." Yang Liuqing stared at Li Xuan with a somewhat unkind look. The remaining guard behind Li Xuan kept staring at her. After lying there for a long time, Li Yi stretched his waist and said lazily.

"I don't have your leisure time." Li Xuan unexpectedly refused in a rare move. He got up from his chair, looked at Li Yi and said, "I have been meditating hard in the palace these days, staying up all night, and finally made something that can make people fly in the sky. ”

"What?" It was Li Yi's turn not to be calm now. After not seeing each other for a few days, this guy built an airplane?

This is simply impossible. It is impossible for him to understand Bernoulli's principle or the knowledge of aerodynamics. Unless he is a god, no one can build an airplane just by throwing stones and leaves from the roof, let alone It is in this era when people are generally ignorant.

Even the most primitive and simple airplane is impossible. The Wright brothers invented the first real airplane, which only appeared in the early 20th century. Compared with most ancient people, Li Xuan is very smart, but it is impossible. Create something like this that was created a thousand years ago.

Li Yi soon saw Li Xuan's "plane".

It turned out that the thing he was talking about that could allow people to fly in the sky was a huge kite. The kite was made of cloth. A guard from the palace took a few steps, grabbed the kite and jumped down from the roof of the two-story attic, gliding in the air. After traveling more than ten meters, he landed smoothly on the ground.

Li Yi blushed because he almost believed Li Xuan's words just now.

Is this what he worked hard on and worked up all night to come up with?

This is just a big kite. Even if you tie a pig to it and control the angle, it can still glide a certain distance in the air. In a two-story attic, the guard will be fine even if he just jumps off. He is used to coming and going high. Well, this height is nothing to them.

"I think they might be able to fly further if they jump off the cliff. I didn't quite believe it before when you said people could fly in the sky with the help of external forces, but now I believe it." Li Xuan looked a little proud, It seemed that he had done something very great.

The guard who fell from the roof turned pale with fright when he heard what he said. If he jumped from a two-story attic, he would be injured at most. If it were a cliff, his life would be lost...

Li Yi was a little unmotivated and completely lost interest in Li Xuan's big kite. Even if he built a glider, he might be a little happy, but it would be better than something with no technical content.

"Don't let them jump off the cliff. Your guards are all pretty good. If one of them dies, it's not worth it. Don't tinker with the kite anymore. When you have time, study the prayer lanterns. It's more useful than making another big kite."

Li Xuan's guards looked at Li Yi as if he was looking at a savior. When His Royal Highness asked him to jump off the cliff more than ten feet high holding the kite, he even wrote a suicide note and tried to steal a local dog from the nearby village and tie it to it. As a result, as soon as he let go, the big kite fell headfirst. The dog was really badly beaten. If it were me, I would probably not be much better than that animal.

However, let's not say, dog meat is so delicious. He swears that it is the most delicious meat he has ever eaten in his life. Even His Royal Highness praised it. Since then, dogs in the city have been lost in a serious way.

"Prayer lantern?" Li Xuan's attention was diverted, and he touched his chin and began to think about what Li Yi meant.

When the prayer lantern swaying up to the sky appeared in his mind, Li Xuan's expression was stunned, and his eyes suddenly became bright.

While he was immersed in his own world, Li Yi planned to go home for dinner. A while ago, Li Xuan was still worried about marriage. These days, he has been thinking about hiding at home and making airplanes. It seems that he should be completely appointed.

Arranged marriage is not good. From his appearance, it seems that he intends to devote his whole life to science. After a short moment of silence for his future prince consort, he can see his own home.

A figure was circling back and forth at the door of the house, rubbing his hands constantly, with a very anxious look on his face. Li Yi walked over in confusion and asked, "Old Sun, what's wrong? Did something happen in the theater?"

"Sir, you are finally back!" Old man Sun breathed a sigh of relief. Li Yi was his backbone, and he felt confident when he saw him...

"Not just the theater, our brothels outside also had problems!"

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