I had expected the second great ninja war soon, but I never expected that Suna would be the one to start it.

Even more, they attacked both Iwa and Konoha at the same time!!

Talk about daringness!!

It seems like Suna thought the destruction of Uzushiogakure affected Konoha and Iwa greatly. How naive they were.


All explosion corps members were sent out to war except suicide squad. Even rookie members were deployed to the reinforcement division.

I was sent to the second war battle division which was tasked to invade Suna back, along with Gari.

Captain Ishika personally recommend us to that war division.

Also since I have the 'greatest Genius' title, I was obliged to go to the frontline.

I cursed for having such a title.

Shinobi in charge of our division was someone called Kento.

Apparently, he just got promoted to Jounin commander a few months ago.

Our second division has a total of around 3000 shinobi.

After receiving Onoki's war announcement, we prepared ourselves for war and departed the next day.


We arrived at our first target, Suna's border checkpoint in 3 days.

This checkpoint was furthest from the battlefield where our first war division is currently fighting with Suna's invasion force.

At least, more than 2000 shinobi were defending this checkpoint.

It seemed like Suna already knew our invasion beforehand and prepared for it.

This checkpoint was going to be our first battlefield between us and Suna shinobi force.

Kento as a leader of division quickly summoned a war meeting to discuss the plan.

Somehow I was invited to join in this meeting as one of explosion corp representatives despite my age (12).

Most of the elite members of the explosion corp who should normally be in this kind of meeting died at Uzushiogakure and the fact that I was well known in Iwagakure for being the greatest genius, reinforced their decision to send me as one of representative of explosion corp.

I arrived at the meeting place early and waited for every meeting members to arrive.

It would be very rude for the youngest to come late and make elders wait. I didn't want them to have a bad impression on me.

One by one people arrived at the meeting and I greeted all of them politely. There were exactly ten, including me.

My first impression of him was 'big'. He was freaking BIG, GIANT, and muscular. He looked way more intimidating than Goro-san.

Kento: "Now that, everyone is here, Let's discuss the plan.

As we know, enemies already knew our incomings and prepared for us fully. Anyone has a good idea what should we do?"

Everyone was silent. I just kept myself quiet.

Even though I was invited, I knew my position was only supposed to listen, not comment.

"We don't have any info about enemies currently. So I suggest we sent small troops to battle first to test the water." One of Jounin suggested.

"We just started our invasion and already being cautious?? That's not our Iwa style."

Kento immediately rejected.

"how about we raid them at night?" another Jounin proposed his idea.

"Rejected. We don't need such a surprise tactic to defeat Suna weaklings."

Kento rejected it again.

Few other Jounins gave their ideas out but immediately rejected by Kento.

Soon, the room fell into silence again.

"Kento-san, you kept rejecting our ideas, then do you have any idea?" Jounin who suggested raiding plan asked Kento.

"My idea is very simple. We don't need any tactic.

I believe in our Iwa shinobi power and will of stone inside us.

We will just charge at them with full force and siege the checkpoint."

Everyone became speechless after hearing Kento's absurd plan.

We don't know anything about the enemies' force.

We don't know if they have a superior number than us or not.

We are fighting at Suna's land, therefore, have a geographical disadvantage.

They are also prepared for us while we didn't.

Considering all these points, it was obvious to even 5 years olds that full front out battle is bad for us, but yet our commander suggested that idea.

At that moment, I realized our division commander is hypocritical and delusional, muscle headed idiot who completely got brainwashed by the will of stone crap.

How the heck such an idiot guy managed to become Jounin commander of powerful Iwagakure shinobi force??

What was Onoki thinking?

Did he get a screw loose in the head when promoting this guy? Or Did Onoki moved to tears by his will of stone theory and promoted him?

Now I am so worried about this division and my future during the war.

Everyone was so shocked at Kento's idea that their voice couldn't say anything.

"It seems like everyone is wowed by my idea and can't say a thing.

Hahaha alright then, tomorrow we will launch a full-force attack at them."

Everyone now was beyond shock after hearing Kento.

'Wowed by your idea, my ȧss!! Yours is the shittiest one here!!' was what everyone thought.

Few Jounins were brave enough to oppose Kento's idea loudly.

Unexpectedly Kento kindly stood up after hearing them.

"It has been 50 years since Will of stone teaching was created by our first Tsuchikage. Even though we can find stones everywhere, each stone has its uniqueness and appearance.

Try the heat, freeze, electrify, or blow the stone. They will not break and stay the same.

Will of stone represents our Iwa shinobi immense power.

Now, do you think 3000 of our combined wills of stone can't overcome some petty Suna weaklings?

Blah blah blah...."

(A/N: He started to give a presentation of the will of stone to everyone for 1 hour. )

Everyone listened attentively including me.

The more he spoke, the more we listened carefully.

Suddenly I heard system sudden alert on my brain.

System: "Alert!! Host is showing signs of being hypnotised or brainwashedl. Please wake up host!!!"


I got shocked by the system's alert and quickly slapped myself to prevent from being hypnotized.

After slap awaking, I look around everyone and their face looked like they have attained enlightenment.

After Kento finished his speech, everyone was on tears for some reason, and wholeheartedly agreed on Kento's aggressive and ridiculous full out battle plan.

Some of them even asked for the signature of Kento.

I was beyond horrified by this.

'His will of stone speech was so great and persuasive that it actually hypnotized and brainwashed everyone to agree with him.

Not to mention, everyone here is top-notch shinobi that are well known but got easily brainwashed by his will of stone speech.

Such a powerful skill!!! It's too OP.

If it wasn't the system, I would also have been brainwashed by him just like them.

How terrifying!!!

Wait a minute, Don't tell me, is this legendary Talk no jutsu???

Did he master that legendary jutsu in the form of the will of stone??

Oh shit, I see, no wonder he became Jounin commander!!!!

Onoki probably also saw his talk no jutsu power and promoted him instantly.

If this guy speaks about the will of stone crap speech, no Iwa shinobi will betray their village!!!

Now that I thought about it, our explosion corps fourth division aka suicide division recently expanded its' number rapidly.

So this guy was the reason behind it.

OMG!!!! This guy is too terrifying, I must stay away from him.'

(A/N: let's say his talk no jutsu is less powerful than Naruto's since naruto can actually turn enemy to friend, while Kento's can only affect allies.)

Anyway since everyone agreed or rather hypnotized to agree on the full-force attack, I just went along with the flow and agreed to full force attack too.

Soon we ended the meeting and went off separate ways to prepare for battle.

When I returned to my camp, Gari looked excited to see me.

"Hey, Genji. So how was the battle plan meeting? Did you guys discuss some super cool strategies?" He asked me with great interest.


"eh Yea, I guess. We talked about a lot of cool strategies. Indeed I learned a lot about strategies and battle planning from that meeting." I just lied to Gari, afraid of breaking his interest

"Oh, then what kind of strategies did you discuss? Tell me quick"

"eh... That's secret. You should worry about the upcoming battle tomorrow. After we sieged this checkpoint, I will tell you all about it"

I couldn't say we only discussed the strategies for about 5 mins while rest of it, we listened to Kento's talk no jutsu to Gari and decided the just simple full-out battle plan.

"Also, Gari, as your longest friend, let me give you a warning.

Don't ever try to oppose or talk back to our division commander Kento.

He has a terrifying unique power that only chosen ones can use."

Gari looked at me with a weird look but still thanked me for my warning.

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