---------Iwa Tsuchikage office---------------

Currently, in the Tsuchikage office, Onoki was discussing with ROCK captain.

"So, how is your investigation, tell me the current war situation of all other great villages," Onoki ordered.

"Well, It is clear now that Kiri and Kumo have absolutely no intention of joining the war.

But they still deployed their force in the border just in case.

As for Konoha, they rearranged their force.

It seems they have predicted Suna's invasion and predeployed Sakumo Hatake to stop the Suna invasion force.

Now Sakumo Hatake is the first division commander of Konoha force and tasked to stop Suna invasion force.

Third Hokage's three students are co-leaders of Konoha's second division and they are now facing off our Iwa invasion force to Konoha which is led by Roushi.

Currently, they are fighting with the land of Rain as both sides don't want to fight in their land.

Konoha's last third division is led by their jounin commander Danzo and now they act as reinforcements."

"Damn, Konoha tree huggers. Hiruzen sure looks down on us, sending his students to face our mighty force. Damn shit ȧss!!!!

"As for Suna, they also mainly divided into three sides, but it is estimated that they have another reinforcements force besides those three divisions.

One of Suna's powerful shinobi, Chiyo led their first force and invaded Konoha but as previously mentioned, they got blocked by Konoha's Sakumo Hatake.

Suna's second division led by Chiyo's bother Ebisu, also one of Suna's powerful shinobi invaded our land, but got intercepted by our defense division led by Masashi.

Suna's last division led by their Giant Folding Fan division commander Yudai was tasked to block our invasion force to Suna led by Kento but lost in the first battle and retreated."

"Hmph, That's more like it. Stupid Suna idiots think they can stop us?

So what're our casualties so far?"

"Roushi and Masashi's sides don't have high casualties but Kento's side more than 300 Iwa shinobi died. That's around 10% of Kento's division."

"Umm, that's troublesome. But it's too soon to send out reinforcement. Okay, I understand. Dismiss."

ROCK captain nodded to Onoki and Shunshined away.


Hatake Sakumo division (fighting Chiyo division)

Legendary Sannin division (fighting Roushi division)

Danzo division (reinforcements)


Chiyo division (fighting Sakumo division)

Ebizo division (fighting Masashi division)

Yudai divison (fought with Kento division)


Masashi division (fighting Ebizo division)

Kento division (fought with Yudai division)

Roushi division (fighting Sannin trio division)



--------------Suna council--------------

Third Kazekage was very angry after receiving a report from Yudai.

He didn't expect Yudai to fail so quickly.

What an incompetence fellow!

"As you all know, Yudai failed to defend our first border checkpoint and retreated.

This is truly unexpected from our plan. SO what should we do with Yudai?"

"Yudai that idiot, He couldn't even hold them for one day.

Kazekage-sama, I suggest we demote him and send a new commander." one of the members in the council said.

"No, even though Yudai lost, it's only the first week of the war.

Let's give him chances to redeem." elder rebutted.

"But it's the fact that he lost the battle.

We can't just close our eyes and not punish him!

This would think as favoritism and create a leeway in our shinobi law. "

"Blah blah blah blah... "

They kept arguing for 30 minutes on how to punish Yudai.

Kazekage couldn't take it any more rants and shouted.

"Be quiet!!!, Yudai punishment is too sėnsɨtɨvė for us right now after losing a battle.

We will delay his punishment after the war. For now, he is to remain as a division commander."

Members of the council became quiet after hearing Kazekage order.

"Now, I want to discuss how to drive away those Iwa invaders. It's obvious that Yudai alone can't drive them away."

"Kazekage-sama, an army without a general is just garbage. I suggest we ȧssassinate Iwa force commander by sending several elites."

"Commander Assassination attempt is normal during the war. I am sure Iwa force already prepared for our ȧssassination squad."

We can use this point to lead Iwa commander to ambush point and kill him during battle."

"Umm... That plan has a chance of failure.

Is there any other plans?"

"We can isolate and entrap them in Suna, cut off their supply line, and slowly kills them."


"Currently Ebisu-sama is leading our invasion force in Iwa but is having a hard time trying breakthrough Iwa defense division.

Therefore I suggest, Kazekage-sama personally lead troops to break through the Iwa defense division and replace Ebisu-sama's division.

While we let Ebizo-sama's division to retreat and cut off the Iwa invasion force supply line and isolate Iwa invasion force from Iwa completely.

Then Ebizo-sama division and Yudai division attack both front and rear sides of the Iwa invasion force at the same time. Thus this would destroy the Iwa invasion force.

As long as Kazekage-sama breakthrough Iwa's defense division or even give a bit of pressure to them, Iwa would focus more on defending. "

"Not a bad plan, but can Yudai hold off Iwa invasion force until Ebizo's division cut off Iwa invasion force and surround them from the rear side?"

"That's why we will give more troops and elites to Yudai to hold Iwa invasion force until Ebizo-sama division surround their rear side."

After hearing members' strategies, Kazekage stood up and thought for minutes.

"Alright, I have decided.

We will go with both the entrapment plan together with the ȧssassination plan.

I will send an additional 1000 shinobi to Yudai division to hold off the Iwa invasion force.

By the end of this month, I want the Iwa invasion force in Suna to completely destroyed. Understand?"

"""Understood, Kazekae-sama"""

"Kazekage-sama, what should we do about Chiyo-sama side? Should we send reinforcement?"

"No, I am sure that crazy woman doesn't need our help.

She took all her deadly poisons and her son and daughter-in-law with her. Besides she has 10 white Chikamatsu puppets with her. I don't worry about her too much.

Let's dismiss the meeting."

Everyone slowly went out of the meeting room.


After successfully occupying the first Suna checkpoint, we rested for 3 days and continued our invasion.

Iwa force casualties were around 300 shinobi which is way more than we estimated.

As for Suna, we are estimating it was around 200.

First battle and we already lost 10% of our troops.

It wasn't for my sneak base attack plan, we would have lost shinobi way more than that.

I really think we should change our division commander or else we might even be wiped out before first two month.

Of course I didn't voice up my complaints. Here, I was just simple member of division.

After marching 2 days straight, we saw Suna force waiting and preparing for our coming.

This time I could see that Suna force has increased in number than the previous fight.

But the commander was the same.

I think Suna send reinforcement after seeing that we occupied border checkpoint in one day.

I really had a bad feeling after seeing Suna force.

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