It's has been almost 4 weeks since we, Iwa invasion force invaded Suna.

But we have made no invasion progress continuously and completely stuck.

We had a total of 5 battles with Suna defense force led by Yudai until now. Each battle was more chaotic and worse than previous battles. I have lost precious 4 members of my squad.

During the battles, Rasa always looked for me and chased me like a mad stalker dog.

After our first fight, which ended with my win, Rasa became very conservative in his chakra. He never used any big-ass jutsu like his giant gold dust fist, etc and our duels always ended as a draw.

I was literally sick of fighting with him. Gari also got sick of fighting with Pakura.

Since Gari and Pakura always with Me and Rasa, they also ended fighting each other whenever Me and Rasa fought.

"Genji, let me fight that boy. I am sick of fighting with that girl all the time." This is what Gari says whenever Rasa chases us.

But I knew Gari didn't have any great defense jutsu in his arsenal and will easily be defeated by Rasa, therefore always rejected him.

"No my friend. I can not allow it. It's because I heard that Rasa kid is a super dirty homo dɨċk Gay.

I heard that once he catches his enemy with his gold dust, not only torture but he would also do this and that kind of thing.

I am very nimble and fast, so I can avoid his dirty attacks, but you? I am afraid you will get violated cruelly by him during battle."

I didn't want to tell him that he is too weak to face Rasa as that might cause the opposite effect and he would challenge Rasa out of frustration and drop dead


Gari looked at me in a weird way for a minute straight. He finally scratched his head.

"Enough about this talk. Hey Genji, Can you tell me the overall situation about the war now? You're a member of the battle plan meeting, so you must know something right?"

"I see, also don't you think something was wrong in yesterday's battle?

When Iwa and Suna force clash, we always fought each other until midnight, at least for 8 hours.

But yesterday battle, for some reason Suna, immediately retreated after battling for only 3 hours."

"Yea, you are right. It's definitely weird for them to retreat so quickly. I might get an answer to that from the next battle plan meeting in 10 minutes."

----------------battle plan meeting---------------

I arrived first like always. Soon everyone come one by one except Kento.

For some odd reason, one member (Jounin Senku) had a gloomy face and shaking.

"It seems like everyone has arrived. Let's start the battle plan meeting," Jounin Senku announced.

"Wait a minute. We are clearly missing our commander, Kento-san." one of member told Jounin Senku.

"Everyone, I have an important announcement to make.

During yesterday's battle, our division commander Kento was led to ambush point by Suna commander Yudai and surrounded by 100 Suna Anbu.

Kento-san fought bravely until the end and passed away in action!!!"

Everyone in the room, including me got shocked by the news of Kento's death.

No matter how stupid Kento was, he was still one of the strongest and influential Iwa shinobi. How hard would it be to kill Jounin commander??

Losing Kento was really severe for Iwagakure.

"Impossible, how can Kento-san die so easily? What proof do you have that Kento-san is dead, Senku??"

"We found his corps, 5km from west of the battlefield. No matter how much you guys deny, reality won't change. Kento-san is dead."

Jounin Senko then took out a scroll and summoned the corpse of Kento.

'I can't believe Kento died just like that.

No wonder Suna ended yesterday's fight early. Their main target was Kento, not Iwa force.

Now what will happen to our Iwa force is obvious.

It's just a matter of time before everyone in the Iwa force knows about Kento's death.

We lost our commander which will lower our morale greatly.'

"Everyone, although we lost Kento-san, we haven't lost the war yet.

Don't lose hope!!

I already sent a report of Kento-san's death to Tsuchikage-sama by emergency bird.

For now, we need to nominate a temporary replacement commander division and wait until Tsuchikage-sama sends a new commander or reinforcement."

"Senko is right, we should also hide about Kento-san's death and drag it as long as we can.

Also, I suggest Jounin Senko as a temporary commander. He is the first one to find Kento's death and able to respond well. " Someone supported Senko.

Everybody followed and voted Jounin Senko as a temporary commander.

Even if some of us have problems, they knew it was not the time for an internal fight.

"Report!!! Report!!! Emergency report!!!" A messenger came in while saying out loud.

All of us looked at messenger while Senko quickly sealed Kento's corpse back to scroll.

"What is this emergency report?"

"Sirs, Another Suna force appeared to our rear side and completely cut off our supply lines. We have been completely surrounded by Suna force!!!"

This news was like making mincemeat out of our brains.

"What?? How can the Suna force suddenly appear behind us and surround us? Who is the leader of this force?"

"It seems like one of Suna's invasion force's shinobi Ebizo."

Everybody made 'Are you fuċkɨnġ kidding me' face.

'How the hell Ebizo appeared behind us? I thought, with aid of Kazekage, he was fighting with Uncle Masashi's defense division.

Wait a minute. Kazekage... Ebizo.....


I knew something was wrong when Kazekage entered the war so soon, but all of it was just a scheme to trap our Iwa invasion force like a rat and destroy us.

We are so screwed!!!'


Onoki was angry when he heard the news of Kento's death. He couldn't believe just in one month, jounin commander of Iwagakure would die.

When he heard Ebizo took the rest of his division to cut off the Iwa invasion force, he was beyond angry and crushed table into pieces.

"These Suna ȧssholes sure are brave, acting wild in Iwa land while killing my jounin commander!!!"

Onoki knew Suna's scheme's target was the Iwa invasion force in Suna. He had to do something about it before the Iwa invasion force gets wiped out.

Onoki snapped his finger. ROCK member abruptly appeared in front of Onoki to receive order.

"Call explosion corps leader, Ishika to me right now!"

------ 5 minutes later -------

"Ishika, do you know the current situation now?" Onoki asked.

"Yes, Ebizo took his invasion force and cut off our Iwa invasion force supply line and surround them. The situation is dire right now." Ishika answered.

"Not only that, but they also managed to ȧssassinate Kento. Now our Invasion force lost their commander while surrounded by Yudai and Ebizo's Suna force."

Ishika showed shocked expression when he heard Kento's death.

"Now Ishika, You know if we lose our Invasion force, we will be at a huge disadvantage and might even lose the war. Therefore we must save our Invasion force in Suna.

I am promoting you as a new Invasion commander to replace Kento.

I will give you 1000 shinobi to reinforce our Invasion force.

Strike Ebizo's force to break their encirclement and save our Invasion force.

I know this would be hard, so you can take every member of the Explosion Corps 4th division (Suicide Division).

I don't mind how you use them, just complete the task I gave you.

There is no time. Depart as soon as you can."

"Understood, Tsuchikage-sama. I will definitely save our Invasion force." Ishika took off right away.

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