Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 18 - Konoha emergency Conference

When the third Hokage, Hiruzen heard the news of Uzushiokage was being invaded by Iwa, Kumo and Kiri allied force.

He knew something was fishy when the report says Iwa and Kiri suddenly are fighting each other at Kumo borders and Kumo was trying to stop those two forces.

But he didn't expect those three great villages would form an alliance and attack Uzushiogakure.

He immediately called Orochimaru and Tsunade.

-----------5 minutes later------------

Orochimaru and Tsunade entered to Hokage office and looked annoyed that their teacher called them at late night.

But once Orochimaru saw the grim face of Hokage, he knew something bad happened.

"Why did you call us, old man. I couldn't have sake because you called me. You better have a good reason for calling us this late"

Tsunade angrily said to Hiruzen.

"Tsunade, Uzushiogakure is currently being invaded by three great villages allied force. They requested for our help. 

I want you two to lead 1000 men and go to reinforce Uzushiogakure immediately."

Both Tsunade and Orochimaru was surprised by the news but still nodded to Hiruzen's order.

Orochimaru knew that they won't make it in time to help Uzushiogakure considering the distance between Konoha and Uzushiogakure.

Even if they run full speed, they will probably reach Uzushiogakure tomorrow late at night.

But he didn't question Hiruzen and obeyed his order.

(A/N: Orochimaru now is still loyal to Konoha and didn't have an obsession of becoming immortality yet)

"Understood, Sensei."

"Dont worry, old man. I will definitely save my grandmother's home"

After Orochimaru and Tsunade left, he quickly summoned anbu to prepare for an emergency conference.

He also summoned another anbu to call Jiraiya back from his journey.

He already gave plenty of independence time to Jiraiya and its time for him to return and protect Konoha.


The third Hokage called all clan heads, Jounin commander, Anbu commander and elders for an emergency conference. 

All of them were curious about why their kage would gather them late at night.

As soon as everyone sat in the conference room, the Third Hokage passed out the aid report with a grim face.

"Uzushiogakure is currently being invaded by Iwa, Kiri and Kumo allied forces. Just now they requested help from us"

Uzushiogakure is the number one ally of Konoha. Attacking them is literally declaring war against Konoha.

They didn't expect Kiri, Kumo and Iwa to be so bold.

"How can it be? Our spies reported that Iwa and Kiri battling each other at Kumo land and Kumo was trying to stop them." 

Anbu commander questioned if the report was real.

"You don't get it? You idiot.

It was set up by those three villages to fool us and Uzushiogakure.

They already knew our anbu spies and gave them false information. Our spies are really pathetic. We need to plant new spies right now." 

Danzo as jounin commander in the conference replied to Anbu commander's question.

(A/N: Currently, Danzo is an active shinobi right now. Danzo doesn't have root.  Also, he doesn't have any evil thoughts as he is just jealous of Hiruzen.

As for his position as Jounin commander, is not surprising as he is powerful and was trusted greatly by Hiruzen and other influential people)

Although Anbu commander was wearing a mask, everyone could guess that his face is frowning at Danzo.

"Danzo, stop being rude. This is not the time to fight among us.

For now, I already sent Orochimaru and Tsunade with 1000 shinobi as reinforcement to Uzushiogakure."

"What? Hiruzen!!

You already sent troops to Uzushiogakure?

We know by the time they arrive, Uzushiogakure would be completely destroyed by Three great ninja shinobi forces. There was no point of sending our troops."

Danzo immediately stood up and disapproved Hiruzen's order.

"Well even if Uzushiogakure already been ruined, it is necessary to send our troops to there. 

Destruction of Uzushiogakure is the same as declaring war on us.

If we dont even send any troops to Uzushiogakure, our other allied villages will start to mistrust us which would give us bad effect during upcoming war."

Nara clan head commented on Danzo's argument.

Danzo looked annoyed that Nara clan head rebutted him, but didn't say anything.

Everyone also just nodded to Nara clan head's reason.

Arguing with the Nara clan would just downright bring shame since no one is smart enough to debate with them.

Hiruzen sighed that war was inevitable since they can not just ignore Uzushiogakure' destruction.

"All clans, Special units, Jounins, Chunins and Genins are to prepare for war.

We will divide our force into 3 division and send each division to borders of Iwa, Kiri and Kumo to repel them in case they invade us.

Danzo will be the leader of the first division and deploy at Kiri's border.

Homura will be the leader of the second division and deploy at Kumo's border.

Finally, my student Orochimaru will lead last division and deploy at Iwa's border.

Any questions?"

Everyone stayed quiet.

Nara clan head seemed to think for a moment and raised his hand.


Currently, Suna is the only great village which didn't suffer any casualties from Uzushiogakure destruction.

They will definitely try to invade us when our shinobi force spread out to other great ninja villages' border.

I think we should allocate our shinobi to create small division and deploy them secretly at Suna's border. 

If Suna invades us, this small division is tasked to hold them until our reinforces arrives."

"Umm, not a bad idea. But who will be the leader of this small division? He or she must be strong and level headed to hold entire Suna force."

Hiruzen asked to Nara clan head.

"I recommend Hatake clan head, Sakumo Hatake to be the leader. He is strong, calm and has great leadership. I am sure he can do a great job."

Sakumo was surprised he got recommended and nodded at Nara clan head to thanks for the support.

Hiruzen also thought Sakumo was a good choice for the small division leader.

"Anyone who disagrees Sakumo being leader raise hand please."

Nobody raised their hands. Danzo didn't see eye to eye with Sakumo since their idealogy was different but he still recognised Sakumo's strength.

"Alright since no one has a problem, Sakumo will be the leader of small division and deployed at Suna's border.

We will now end the conference. Everyone, dismiss."

---------------while on Tsuchikage office---------------

"So we lost exactly 347 shinobi at Uzushiogakure. 

Explosion Corps First Division's members are now halved and Third division members are almost wiped out.

And even you lost your hand there.

That's more than I expected. "

Onoki looked at Goro while holding the report.

"Sorry, Tsuchikage-sama. I underestimated them a bit too much. I didn't expect Uzumaki clan had so many deadly hidden jutsu."

"It seems I also underestimated power Uzumaki possed. But all of that is past now.

You accomplished the mission. Uzushiogakure is gone completely. You did well. Stop blaming yourself for the loses of our force."

"Thank you, Tsuchikage sama"

"Umm, you lost your arm which significantly dropped your strength. I know you will resign the head position of the explosion corps.

So who will replace your position ?"

"I recommend Explosion corps Fifth Division Captain Ishika. He stayed at explosion corps longer than anyone and have enough strength and reputation to lead explosion corps."

"Okay, then since you are recommending him, I will appoint Ishika as the new head of Explosion corps."

"Thank you Tsuchikage -sama"

"By the way, ROCK members I sent to steal Jinchuriki seals hasn't returned yet. Do you know anything about it?"

"If I remember correctly, I saw a report that all ROCK members Tsuchikage-sama sent were all found dead.

But fortunately, before their death, they encountered with Genji and his friend and passed the seals to them.

Genji and his friend successfully delivered Jinchuriki seal to base camp."

"Genji? I see that brat is still kicking alive even in explosion corps.

Well, I am glad he did a good job during the invasion."

"You are right, Tsuchikage-sama. Genji is very talented. I am sure in 10 years later, he will be powerful S-rank Iwa shinobi"

"Hmph, he better be, or he would bring shame to my village"

Goro just laughed at Onoki's antics.

"By the way, what should we do with captured Uzumakis?"

"Honestly, I don't trust them. 

Pick all of the kids (A/N: Karin's mom included here, hehe) and send them to our academy. But make sure they are treated normal and brainwash them slowly.

Send ȧduŀt Uzumaki civilians to an isolated place and give them a peaceful life. I will send ROCK members to monitor them and if they have the slightest thinking of harming Iwa, then, of course, kill them.

As for Uzumaki Ninjas, send them to prison for now. I will decide their fate after the war."

"Understood Tsuchikage sama"

After Goro left, Tsuchikage called Ishika to promote him the new head of Explosion corps.

Although Ishika was shocked, he still accepted the position happily.

Onoki also called Roshi, the four tailed beast jinchuriki and ordered him to lead 4000 shinobi to station at borders between Iwa and Konoha.

Onoki was not gonna start war with Konoha now. But he was planning to start a war with Konoha soon.

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