Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 9 - 09 Battle against Kimiko and Challenging Kitsuchi

Kimiko knew she was no match for in taijutsu after watching a battle between me and Shuji.

Therefore she decided to keep a distance with me and use ninjutsu to me.

She performed several hand-seals and expelled a large amount of lava from her mouth, which quickly solidifies into multiple boulders of molten rock that are fired towards me with tremendous force.

"Lava-style: Scorching steam rock jutsu"

I dodged them carefully. All lava style offense jutsu are deadly, just one hit, and you are finished.

I originally didn't plan to use any ninjutsu in this match for two reasons, to save charka as much as I can and to show off others (especially to Kitsuchi) that my taijutsu and Wing Chun style is enough to beat Kimiko.

But seeing her using powerful Lava style right off the start, I would need to use ninjutsu to end this match quickly.

I used the smoke bomb to stop her repeated lava attacks and threw several shurikens to her left to create a diversion while I dashed off to her right.

She saw shurikens and me dashing to her at the same time and surprised a bit. Then, she used another lava style to stop my advance quickly while dodging my shurikens.

"Lava style: Quicklime Congealing Technique."

She expels a large quantity of quicklime from her mouth, capable of inflicting powerful damage.

This ability can also be manipulated in order to restrict the intended target's movements, as after the initial blast the remnants of the substance can act in a similar manner to quick-drying cement.

Then she used additional water jutsu to set off the necessary reaction to make the substance harden and also to increase the area covered by the substance, thus further increasing the potential range of the technique.

Although I was pretty fast, I got stuck by her jutsu.

I was quite surprised to see her using this combo-jutsus. They were exactly what Kurotsuchi used to capture Kabuto during the fourth great ninja war.

She smiled at me and told me to give up since I can't get out of it no matter what I do. She was right, I couldn't get out this jutsu no matter how hard I tried. Hell, even Kabuto couldn't get out of it.

Spectators cheered seeing me I got trapped by her jutsu.

"Wow, that was amazing!!! She used several high-rank Lava release Jutsu."

"She completely ruled this match!! She is just 8 but her talents in Lava style is simply incredible"

"Huhuhuhuhu, that Lava girl is descendant of First-Tsuchikage, right? I guess it is expected from her then."

"Hmm *snort*, I told you that you are no match for MY Kimiko, idiot."

"That Genji kid can't even do anything. But I guess it is understandable that he couldn't do anything. He is 8 and still academy students. He has no experience fighting with kekkei Genkai users."

Even Uncle Masashi couldn't help but pity me for battling with Kimiko.

Seeing that I was not planning to give up, She decided to end this match by using her Lava jutsu.

"Sorry, but I wish to end this match.

Lava style: Scorching steam rock jutsu!!"

She expelled several molten rocks at me and I was directly hit by them.

But then something that shocked her happened. I turned into Earth and crumbled down.

Earth Clone!!!!!!!!!

She was shocked that her eyes couldn't stop staring at my crumbled earth clone.

"How??? When???"

It all happened when I used the smoke bomb. I used to earth clone to act as bait and threw shuriken to distract her from thinking carefully.

Then, I just waited in the smoke until she uses all of her tricks on my clone, or she runs out of chakra.

I would say her plan was not a bad one, especially against taijutsu users. She is just 8 years old, have great thinking and strong if compared to her generation.

But she is against the GREAT ME!!!!.

I don't fall for tricks that planned by 8 years old. She also only focused on and worried about my taijutsu, ignoring possiblity I use Ninjutsu, which shows her naivety.

"You are right, Kimiko. It's time to end this match. Your plan was a good one but make sure not to let your guard down until the end."

I dashed off to her with great speed by pumping chakra to my leg.

Kimiko couldn't do anything to stop my advance since her chakra is almost near to 0.

I appeared to in front of her and knocked her out easily.

Crowds were shocked at the sudden turn of event, cheered greatly to me and send appeals to her.

"Wow, That kid has some great ability to think. It's like he predicted every move of her!!!!"

"Just only used smoke bomb, clone and shurikens to win the kekkei Genkai user. Damn, he must have the highest IQ in his generation!!"

"Now, that's the person what you call Genius"

"Hahahahaha, I always believed that you can win this, Genji. There is no way a smart kid like you would just do nothing."

Uncle Masashi quickly changed his statement when he saw me wining.

"Don't talk nonsense. You pitied Genji-chan just while ago. While I always believed that he can win." Aunt Ami rebutted uncle Masashi.

Kitsuchi's face was a mixture of confusion and anger. He couldn't believe His Kimiko lost and he wanted to punch Genji for not listening to his threat.

The referee approached me and declared me as the winner of Final-match and gave me a medal and rewards.

"Winner of Final-match is Genji!!! From now on Title of Genius of the year belongs to him, Here is your medal and reward!!"

Audiences cheered while I looked at rewards. Rewards are shiny, sharp Kunais, one-time free access to the Third floor of Public library ninja section where A-rank and S-rank are contained, and 50,000 ryo.

Not bad, access to the final floor of the ninja section library. This reward might seem useless to others but to me who has a system, it's like the greatest reward.

Referee asked me suddenly. "Do you wish to challenge your upperclassmen or Genin? If you want to challenge, please call them out."

"Yes, I would like to challenge Genin please," I answered his question.

The referee got surprised by my answer. Although he has seen some of the previous kids challenging upperclassmen, this is the first time in the history of Battle event that he saw someone challenging to Genin.

Obviously, not only the referee, spectators, and even Onoki and Daimyo were surprised.

"Kitsuchi, Come out and Face me, You piece of shit!!! Today I will fix your damn attitude. I will destroy you for looking down on me. Also, I challenge your genin team too. You alone are too boring for me!!!"

Others were shocked by hearing and looked at me like I was alien.

But Kitsuchi was happy since he thought he got a chance to beat me up and looked at me like I am stupid. His genin teams also surprised since I challenged them too.

There is a rule , you can not decline the challenge. Therefore Kitsuchi and his genin team came up to stage.

All the crowds got excited. It was the unexpected challenge but it was definitely a welcome one for them.

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