Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 27 - Chunin rank and Signature jutsu

After recovering my chakra, Me and my squad joined the battlefield again.

Iwa and Suna force battle lasted until late night.

We have been fighting for 10 hours straight already.

Both sides are exhausted as they could.

Fortunately, Kento has ordered a retreat.


After coming back from the battlefield, I went to my camp straightforward and slept until the next day.

I was never exhausted like this before. I still can't believe we had 10 hours battling.

After a good sleep, I didn't feel exhausted anymore and was in the top condition.

I felt like I forgot something, but soon, I remembered what it was after seeing my new buŧŧerfly swords.

'Ah yeah, That Scammer!! I will teach him what happens when he messes with me. I will steal every his weapons and money, hehehehehe!!!'

After having breakfast, I quickly went to the weapon warehouse to find that scammer.

When I arrived, I tried looking for him, but no avail.

Shinobi in charge of Weapon warehouse was not him, but a different person.

I asked him where was the shinobi who was in charge of Weapon warehouse for yesterday go?

"Fat and bald? Ahh, you mean Tonton-san? If you are looking for him, then you are too late.

He is not here anymore.

Yesterday night, he went back to Iwagakure with few others as messengers to submit weekly reports to Tsuchikage-sama."

I was speechless. He escaped?? And his name is Tonton? What a weird name.

"Why didn't we use messenger-bird? That way would be way quicker, no?"

"Of course it's faster if we use messenger-bird. But we use them only for emergencies.

Tonton-San and others are just taking weekly reports, there is no need to use birds."

"I understand but how can he be sent as a messenger?

Messengers should have fast-speed, but that guy is fat, must be slow as pig!!

"Oh, you are mistaken there, kid.

You know, even if he fat, he is quite nimble and fast.

Or else how can he survive every battle, collecting weapons in that chaos if he is slow as a pig?

Besides, he begged to division commander until yesterday night to send him as a messenger and finally got the role at last moment."

'AHH!! That bastard knew I would come for him, so he ran away.

Smart choice!!

If you still stayed here, I would have killed you.

But me, Genji is a person who is very petty if he is angry. I will definitely catch you and torture you, just you wait!!!!!'

"Okay thanks for informing, buddy."

---------------In the battle meeting------------

Kento and others were discussing casualties from the last battle. I sat in the corner and quietly listened to the report.

Casualties were heavier than last time as we lost close to 450 shinobi and 50 heavily injured this time.

In total, we lost around 750 shinobi out of 3000 shinobi. That was 25% of our force.

In one week, we lost 25%... No matter how you look at it, this was bad, very bad for us.

"Tsuchikage-sama has sent the information to us about our enemy force.

Currently, Suna divided their force into 3.

2 divisions are invading Iwa and Konoha respectively, while we are facing Suna's last third division.

Suna third division commander is Yudai, who was head of Suna's Giant Folding Fan division before the war.

All of us got worried when we heard the enemy force's number.

If it was true, that meant their force is greater and powerful than our force.

Looking at everyone's depressed look, Kento decided to change their subjects.

He looked around and saw me sitting in the corner.

"By the way, Genji. I heard you and Suna's genius Rasa had one on one battle and you came up victorious.

Haha, good job. You have shown Suna trashes how powerful Iwa shinobi are.

Iwa's future generation are way better than Suna's. Hahaha!!"

Everybody looked towards me and congratulated me.

If you are wondering how did they know so well, I told my squad to spread my victory during the battlefield in order to lower the morale of Suna force.

Therefore, I was sure the news of his defeat to fellow Iwa genius kid would bring bad effects to Suna force.

Also, I beat future Kazekage, I thought I deserved some praise. Hehehe.

"So Genji, since you have successfully boosted our force morale, I want to reward you.

Tell me what do you want as a reward but don't ask for something impossible." Kento asked me.

I looked at Kento with surprise.

I received my squad as my reward last time, just a few days ago. And he is telling me to ask for more??

Besides unlike last time where I played an important role in Iwa's victory, this time I just won a battle against Suna's genius.

I never expected to receive this time.

But since he asked for it, I didn't hesitate it.

We already lost 25% of our force. It was highly unlikely, rather impossible for them to increase my squad.

I thought for a moment and replied to Kento.

"Division commander, I wish to attain Chunin rank!!"

Its been almost 4 years since I became Genin. I thought it's time to move on to the next rank.

Hey, Don't look down on Iwa Chunin privileges.

Their salaries are 10x better than Genins.

Most importantly, if Chunin ranks make great achievements in war, they can ask for a break during war.

Also, They can get a 30% discount (during war, 50% discount) in everything they purchase, including foods, weapons, tools, ero magazines, ero books... (Ahem) *cough*.

Anyway, Chunin's privileges are great.

"Alright, I think your request is reasonable. I will submit a petition for your promotion in the next weekly reports to Tsuchikage-sama. I am sure he will agree easily."

"Thank you, division commander."

Everyone in the meeting congratulated me ahead.

"Attention, everyone. We will launch an attack after 1 week. Make sure have a good rest until then. Also, increase patrol teams during that time." Kento ordered.

Everyone in the meeting was relieved that they have a one week's rest.

I was surprised that Kento actually made a decent order. Maybe losing 25% of our force made him see the reality a bit.

"That's the end of today's meeting. Dismiss!!"

----------*Boom* One week has passed---------

During one week, I obviously trained hard to survive.

I learned one Earth-style jutsu. It was Earth Style: Rock Pillar Spears.

This jutsu lets the user create a few rock pillars that will protrude from the ground to skewer the target. The rock pillars will even pass through obstacles to reach their target.

This jutsu also doesn't need hand signs to perform. Just need good charka control, which was perfect for me.

I was finally able to get hang of lighting chakra.

I can now increase my speed, 20% by charging lighting chakra to my feet.

After the fight with Rasa, I realized something.

Although I have an Ultimate defense jutsu, I don't have ultimate offense jutsu.

That crazy Uzumaki jounin and Rasa both were close to kill me because they precisely had their own ultimate jutsu.

It was time to research to create my own signature jutsu.

'Most of Earth-style jutsu are for defense. Should I learn lighting offense jutsu?

Hey system, do you have any good suggestions?'

System: "System recommends ultimate jutsu similar to Kimimaro's final dance move: Dance of the Seedling Fern.

While underground, Kimimaro produces as many as ten thousand blades of bone that sprout from the earth.

Because of how quickly the bones appear from the ground, how wide an area they cover, and how high into the air they extend, this technique can do extensive amounts of damage, killing indiscriminately.

If any of his targets should somehow avoid this technique, Kimimaro is able to merge with the bone blades.

He can then appear from any of them, ideally, one at the target's blind spot so that he can launch a finishing attack."


I remember this jutsu.

While on the verge of dying, Kimimaro used this jutsu, almost succeeded to kill Gaara and Lee, but at the last moment, he died to illness. It's quite a powerful jutsu.

Not a bad suggestion, system.

Now that I think carefully, it is doable to replicate this jutsu with Earth-style jutsu.

Create tens of thousands of long and thick earth spikes from the ground and use Earth style: Earth travel jutsu to merge with earth spikes to attack enemies from a blind spot.

Finally, I will blow thousands of earth spikes off using my explosion release.

Alright, I have decided to make an Earth-style version of Kimimaro's fifth dance move as my signature jutsu. Hahaha!'

System: "Host has decided to make his first signature jutsu!!!

*Quest: Please invent the host's first signature jutsu in 5 years.

Reward: Chakra Increasing Pill which increases chakra by 3 times.

Failure: lose of Host's weapon (butterfly swords)*"

'Long-time Quest, huh?

The reward is great as usual. My current reserves are about Jounin. If I complete this quest, then my chakra reserve would be around Kage or even more.

As for Failure, I can buy another buŧŧerfly swords in the future, so no worry. hehe'


Onoki and other council members, including Goro, sat around to discuss war weekly reports.

"We have received weekly reports from Roshi and Kento's division, but Masashi hasn't sent his reports yet?" Onoki asked.

"Maybe his messengers are running late.

Anyway, Let's have look at Kento's weekly report first." Goro suggested.

Onoki and councilmen nodded and started to review Kento's weekly report.

After reading, they frowned a bit.

"Lost 25% of force already? That's way too soon than we expected. What should we do next, Tsuchikage-sama?" One of the elders asked.

"Let's send them a bit of reinforcement. We will change the division commander if Kento keeps losing our force at a rapid rate." Onoki ordered.

Next, everyone's eye was on a certain promotion petition sent by Kento.

After reading the petition, Onoki laughed a little while Goro smirked.

"So that stinky brat, not only alive but doing a good job, huh.

He even defeated Suna's top genius kid Rasa. Hahaha, this is the best news I heard today.

As expected, I was never wrong to appoint him as our greatest genius.

What do you guys say? Should we promote him?"

"In the report, he was the reason why our Iwa invasion force first won the Suna defense force.

He has a strength of the Jounin level and also has been Genin for 4 years.

I agree to promote him to Chunin." Goro answered.

Soon everyone agreed and Onoki announced Genji as Iwa Chunin!!!!

Suddenly Rock member barged in hurriedly.

"How dare you barge in so rudely during the meeting? Do you have a death wish?" Onoki angrily said.

"My deepest apologies, Tsuchikage-sama, and esteem elders.

But it is an emergency.

An emergency bird messenger came from Masashi's division."

"What's the content?"

"Sir, in the report, Suna's Kazekage personally arrived to ȧssist Suna's invasion force and Masashi-san is asking for emergency reinforcement."


Everyone in the room was shocked to hear the news.

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