Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 17 - Invasion on Uzushiogakure final

After saving Nagato and his family, we continued our retreat.

While on the way, we saw several severely injured Iwa shinobi, fighting desperately against 60 Uzushiogakure Shinobi to escape. 

Since they are Iwa shinobi, we decided to save them. 

What's more, from the looks of their unique uniform, those injured Iwa shinobi are just not ordinary shinobi. 

They were members of ROCK. 

Rock is the special unit who only takes special orders from Tsuchikage. 

All of special rare kekkei Genkai users except explosion release and highly talented shinobi would join this unit. 

Some of the outstanding members will personally get taught by Onoki himself.

They are basically anbu version of Iwagakure, but much tougher and stronger. 

(A/N: to be honest, all Anbu members (except Kakashi, Yamato, Itachi) seemed too weak to me.) 

I heard Kitsuchi and Kimiko have already joined this unit. 

I guess Onoki is planning to keep them around with him to protect them during the war. 

Since Rock members were here, I am sure they received the incredible mission and the fact that they are being pursued by an army of enemy shinobi, I am certain they stole something big. 

We had to save them but the problem was the sheer numbers of the enemy.

Just fighting one jounin almost killed us, much less there were 60 enemy shinobi. 


While on the other side, Uzushiokage and his Jounins were fighting to the death with 500 allied shinobi at Uzushiokage's building.

Relying on their huge chakra reserves, lifeforces, and fuinjutsu knowledge, Uzumaki shinobi and Uzushiokage were keeping up well against allied forces.

But even if they are Uzumaki, they still had a limit. And one by one, Uzumaki jounins started to fall down.

Seeing the situation, Uzushiokage gritted his teeth and shouted to his Jounins.

"Everyone, prepare for plan B now."

Every Uzushiogakure shinobi was shocked when they heard their kage's order. 

"But, Lord Uzushiokage-same. Plan B is a suicidal plan for all of us here.

We don't care about our lives but you must survive. 

All of us will cover for your retreat and please run away, lord"

Uzushiokage just shook his head after hearing his Jounins. 

"No, it is too late to wait for Konoha rescue. 

And you are telling me, the Kage to run away while my shinobi are fighting to the death? 

I would rather kill more enemies here. 

But I won't stop you guys if you want to escape."

"Then We will follow Lord to death!!!" 

Uzushiokage was very touched by his Jounins words and actually shed tears. 

Goro, seven great ninja swordsmen, storm corps leader and all of the allied shinobi just narrowed their eyes.

'Oh please No, we didn't come here to see some soap opera here' was what they were thinking. 

Uzushiokage and all of it's jounins took out their last resort pills and swallowed. 

Then, they started to scream really loud. 

They started to perform same hand signs and shouted out the name of jutsu they were doing. 

"Uzumaki hidden jutsu: Reaper Adamantine Death Sealing Chains!!!!!" 

Suddenly one giant white Shinigami, almost the same size as the tailed beast with its' body warped with chains started to form around Uzushiokage and its Jounins.

(A/N: this jutsu is combined jutsu of Adamantine sealing chains and Reaper Death Seal.

This jutsu need several Uzumaki elites to perform together as it's power level is greater than a tailed beast.

Just touch the tip of its chains would be instant death.

But users must stay in the same position when using this jutsu.

Of course, I made up this jutsu hehe, can't have allied force achieve easy victory ✌️ )

Goro and allied shinobi were frightened by the appearance of Giant Shinigami.

Uzushiokage smiled at this and said.

"Don't you dare think you can make it alive after invading our village. 

We will show you the might of our village!!!"

Giant Shinigami raised its hand and hundreds of chain started to come out and attack allied force.

Of course, allied Iwa, Kiri and Kumo shinobi force couldn't do anything to it but to dodge for their life.

But no matter how nimble they were, they couldn't escape from hundreds of chains.

----------- 5 minutes later ---------------

Most of the allied shinobi were massacred by Uzumaki Giant Shinigami jutsu. 

Goro, 2 Iwa Jounins, 3 out of 7 Great ninja swordsmen and 3 storm corps shinobi.

All of the survivors were terrified of Giant Shinigami's power.

Goro lost his arm, and several others have similar injuries as Goro.

Not even storm corps leader and 4 great ninja swordsmen survived its attack.

Fortunately for survivors, all of Uzumaki jounins and its kage ran out charka to sustain the hidden jutsu and collapsed.

Goro and others didn't waste a second immediately attacked and killed them.

Allied shinobi finally killed Uzushiokage, but the price for it was huge. Almost 500 shinobi were dead.

"Tch, these damn Uzumaki sure are powerful alright. If they had hold on for another half minute, we will be in the afterlife."

One of Kiri's great ninja swordsmen commented.

"Yea, Uzumaki was powerful as they were rumoured to. We should have been more cautious.

We underestimated them too much due to the size of our army. Such a blunder."

Gori also said his words.

Storm corps members didn't say anything and just left with the corpse of their commander.


While I was thinking of a plan to rescue ROCK members, we heard the loud noise of chains from the direction of Uzushiogakure building.

Then we saw giant shinigami appearing.

It reminded me of Susanoo, but its head exactly looked like Shinigami from reaper death seal.

Other Uzushiogakure shinobi also shocked to see this.

"Isn't that our clan's hidden jutsu: Reaper Adamantine Death Sealing Chains?!!

To think Uzushiokage-sama is even using that jutsu.

Listen, we will split into 2 groups. 40 shinobi will follow me to rescue Uzushiokage sama while rest will finish off these filthy invaders."

The leader among Uzushiogakure shinobi ordered.

Since ROCK members weere pretty beaten up, 20 shinobi were plenty enough to finish them off.

Soon, 40 shinobi left the place and headed off to Uzushiokage's building.

Gari and I just watched them leave. Their decision made our job to rescue ROCK member easier.

But Gari was worried. 

"Hey, Genji. I heard Goro-san and other top-ranking shinobi of allied force would be attacking Uzushiokage's building.

If we let those 40 enemies go, wouldn't Goro-san and our shinobi would be surrounded by enemy ??"

"Gari, think about it carefully. Just like you and I are worried, Other Iwa shinobi and explosion corps members would also get worried about Goro-san and others.

I am sure some of our Iwa shinobi and fellow explosion corps members will also go to Uzushiokage's building to support Goro-san and others."

After hearing my explanation, Gari calmed down and focused on saving ROCK members.

20 Uzumaki shinobi glared at ROCK members and was about to attack.

I quickly performed hand signs for Earth Style: Dark Swamp jutsu.

I created swamp underneath the 20 enemy's feet and they were surprised by the sudden attack.

They tried to get out of the swamp immediately, but they were met with failure.

While I trapped enemies with my Dark Swamp jutsu to stall the time, Gari threw a smoke bomb at ROCK members and helped them escape

Once I saw Gari's signal, I created 3 earth clones and exploded them right in front of 20 Uzumaki shinobi and escaped. This would at least stall them for at least 5 minutes.

I wasn't planning to fight them to death. My charka hasn't even recovered 1/6 (half of the original chakra reserve before eating pill).

I need to save some of my charka in case emergency.

ROCK members were grateful to us for rescuing them.

"I can't believe we were saved by our village's greatest genius. Hahaha"

We shared simple greetings.

Just as I was about to ask them about Kitsuchi and Kimiko, Gari interrupted me.

"Hey, guys! Those 20 enemies are catching up to us fast!!!"

I was shocked by Gari's statement.

"What, that can't be. How did they get out of my Dark Swamp quickly??"

I thought for a moment.

'Oh, fuċk. Please don't tell me, all 20 of them ate their last resort pill and powered up to get out of my Dark Swamp?'

ROCK members looked at us for a moment and said.

"We, ROCK members are already tired and only be dragging you guys' speed. 

Therefore we will stay and block them while you guys run.

Here, take these scrolls. No matter what, you must deliver these scrolls to Tsuchikage-sama"

Gari and I felt guilty since they would be left behind to save us.

We were about to decline his request, but ROCK members gestured to stop.

"Don't feel sad about it. We already decided that we would stay behind. There is no way you can stop us. Just deliver the scrolls properly. "

After saying those words, ROCK members didn't move and prepared to face 20 powered up Uzumaki shinobi.

Gari and I thanked them for their great determination and sacrifice. We hurriedly continued to our base camp which Iwa shinobi force built before invading Uzushiogakure.

I was curious about the scrolls that ROCK members stole.

I looked at them and they were fuinjutsu seal scrolls. But they didn't seem to be ordinary fuinjutsu seals. 

I asked the system what these seals were.

System: "Host, they are fuinjutsu scrolls which can seal Tailed beast inside human without any side effect."

Wait, so these are seals for Jinchuriki!!!

No wonder why, ROCK members were sent to here.

Seals for Jinchuriki are very important as they need to be powerful and stable enough to keep off Tailed beast influence to the user.

Garra was the example of having the bad seal as he was pretty messed up during his childhood.

Iwagakurd doesn't have sealing expert, therefore two Jinchuriki of our village is a bit unstable. I am certain Onoki probably wanted these seals for a long time by now.

I asked the system to copy the seals to the database.

Soon, we heard the battle sounds from behind. We knew ROCK members were fighting with 20 enemy shinobi. 

After running full speed for 10 minutes, we saw our Iwa base camp.

They stopped us to verify if we are real ones.

They also asked the code which we replied easily.

We went to the man in charge of the base camp to submit the scrolls and books we stole (including seals ROCK members gave us) and asked to send reinforcement to check if there are any ROCK members survived.

The man in charge agreed to our request and sent 100 Iwa shinobi to rescue ROCK members.

Unfortunately, ROCK members were all dead when they arrived at the scene.


The invasion continued until every Uzumaki shinobi were surrendered. Right after Uzushiokage died, the remaining Uzushiogakure shinobi lost morale and quickly surrendered.

I was shocked when I saw Goro-san lost his arm.

Damn, just how hard was the battle for Goro-san to lose his arm?!!!

By the time of sunset, Uzushiogakure has been conquered and became complete ruins.

But allied Iwa, Kiri and Kumo shinobi force also received the huge loss.

Out of 2700 shinobi, only 1200 are alive.

Iwa sides lost around 400 shinobi, Kiri sides lost around 500 shinobi and last but not least Kumo lost around 600 shinobi out of 700 shinobi they sent.

The main reason Kumo suffered the most was that they mostly targeted high ranking Uzumaki shinobi and most of them were killed by Uzushiokage's Reaper Adamantine Death Sealing Chains.

Their storm corps are almost wiped out.

Kiri also suffered badly. Losing more than half of their 7 great ninja swordsmen was heavy to them.

Out of three sides, I can say Iwa suffered the least. 

I am guessing these are the reason why Kumo and Kiri didn't participate in the second great ninja war. They lost too many numbers od shinobi and qualified shinobi.

We ended our allied force and went back to our own respective villages.

Gari and I was part of escorting surrendered Uzumaki shinobi and civilians while returning to Iwa.

While escorting, I saw someone familiar among Uzumaki civilians.

I looked carefully and finally, remember her.

Her face is exactly like Karin's face.

Since Karin is in Naruto's generation, I am guessing she is the mother of Karin.

I only know she took refuge to Kusagakure with her daughter Karin. I had absolutely no idea what she was doing during childhood.

System, did Karin's mom escaped from invasion on Uzushiogakure?

System: "Yes, Karin's mom was supposed to escape with her future husband. But due to host, the buŧŧerfly effect happened. She got separated from her future husband and got caught."

*sigh* first is Nagato and next is Karin's mom?

Fu*k it. I had enough. I am not gonna help her escape. 

I am just gonna leave her alone. She is not as important as Nagato anyway. 

I wish we speed up to Iwagakure, go to my room, lie down to the bed and chill out as soon as I can.

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