Crowds were cheering out loud as the tension between me and Kitsuchi with his team grew.

To be honest, there is no way I can beat the whole seasoned genin team.

The Genin team has superior numbers, combined chakra reserves are greater than me and they can rely on each other while I am just on my own.

But Kitsuchi's team is very different or rather special case than the others.

Kitsuchi is a son of Tsuchikage, therefore Kitsuchi will be the captain, decision-maker, attacker, and leader of the team automatically.

The other two will just obediently follow Kitsuchi even it is the wrong decision.

I am sure even their Jounin leader would only focus on training Kitsuchi, ignoring others.

If Kitsuchi attack, the other two will only support him.

Basically, the team will just collapse by itself if Kitsuchi falls as the team used to depend on Kitsuchi too much.

Considering how I easily beat Kimiko and words that I spoke to challenge Kitsuchi, I am 100% sure that Kitsuchi will fight me one on one and tell his teammates not to interfere or support him.

Therefore, in my theory, even if I challenged Kitsuchi's team, it's no different than just only challenging Kitsuchi.


"I have to commend you for even challenging me, the greatest genius. How dare you make my Kimiko lose face in front of so many people!!!

I already told you I will crush you if you hurt my Kimiko.

Now prepare to feel my wrath!!!!! peasant"

Kitsuchi shouted at me with great confidence.

"Stop blabbering and come at me, you arrogant bastard. Today I will destroy you and fix that damn attitude. Only you is no fun, all 3 of you, come at me!!!!!!" I replied to Kitsuchi to agitate him.

"Stop trying to show off. Me alone is enough to deal with a weakling like you. You just got lucky when facing Kimiko.

Guys, don't interfere with this match. Me alone is enough to deal with that peasant."

Kitsuchi ordered his two teammates not to interfere just like I expected. The other two obediently followed Kitsuchi's order and stayed at the corner of the arena.

Kitsuchi and I stared at each other for a minute. I am sure Kitsuchi has some skills to back up his title as Genius, but I believe in my explosion release.

Kitsuchi couldn't wait longer and raced towards me with kunai in his hand.

I raised my hands to the Wing Chun stance and calmly readied myself. (A/N: Just like Ip man)

Kitsuchi tried to stab me with his kunai, I blocked him with my left hand and counterattacked him. Kitsuchi tried to kick me, but I blocked it with my feet and counterattacked him.

I always waited for him to attack, and counterattacked him.

Kitsuchi got annoyed. He has superior physical strength and was using one of the best taijutsu styles in Iwa, but for some reason, all of his attacks are getting blocked easily and he was receiving Genji's attacks more and more.

Kitsuchi wanted to beat Genji in taijutsu to humiliate him more but unexpectedly he was slowly losing in taijutsu. He decided to make a distance and use ninjutsu.

"Earth style: Rising Stone Spears"

This technique lets the user condense mud or stone from the ground and shape it into spikes that protrude from the ground in order to skewer the target.

I quickly retreated a few steps back and performed hand seals.

"Earth style: mud wall"

I blocked the protruding spikes with a mud wall.

"Oh, you surprised me, peasant. You know B-rank Jutsu. It seems I underestimated you a bit. But enough playing around, It's over now. I will get serious."

"yea, it's time to get serious. I would have been disappointed if Tsuchikage's son is at this level."

Kitsuchi got angry but my words and performed several hand signs.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Jutsu"

I didn't expect Kitsuchi to know earth Dragon Jutsu. Although Earth dragon Jutsu is B-rank, it's power is on the par with A-rank.

The only side effect is that it takes a great amount of chakra to perform that jutsu, which is why I didn't learn it.

I hurriedly performed "Earth style Mud wall" jutsu to block an incoming attack.

But my mud wall didn't seem like it could hold on earth dragon jutsu. Earth Dagon jutsu was too powerful for my mud wall to block.

When my mud wall was finally broken, I quickly used replacement jutsu and avoided the Kitsuchi's Earth Dragon jutsu.

I gotta admit, Kitsuchi is strong. It seems like he has more chakra reserve than me and more physical power.

Since I fought with several people before challenging Kitsuchi, my chakra reserve is getting low. I guess I gotta use my trump card.

"Hahaha, it seems like your pathetic mud wall can't hold my earth dragon jutsu. Let's see if you can dodge another one"

Kitsuchi got more overbearing after seeing my mud wall couldn't hold one and performed another earth dragon jutsu.

"Earth style Earth Dragon Jutsu"

I performed another mud wall again in response but a smaller one than before.

But my mud wall was able to hold out for 3 seconds which was enough time for me to get out of Earth Dragon's range.

"Haha, your mud wall is smaller than before. you must be out of chakra. what a weakling"

I ignored Kitsuchi's provocation. Why the hell does he talk so much during battle? Is it a tradition of anime battle??

I quickly performed hand signs in fast.

"Earth Style: Earth Pistol Jutsu"

I spitted out small rocks from my mouth towards Kitsuchi which turned into huge boulders.

Kitsuchi didn't perform defence jutsu instead he decided to dodge. He was also getting low on chakra due to constantly using Earth Dragon Jutsu. He wanted to save chakra if possible.

I smirked when he decided to dodge the Earth Pistol jutsu.

When Kitsuchi was about to dodge the boulders, I shouted to him.

"I was waiting for it, Kitsuchi.

Behold, EXPLOSION!!!!!!!!"

Boulders flying to Kitsuchi suddenly exploded and Kitsuchi got caught in the explosion.


Everyone was surprised when boulders suddenly exploded. This includes the Onoki, Daimyo, Uncle Masashi, Explosion corps leader, and many high ranking shinobi.

"Onoki, could you please tell me what happened? How did the boulders explode?" Curious Daimyo questioned to Onoki.

While Onoki was hesitating to answer the question, the explosion corps leader answered.

"Daimyo-Sama, Tsuchikage-Sama, that was definitely an Explosion release, a rare one that has the ability to explode any solid earth-based ninjutsu. Iwagaure had one person who used the same explosion release, but he passed away 8 years ago."

After hearing the Explosion corps leader, Onoki remembered certain hospital incident and others were surprised.


After showing off my explosion release, I quickly performed another jutsu.

"Earth Barrier style: Earth Prison Dome"

(A/N: Jirobo used this jutsu to entrap naruto and others during Sasuke retrieval and m

Dome started to surround Kitsuchi until it completely sealed off Kitsuchi inside.

I placed my hand on dome and started to absorb Kitsuchi's chakra to replenish mine.

Two of Kitsuchi's teammates didn't know what to do. Should they make a move or stay still and wait for Kitsuchi's order.

Suddenly, they heard their Jounin sensei screaming at them.

"What are you two idiots standing for!! Go and help Kitsuchi"

After receiving their Jounin's order, they started to attack me to free Kitsuchi.

I already replenished enough chakra. I quickly dodged their attacks and made a distance between me and them.

But what they did after that surprised me. Two of them started to use all of their offensive Jutsu on the dome, completely ignoring me. They just left their backs wide open.

I guess they were only thinking of rescuing Kitsuchi. As I expected, without Kitsuchi, they are just losers who didn't know what to do.

I had enough of their idiocy and decided to end it.


I blow up the dome using my explosion release. Of course, those two got caught by explosion and became unconscious.

Audiences cheered after those two got knocked out, thinking match was the end.

I also thought the match ended but suddenly a mysterious yellow light flashed and Kitsuchi was covered by that mysterious light and glared at me.

'WTF?? What the heck is that? Did Kitsuchi turn into Super Saiyan or what? System, explain this situation'

System: "The mysterious light is a protective seal in Kitsuchi's bandaged right wrist. Onoki was worried about Kitsuchi's life, therefore he planted a protective seal on Kitsuchi's right wrist a few years ago.

Kitsuchi activated the protective seal last minute to protect himself from Earth Prison Dome explosion."

Oh, so he has a seal to save himself. Not so surprising since he is the son of Tsuchikage. It will be weird if he didn't have anything to protect him.

"You thought you got me?? Your explosion didn't do any damage to me!!!!"

Although Kitsuchi was talking like he was okay, I knew he wasn't. He got direct hit by my first explosion and I absorbed his chakra near to 0 when he was in Prison Dome.

Kitsuchi dashed to me to continue the match. But it was obvious to everyone who would win at this point. Kitsuchi had only taijutsu to fight me while I had recovered a few of my chakra, and my taijutsu was superior to Kitsuchi's

Kitsuchi was desperate to land a hit on me while I just kept beating him up using Wing Chun style just like how Ipman destroyed karate master.

I decided to end this match quickly. I kicked his leg and punched his ċhėst several times consecutively with incredible speed. Then I performed hand signs for Earth-style Headhunter Jutsu.

"Earth style: headhunter Jutsu"

I grabbed Kitsuchi's leg and dragged him to the underground, leaving only his head to the surface.

"It's over, Kitsuchi. I won and you lost. You should give up now!!!!

Hehe, now the title of greatest genius belongs to me."

"No No No No !!!! You cheated!!!! I want a rematch now!!"

Kitsuchi screamed and tried to move his body but no avail. Kitsuchi kept shouting and cursing at me.

Suddenly I saw a small figure appeared out of nowhere and slapped Kitsuchi.

"That's enough, Kitsuchi. I am very disappointed by you. Don't embarrass yourself and me further.

You lost. Accept reality.

A real man should accept reality and tries to improve to be better. "

Onoki was very embarrassed when Kitsuchi kept his tantrum. Obviously prideful Onoki couldn't let this happen any further, therefore he stepped up himself.

After hearing Onoki, Kitsuchi lowered his head and stopped his tantrum.

Onoki suddenly turned around to me.

"Your father is Shinjo, am I right, boy? He must be very proud of you if he was still alive.

You have the same explosion release as your father, great chakra control like your mother.

At the age of 8, you managed to win an academy battle event and defeated the Genin team.

Your Taijutsu is at least Chunin's level, and know several B-rank ninjutsu.

On top of that, you are smart and have the ability to make great plans despite your age.

I always thought my son is the greatest genius, but you proved me wrong and defeated him.

To be honest, I never seen someone talented like you before in Iwagakure. It seems like the future of Iwagakure will be bright.

Thereby at this moment, I declare you as a Greatest Genius of Iwagakure!!!!!!!

I hope you don't disappoint me in the future."

System: "Host has successfully completed two Quest.

*Quest: Grab the attention of Onoki and head of Explosion corps and make them acknowledge you as the greatest Genius who appeared in Iwa.

reward: Earth style Earth Super Dome (S-rank)*

*Special Quest: Please wreck, pulverize, and destroy Kitsuchi to fix his attitude towards academy students.

reward: Earth travel jutsu scroll (A-rank)*

Earth style Earth Super Dome (S-rank) and Earth travel jutsu scroll (A-rank) now are available for the host to learn."

I was very surprised by Onoki's speech. I didn't expect I would get acknowledged by Onoki and explosion corps leader just for defeating Kitsuchi, showing off my explosion release and several B-rank ninjutsu.

System: "Host, don't underestimate yourself.

It is not normal for 8 years old kid to awaken explosion release, can perform several B-rank Ninjutsu and have a great mind.

Host should be thanks to the system for making all of these, possible."

Yeah Yeah, I'm very thankful for the System's hard work.

But I guess, System is right about normal 8 years old can't pull off what I did.

After Onoki's speech, Audiences clapped, cheered loudly for me. I quickly kneeled down and thanked Onoki for praising me and all the things he spoke.

Thus ending the Academy Battle Event.

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