Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 19 - Suna's sudden invasion

Its been 3 months after invading Uzushiogakure.

Konoha has responded by dividing their forces into 3 and deploy each division to borders fo Kiri, Iwa, and Kumo.

Onoki promoted Roshi (4 tailed-beast Jinchuriki) as captain and sent 4000 shinobi to Konoha border and other great villages also sent their forces to borders.

Tensions between Villages are rising as each day passed.

I knew war will come soon after participating in Uzushiogakure invasion. Temporarily, Onoki banned C, B, and A-rank mission.

There are only D-rank and S-rank missions available.

Goro-san (the previous head of Explosion corps) now became adviser to Onoki.

Gari and I were super shocked when Captain Ishika promoted to Explosion corps head.

His first order as Head was to increase the training regiment.

I rarely practiced Ninjutsu for 3 months, and kept taijutsu training.

I realized that in the fierce battlefield, using strong offensive Ninjutsu is often forbidden since your allies might also get injured by your jutsu, especially for us, the explosion corps who just blow off everything.

I have fully comprehended high-level hand-to-hand Wing Chun style and now onto Wing Chun double blades (butterfly swords) style.

Since Shuji (academy's best friend)'s mother owned a weapon factory and I am Shuji's father's disciple, I got the buŧŧerfly swords easily just by asking.

I also trying to learn Lighting jutsu. Since the explosion release is a mixture of earth and lighting attributes, I obviously had lighting affinity.

I am trying to raise my speed using lighting styles, got that idea from Kumo shinobi during invasion.

Gari also training hard ever since he came back from Invasion. He also started to learn the knowledge of all forbidden jutsu.


All of us ȧssumed that Captain Ishika got a girl and busy trying to get a chocolate from her.

Anyway, we got a break in a long time, so we decided to enjoy it as much as we can.

Gari and I went to Shuji's place to invite him to have lunch together.

I only met Shuji on a few occasions ever since I joined the explosion corps.

The main reason was because I was super busy training during the first two years.

And second was Shuji became a Genin and joined the Rookie Genin team.

But recently I frequently visited Uncle Masashi to have taijutsu spar to increase my taijutsu skill.

Luckily when we arrived at Shuji's place, Shuji just got home from his Genin team meeting.

It seems his Jounin sensei told Shuji and his team to rest today and went off hurriedly too.

So three of us went to a famous restaurant to celebrate our break.

Along the way, Gari and Shuji got to know each other well.

"Hey Shuji, how is Genin's life treating you?"

"Well, It's terrible. We kept getting only D-rank missions.

And when we are finally qualified to take the C-rank mission, Third Tsuchikage-sama suddenly banned all missions except D-rank and S-rank.

So now I am stuck with the D-rank mission again. How are you guys doing? "

"Well, we just kept doing our intense training. Nothing unusual.

bla bla bla bla bla..."

"bla bla bla bla..."

"Wow, I forgot today was Valentine day. Look at Kitsuchi dating his girlfriend." Shuji commented.

"What is wrong with this world? How come we don't get a girlfriend while that muscle headed Kitsuchi was able to score a beautiful girl like Kimiko?? This is an absolute disaster." I complained loudly.

Gari didn't say anything, just kept looking at the couple.

Kitsuchi and Kimiko somehow heard my loud voice and looked over at us.

"Hey there Genji. It's really you. It's getting hard to see you nowadays.

How is the world treating you?" Kitsuchi greeted us while smiling.

It seems like Kitsuchi got his rude attitude fixed by constant Onoki's teachings.

If it were the old days, he would call me an ȧsshole and look down on us for not even having a girlfriend on valentine's day and tell us to piss off or something like that.

We politely greeted Kitsuchi and Kimiko. They sat at our table and joined the conversation.

"So, Genji. I heard you participated in the Uzushiogakure invasion and helped ROCK members to finish their mission. Tell us about it? How was the battlefield?"

"Kitsuchi, I tell you that DO not to look down on anyone on the battlefield. Gari and I almost died there. If it weren't for my special defense jutsu, we wouldn't be here alive." I warned Kitsuchi like a experience senior.

Gari and I started to tell the about Uzushiogakure invasion such as plans on invasion, destroying weapon warehouse, fighting crazy high ranking jounin, stealing seals, etc.

"Oh yea Kitsuchi, I heard that you guys joined ROCK special division. I thought they don't have a holiday. How come you guys able to stroll around freely?" Gari asked them curiously.

"Well strangely, My dad ordered all low ranking ROCK members a break only today and went off to a meeting," Kitsuchi replied to Gari's question.

'first is Captain Ishika, Shuji's jounin sensei, and now Onoki too? Uncle Masashi was also not at his house. Something tells me that big incident happened.'


Inside the Tsuchikage building conference hall, there were almost hundreds of high ranking Jounins present.

Ishika, Shuji's Jounin sensei, and Masashi were all there.

Onoki and his advisers entered a hall with a super serious face.

"Listen everyone. I have called everyone as it is an emergency.

Today midnight, Suna has launched a surprise attack on our border checkpoints and declared war on us.

Not only us, but they also attacked Konoha at the same time.

They underestimated us too much.

Since they are the ones who attacked us, we will not just stand down.

I will divide our remaining force into 3.

The first division is tasked to defend the Suna invaders and the second division is to invade Suna from a different direction.

The final remaining division is to standby and to reinforce.

Masashi as veteran shinobi, I am trusting you to lead the first division.

Kento, as you are Jounin commander, I want you to lead the second division.

Goro, I want you to form 2 delegations and head to Kumo and Kiri to have a peace treaty with them. I am sure they are not planning to involve in this war, but just to be sure.

Also since Konoha is attacked by Suna, their focus will be on Suna solely. This is also our chance to crush Konoha.

I am sure Konoha will split their force and transit them to defend.

Tell Roshi to attack Konoha tomorrow night immediately with the full force of 4000.

That's it for now. I want all of you to enter the war period.

At this moment, I am declaring war on Suna and Konoha!!!!"

The second great ninja war finally began!

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