After Kento's death, there was no way the Suna force would be quiet. Suna launched an all-out attack on us one day later.

Fortunately, unlike Kento, Jounin Senko (temporary commander) was quite a smart guy.

He just got brainwashed by Kento's will of stone speech and agreed to Kento's reckless plans before like others.

He predicted Suna's all-out attacks and immediately announced to form defense formation in our force.

Earth-styles are known for defense, therefore obviously Iwa shinobi were great at defending.

So far we have successfully repelled Suna's full-out attacks for 3 days.

But I knew if this keeps up, Ebizo's Suna force would eventually arrive and strike us from behind. Iwa invasion force would slowly destroyed.

Also since Ebizo's Suna force cut off all of our supply lines, grim conditions such as short on rations and weapons, started to rise.


Top-managements shared Ebizo's Suna force report to our force but we had kept secret of Kento's death to our Invasion force.

Only idiots would announce therir commander's death news to troops while having difficult battle.

Suna's spies started to spread rumors of Kento's death to our camp, but top-managements never admitted such a news.

However, some of our forces started to believe Kento's death rumors and hugely dropped morale.

Gari also asked me about Kentpo's rumors.

Even if Gari didn't believe rumors, constant hearing the revelations about Kento's death, it surely doubted him a little.

"Hey, Genji. Suna forces were shouting about Kento commander's death and there are rumors about his death in our camp too. Is it true?"

Gari was pretty straightforward with me, he asked me casually in public.

"Gari, I never thought you would believe what enemies nonsense. It's just an enemies' scheme to confuse us.

Of course, Kento commander is alive. I met him last battle plan meeting and even saw him talking a walk at yesterday night.

How can he die?

Don't just blindly believe the rumors, buddy."

"Of course I don't believe rumors. But it's just that I haven't seen him for a week now. I thought something happened to him."

"Don't worry. I am sure he is safe."

I didn't tell truth to Gari even if he was my best friend.

I trust him, but I was afraid someone would hear our conversation. There are too many prying ears around us.

"Also Genji, Why are we always in defense for 3 days? Isn't it suppose to be us who should attack?"

'Gari, you correct.

We should be attacking them, but somehow our position was swapped and now we are forced to defend.

But with Kento as our commander, I should have seen this coming.


If I knew this soon, I should have begged to Captain Ishika to transfer me to Uncle Masashi's division, no matter what.

Shit, at this rate, our force would be destroyed completely.'

"It's part of the strategy we planned. You don't have to worry."

I could only lie to Gari helplessly.


"We have bad news, everyone.

Ebizo's Suna force is closing into us and they have already reached to border checkpoint where we fought Suna defense force month ago."

This news instantly dropped members' morale and turned it into a panic.

"We also have good news. Tsuchikage-sama sent 1000 reinforcement led by Ishika-san to aid our Invasion force.

We still have hope and can turn the situation around to our favor." Jounin Senko happily announced the report delivered by messenger-birds from Onoki.

Everyone seemed to relieved a little by the news. This was probably the best news we received after Kento's death.

We all hoped for Captain Ishika to break off Ebizo's Suna force's encirclement and aid us in this desperate situation.

"Now I have brought you all not to just share this news. let's discuss the problems arising in our force.

Firstly about Kento's death rumor. What should we do?" Senko quickly got into the main discussion.

I raised my hands to give a suggestion. Everyone's eye on me, made me feel uncomfortable.

"Genji, you don't need to be uncomfortable. Just tell us what's your suggestion." Senko kindly asked.

"I think we should have someone to transform into Kento-san and walk around the camp while encouraging our force every night.

This can deny Kento-san's rumor and also raise our force morale."

'Hehe, I got this idea from Konohamaru transformed to Naruto during his Hokage ascension ceremony.'

Everyone seemed to thought about it for a while.

"Not a bad idea, Genji.

Transforming into Kento-san is easy but the problem is to find someone who can act like Kento-san." Senko said.

"Also, Kento-san's death is secret which means we have to find that person among us." one of the members also replied.

"But I think Genji's idea is the only way for us to calm down rumor."

"blah, you *$#, blah bla, meslahsdufhasdf"


Debate for 10 minutes and finally everyone agreed to follow my plans.


"Now that we agreed to Genji's idea, who should be the transformer?"

Everyone seemed to avoid contact with others.

Of course, they didn't want the do it.

If they acted somehow wrong as Kento-san and our force would discover the plan, then it's would be like suicide to our force and end of the Iwa invasion force.

'What??? Hey, don't drag me.

I already contributed by suggesting, so shouldn't be one of you guys to do the job??

Don't just pick on weakest!!!"

"I think Genji should be the one since he is the one suggested," Senko said.

'I knew it, you dare to pick on me!! You are the one replaced Kento, so shouldn't you be the one do the job!!!!'

"Yea, also except you, all of us are pretty well known.

If one of us transforms to Kento-san, our force would quickly realize one of us is missing whenever Kento is around and would raise suspicion." random member nominated me too.

'You famous, bitch?

I don't even know your damn name even now and you call yourself well known??

While 70% of the Iwagakure population knows me and considered as Iwa greatest genius.

And you say I am not famous??

What bullshit!!!

Why don't you make some more sensible reason, damn you!'

"Um, I also agreed that Genji is perfect for the job.

I heard he was very great at Transforming jutsu since academy that he even fooled guards and sneaked into Iwagakure Public Ninja section library using transformation."

'Asshole, don't talk like I am the only one good at transformation jutsu.

You all fuċkɨnġ grown-ups should be better than me in transformation.'

"Indeed. I almost forgot, but Genji, didn't you learned will of stone personally by Tsuchikage-sama with his son, Kitsuchi?

What a fortune you have, haha!

If Tsuchikage-sama taught you personally, then I am sure your will of stone is great as Kento-san's."

'Fortune my ȧss!! That old man Onoki didn't teach me shit.

I was just a cleaner there!!!!

That was hell itself!! How about you idiot go and learn from him?'

"Genji, what do you say?" Senko finally asked for my opinion.

"Ehh, I think this job is too challenging for me.

Besides I personally don't know Kento-san's well. How can I act like him?

I think someone else should do it."

"Don't worry. Sometimes we have to go through difficult challenges to be stronger.

All of us grown-ups here already went through that phase, but you still haven't. Consider this as training and do it." Senko requested or rather ordered me to do it.

'How the fuċk does that make me strong? You bullies!!'

"... Okay, I will do it, Senko-san."

'What was the point of asking me if you already decided to force this shit on me??'

I could only helplessly agree.

"Okay, now we have decided that Genji will do the job. Anyone has a problem?"

"""""No!! We all agree."""""

'You all ungrateful dɨċkshi*ts. I helped you by giving an idea and is this how you pay me?

You better remember this!! I will return this favor to you all someday.

From now on, I will never suggest idea, you all should just drop dead.'

Like this, I was forced to become Kento every night.

----------------While on Ishika side-----------------

Ishika and his reinforcements ran at full speed for 3 days straight and finally saw Ebizo's Suna force settled into border checkpoint.

Ebizo was not an idiot and prepared for Ishika's reinforcement. That was why he settled in border checkpoint, where it was easy to defend.

"What should we do? Ishika-san?" vice-commander of Ishika's force asked to Ishika.

"Ebizo's force has come a long way.

I am sure their ration would run out soon. How about we use Exhaustion strategy and wait until they retreat themselves."

one of Jounin accompanying Ishika said.

Ishika looked at the jounin disappointingly.

"Ebizo's force intercepted our monthly supplies including ration to our Invasion force.

Therefore they should have enough ration to hold us while our invasion force will soon run out of their ration.

If we use your strategy, not only we fail our mission, the whole Iwa Invasion force will be annihilated.

You should first look carefully before making a strategy." Ishika disapproved the Jounin's idea.

"I am sorry, commander. I was too rash and haven't thought it thoroughly." Jounin apologized.

"Listen to all of you.

Send spies first. I wanna know how many shinobi are there in Ebizo's force and who are the top-managements of this force, etc. I want to know all the information you can get.

Also, don't let our force to sleep tonight.

Divide force to 2, one for patrol and defense while other is to set up an ambush in our camp in case the enemy suddenly do a surprise attack on us tonight." Ishika ordered.

"Sir, set up an ambush? Do you really think Ebizo would come attack us tonight?" vice-commander asked to Ishika.

"You guys might don't know, but Ebizo is a very crafty guy.

I am sure he already knows we are already here and our camp location.

Most of Ebizo's strategies rely on the element of surprise.

He will probably come to attack us tonight or tomorrow night.

So be prepared."

"""Yes, Sir!!"""

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