--------Iwa invasion force battle meeting---------

"Although I already sent a victory report to Tsuchikage-sama out of excitement, now that I think carefully, it's weird. Does anyone here know why Suna retreat last battle?" Kento asked out of curiosity.

Everyone in the meeting all became quiet and looked at each other.

I coughed a little bit to get attention.

"Ahem Ahem, Ehh... Sir, I think it's because of me. I took 9 other explosion corps with me and did a surprise attack on their base to destroy their ration and weapon storage while our force was fighting with Suna force. "

I could see everyone's eye on me. I felt a bit embarrassing to praise myself.

"Hahaha, as expected of our greatest genius. Although we could easily win even without your plan, what you did there sped up our victory.

Alright, I would like to reward you now but as you can see, we don't have money or jutsu scroll currently. Instead, I will give you a full authority on those explosion corps members you led.

From now on, you will be their leader and can do whatever you want with them."

"Thanks, division leader"

I knew having my own private squad is better than having money or jutsu scroll during the war.

They can follow me and save my ȧss in a critical time while money can't do shit.

I already have a shit ton of jutsu scrolls in the system's database so I don't need them.

As expected, in our battle plan meeting, Kento again decided to go full-out strategy.

And again he used his talk no jutsu to convince other members in the meeting.

I wanted to speak out to change the plan but decided not to.

I felt like I would get bullied if I speak out here.

After the meeting, I went out to the weapon storage.

My swords got broken into pieces after fighting with Suna jounin. So I wanted to see if there are any nice swords in our division weapon storage.

I saw a few nice weapons in storage but unfortunately, none of them were swords.

"Hey old man, Is there any nice buŧŧerfly or twin swords in here? Mine got broken from the previous battle." I asked the shinobi in charge of weapon storage.

"Who are you calling old, brat!! I am still under 50, damn it.

After hearing there were no buŧŧerfly swords, I lost my hope and was about to go out.

But I quickly stopped, thinking about the previous fight.

Come to think of it, after killing that Jounin and ten genins, I didn't loot them. Shit!! That was so careless of me.

I could have gotten Chakra Kunai for free too from Suna jounin.


That chakra kunai was powerful and left a deep impression on me.

"Hey old man. Do you have any chakra blades or Kunai that can be infused with elemental chakra?"

"As I said I am not old!!! Just because you are genius, doesn't mean that you should be rude to elders, brat!!

As for your request, we do have a charka kunai. What size do you want?"

He quickly handed out black, sharp long kunai to me. I felt comfortable using it.

"This kunai's apppearance is so cool. I didn't expect this shabby weapon storage has such a beautiful Kunai."

"hmph, What do you mean shabby, brat?

Here is the very special chakra Kunai. That would be 50,000 ryo."

5000 ryo??? That's ridiculous as fuċk.

Pure bullshit!!!

You can buy 100 normal Kuani with that money.

You can buy 5000 dirty magazines with that.

You can have a freaking maid for months with that.

"What?? Do you charge for the weapon? Aren't weapons in public weapon storage for the free, old man?"

"For the fuċkɨnġ last time, I am not an old man!!

Also, I need to eat and survive.

All of these weapons here are collected from battlefields by me alone. I risked my life to get all these, and you want it for free???

hehehe I am not your normal kind man who gives for free, So you better pay up!!!"

"So basically, you are a weapon thief. And you are charging for it? Unbelievable!!!"

"Shut it, brat. So you are paying or not?"

"Why is it so expensive?"

"It's because this kunai is very tough, sharp, and easy to use.

Also, it is very sharp and able to infuse chaka."

"How about 30% off?

In the future, when I become famous Iwa shinobi, I can help you rich, old man."

"Shut it and pay up brat. "

I tried to cut the price down, but this old man was stubborn as hell.

I gave up and purchased the kunai without any discount.

"Thanks for the business. Come again!!"

"Listen up, old man. When I become strong and famous, I will definitely make you regret not cutting down the price!!!!"

After saying this, I quickly went out.

Just like before, I was sent to the very frontline. If I keep going up to the frontline, I am afraid I really might die someday.

Fortunately, I have my squad with me on the frontline this time.

With Kento's roar, all Iwa force charged to Suna force.

We encountered some traps but not as harsh as the previous battlefield.

I guess we arrived too quickly from the previous battle checkpoint and they didn't have enough time to set up more traps.

I also saw not all Suna forces rushed to clash Iwa force. It seems Suna learned their lesson and left troops to tighten their base defense.


I killed 4 Genins and 1 Chunin so far. They were not as tough as previous Suna jounin who gave me a scar.

Luckily, I haven't encountered with Jounin yet. I also helped Gari and my squad in their fighting and they helped mine vice versa.

Suddenly I heard a scream coming from behind me. I quickly turned around to see who screamed.

It was our Iwa force shinobi.

But what took me the attention was the gold dust wrapped around Iwa shinobi and slowly crushing him.

That gold dust!!!

My eyes slowly went to the boy controlling the gold dust who looked around the same age as me.

It was definitely Rasa, Garaa's dad.

I didn't need to ask System to confirm this.

I also saw a beautiful little girl who stood next to Rasa and supported him.

She had green hair that she tied in a bun on top of her head with a hair needle running through it and one short and long strands of hair with orange tips framing each side of her face.

At first, I thought she was Rasa's future wife but I was wrong after seeing her using Scorch release.

She was Pakura. I double-checked with the system and she was indeed Pakura.

Now Rasa and Pakura were on a killing spree.

Most of our force jounins are fighting with Suna jounins and Chunins are just prey in those two eyes.

I decided to step up and face them.

"Gari, follow me. Let's stop those Suna boy and girl pair."

Of course, I wasn't stupid to challenge them two on one.

One of them was a future Kazekage while another would become a hero of Suna in the future.

Gari obediently followed my orders and blocked Rasa and Pakura's way.

Seeing we intercepted their way, Rasa spoke to us with dead fish-eyes expression.

"Get out of my way. We are not interested in dealing weaklings"

Gari and I got pissed a bit by Rasa's words.

"Hey, you seem to be full of yourself, fish-eye. How about I kick your ȧss now?" I replied to him.

Rasa didn't say anything and controlled his gold dust to attack me.

I quickly pulled out my new 50,000 ryo Kunai from my pocket and cut off gold dust.

"This is 50,000 ryo Kunai. Taste my power!!"

(A/N: Lee cut of Garaa's sand with regular kunai so I think Rasa's gold dust also can be cut)

Pakura who was standing behind Rasa quietly, promptly performed hand seals.

"Scorch style: Phoenix scorch jutsu"

She spits a volley of small scorch-balls into the air at me.

(A/N: This is scorch version of fire style: phoenix fire jutsu, one of Sasuke's fire jutsu.)

Gari quickly created an earth wall to protect me and him from wildly moving scorch balls.

Seeing we block Pakura's jutsu with ease, Rasa quickly formed gold dust to several spears and shot at us in a different direction.

Gari dodged them, while I blocked them using my Kunai.

"Hehehe, my Kunai is a sharp 50,000 ryo Kunai. Let's see which one is tougher, your spears, or my Kunai. Hahahaha"


As soon as I said, I heard the sound of metal breaking from my Kunai.

I looked at my Kuani and it was broken into 10 pieces.


Gari: "..."

Pakura: "..."

Rasa: "..."


Complete silence enveloped between us.

Just right after I bragged about my Kunai, it was broken.

Very embarrassing!!!

But why my 50,000 ryo Kunai destroyed so easily???


And looking at Rasa's confusion face, I knew that even he also didn't expect his spear to break my Kunai.

"Ahh, excuse me. but could you please form one more spear to attack me. I want to know if I am scammed or not" I requested Rasa humbly.

"eh, sure" Rasa mindlessly agreed to my request and created one spear form to attack me.

I used normal Kunai this time and blocked the spear gold dust easily.

Normal Kunai didn't break and as sharp as it was.

In other words, I got scammed.

'AHHHHHHHHHH! THAT KUSO JIJI (shitty old man)!!!!

How dare he trick me!!!! Ahhh!!!

My 50,000 ryo!!!!! My money!!!!

I will find you and I will kill you !!!!

You better pray that you don't run into me.'

"It seems you got scammed. How stupid!!!" Rasa composed himself and started to ridicule me.

Pakura just looked me like I am an idiot.

"Yea, Genji. It's not like you to get scammed" Gari also commented.

'Whose team are you?' I looked at Gari with an annoying face.

"Ahem, That was very careless of me. But just because my Kuani destroyed, it doesn't change the fact that we will stop you two.

Get prepared since I pretty pissed right now."

Rasa and Pakura got into their stance while Gari and I started to get serious.

"Gari, leave the boy to me. You take care of the girl. I will come to aid you as fast as I can after I beat him."

"No worries, I am not weak enough to lose to a girl."

Gari jumped at the girl and started to attack her.

I also looked at Rasa and charged at him.

Battle between Iwa geniuses and Suna geniuses began.

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