Hard To Reincarnate Into World Of Naruto As Iwa Shinobi

Chapter 45 - Exchange between Kitsuchi and Nawaki

After listening to Kan's story, we all sat around to discuss what's our next move. Spy suggested we should abandon Kitsuchi and escape to Iwagakure.

All of us glared at the spy as he was crazy. Kimiko looked at the Spy like she was going to kill him. Going to Iwagakure after losing Onoki's son to Konoha, is not something I wouldn't even want to imagine. We would be skinned alive.

It seems like Spy didn't know Kitsuchi's status, so I told him who was Kitsuchi's dad. After hearing Kitsuchi was the son of Onoki, spy just froze up and started to tear up.

"Oh my god!! In order to save me, Tsuchikage-sama even sent his son. I didn't know I was such an important person to his eye. Okay, even if I sacrifice my body, I would definitely save Kitsuchi-sama." spy claimed.

'You idiot, he was sent here as a test, not because of you. This guy is just low-level spy but this motherfucker is chased by Konoha genius, Anbu, and even next Hokage candidate.' I thought.

"Hey what's your name and your special skill? I need to know everyone's power to plan out strategy" I asked to spy.

"I am called Tonju. I was sent to Konoha to spread false rumors and create an uproar inside them. But I got discovered and fled. My specialty is barrier jutsu, and I am bad at combat." Tonju introduced himself to us.

After greeting ourselves to Tonju, I asked Kan.

"Kan, they said tomorrow morning, right?"

"Yes, they said, tomorrow morning at the Waterfall located east from here," Kan answered me.

'It's a good thing that they arranged tomorrow. Konoha helpers will at least take 2 or 3 days to reach here, so I don't have to worry about them.' I thought.

I ordered Kimiko to use the ROCK messenger bird to send for help to Onoki. I am sure she has one since every ROCK division member had one in their summoning scroll. The situation turned unexpected and we are fronting the Hokage candidate, Onoki will surely send strong reinforcements or personally come.

'Now about rescuing Kituschi, I am sure that Shikaku would plan something. Even if we take back Kitsuchi from them, as long as there is Dan, we won't be safe at all. We also can't wait until Onoki's reinforcements to come save us.

So the only choice we can stay alive tomorrow is to kill Dan! But how? Even if we all attack together, I am afraid we would be defeated by Dan.'

I kept thinking about how to kill Dan, suddenly an idea came to me when I saw Hizashi tied up. It was not a bad idea and also seems to be the only way to kill Dan.

After planning how to kill Dan, I immediately told my plans to everyone. Then I gave them Four Violet Flames Formation scroll to them which I got from recent quest reward.

"Kan, Gin, Kimiko, and Tonju, I want you four to learn this barrier jutsu until next morning. I don't need you guys to master it, just enough to maintain barrier for 5 minutes.

Tonju, since you are good at barrier jutsu, I want you to lead everyone to teach them this formation. And don't ask how I got this.

Gari, come here. I have another mission for you."

I explained my plan carefully so they don't misunderstand.


(at Dan and Konoha kids)

Choza was treating Fugaku, Minato, and Hiashi while Dan, Shikaku, and Anbu sat around to plan out a strategy. Inojin was trying to get info from Kitsuchi.

"I already asked for help this afternoon. They would probably take 3 days until they reach here." Anbu reported.

"Can you tell me our casualties from the battle between Iwa shinobi?" Dan asked.

"Two of my Anbu team died, leaving me alone while Nawaki Senju and Hizashi Hyuga have been captured.

Uchiha Fugaku lost both his eyes, Minato Namikaze lost his right arm and Hiashi Hyuga is in the unconscious." Anbu answered.

Dan and Shikaku showed a grim face.

"Their leader is someone very smart and strong. He knew he couldn't take me down, so he ran away immediately and used Fugaku as a bait. According to Minato, he seems to be from explosion corps." Dan told everyone.

"Dan-sama, I have a question. Why did you arrange the gathering for tomorrow morning? We could have waited until our reinforce to come and ambush them." Anbu questioned.

"Iwa shinobi are not idiots. They probably know our reinforce are coming now. Dan-san was afraid they would even abandon their friend and escape if we arrange to later day." Shikaku answered him instead of Dan.

"hahaha, as expected of Nara. For tomorrow morning plan, I leave all to you, little boy. My brain isn't just good as Nara." Dan smiled and patted Shikaku's back.

"How troublesome" Shikaku said to nobody. But Dan and Anbu could see Shikaku was already planning in his mind.


(One day later)

Dan, Anbu, and Ino-Shika-Cho kids were at the river, dragging Kitsuchi.

They waited for hours but Iwa shinobi didn't show up.

"Are they going to show up or not? Damn it." Inojin said.

"Just be patient. If they don't come for another 30 minutes, then we retreat." Shikaku told Inojin.

After 20 minutes, Genji and Iwa shinobi appeared, dragging Nawaki with them.

They appeared opposite bank of the river, Dan and Konoha kids are standing.


I saw Dan and Konoha kids all came except Minato, Fugaku, and Hiashi.

I thought Hiashi would come for sure since he is only their Sensor as Kan already killed Anbu sensor. Maybe they thought he would only drag them during battle or he is hiding somewhere else.

"Alright, let's start exchanging hostage," I shouted at them.

"Wait, where is Hizashi? We won't trade until you guys swap Hizashi and Nawaki." Shikaku first spoke to negotiate to gain upper hand.

"Don't be ridiculous. You guys are exchange one while we exchange two people? We are not idiots." Gari answered Shikaku.

"If you don't exchange Hizashi, then I am afraid we have to cancel the exchange." Responding to Gari, Shikaku threatened us to cancel the exchange.

Gari and others suddenly showed a grim face and looked at me for help. I sighed at how easily these guys believed Shikaku's words.

"Alright, if you insist on the exchange including Hiashi, I am afraid we can't do that. Guys let's go. This exchange is canceled." I answered to Shikaku's threats. I signaled everyone to retreat. Everyone looked shocked seeing we retreat but still followed my order.

I knew Shikaku was bluffing, if they didn't get Nawaki, they would get way more ȧss kicked by Tsunade than me by Onoki.

Just as I predicted, Shikaku called out to us resume exchange without Hizashi.

"Ok, ok. You win. Let's only exchange Nawaki and your friend."

"You should have said it earlier." I stopped our movement and smiled at Shikaku.

I signaled Gin to release Nawaki to go, at the same time, Shikaku also released Kitsuchi.

They both slowly walked across the river from opposite banks.

Just as Kitsuchi and Nawaki walked passed each other, I shouted at Kitsuchi.

"Run to Kitsuchi, commence the plan!!" I grabbed shurikens and threw them at Nawaki.

But seeing these situations, Shikaku just smirked.

"I knew you Iwa shinobi would do that. That's why I planted Anbu inside the river whole this time. Now come out." Shikaku said.

Following Shikaku's word, Anbu abruptly came out of the water and deflected all the shurikens at Nawaki.

I just laughed seeing Anbu protecting Nawaki.

"Well, sorry for you. I already knew you would plant Anbu underwater, that's why I attached the explosion tag at Senju's cloth, just in case. Now die!!" I motioned the 'Snake' hand seal and blew off the explosion tag.

But Shikaku didn't look worried at all and told me.

"I already predicted there would be an explosion tag. That's why I ordered Anbu to take off all Nawaki's cloth beforehand." Shikaku narrated.

Then we saw burned pieces of Nawaki clothes falling while Anbu and nȧkėd Nawaki appeared at Konoha's side.

"Now it's time for a counterattack. Inojin, do it!!" Shikaku added.

"On it" Inojin answered. Soon he fell down to the ground and at the same time, Kitsuchi stopped his movement. After a few seconds, Kitsuchi started to run back to Konoha's side.

I immediately realized Inojin used mind transfer jutsu on Kitsuchi.

"Damn it!!" While swearing I throw another Kunai at Kitsuchi.

Kitsuchi (Inojin) dodged Kunai easily and laughed at how poor my marksmanship was.

Instead of getting angry at Inojin's insult, I just grinned at Kitsuchi (Inojin).

"Please, you Konoha shits think I didn't predict that? It is in all my plan, Kan now!!" I shouted.

Right after my words, Kunai I threw transformed back to Kan. Kan caught Kitsuchi and choked him to remove mind transfer jutsu on Kitsuchi.

Inojin's body spitted out blood and his soul returned from Kitsuchi's body after getting choked by Kan.

After removing Inojin's soul, Kan brought Kituschi to our side.

Then Shikaku suddenly shouted.

"Sorry, but I knew all along that you Iwa would do this. That's why I ordered Choza to transform into the pedal on the river, this entire time. It's time for your appearance, Choza!!" Shikaku narrated. Choza who was standing to Shikaku turned into smoke and the real Choza appeared out of the water just like Anbu previously. He used expansion jutsu to become a 5m tall giant and blocked Kan and Kitsuchi's way.

"Please, I knew that you knew all along, Kimiko your turn. Melt that huge chunk of the pig!" I ordered to Kimiko.

Kimiko performed several hand signs and spit out several lava-balls at giant Choza.

(A/N: In case you forgot, she has lava kekkei Genkai)

Seeing numerous hot lava balls coming at him, Choza had no choice but to shrink to his normal size to avoid lava balls. Kan and Kitsuchi easily passed Choza and reached our side safely.

"Alright, we have Kitsuchi back. Retreat!" I ordered. Seeing we retreat, Nawaki panicked and shouted at us.

"NO!! Don't you dare run! Return my necklace back. It is a gift from my sister!!"

I just smiled at Nawaki while holding first Hokage's necklace in my hands to show off.

"You can dream on, Senju loser. From now on, it's mine" I shouted while running away with others.

Nawaki got angry and tried to chase us but was stopped by Shikaku.

"Don't worry Nawaki. We will eventually get back your necklace soon. I bet you that we will have it within 10 minutes. So you can calm down." Shikaku told Nawaki.

Nawaki got confused by Shikaku's words and showed his dumbass face.


We were running away after exchanging Nawaki with Kitsuchi.

"Okay guys, listen. Although we managed to get Kitsuchi back successfully, we are not safe yet. Long-haired blue Konoha Jounin will come chasing us, so we will split up ourselves and each group goes on their own.

Kan and Gin will be group 1. Gari, Tonju, and Kimiko will be group 2. Lastly, me and Kitsuchi will be in the same group.

Let's meet at the border of Iwa and Konoha. Now scatter!" I ordered and everyone except Kitsuchi, shunshined immediately.

I was prepared to run but Kitsuchi's question stopped me.

"Hey, what happened to that Hyuga that we caught him? Are we going to bring him with us?"

I looked at Kituschi for a second and answered him with a smile.

"Well, he is at the cave 5km northwest from here. I was going to kill him yesterday, but just in case I left him alive until now.

Gin and Kan are going there to finish him off. He will only drag us down if we bring him." I told to Kitsuchi.

Kitsuchi nodded to my words and suddenly showed his grins. He grabbed his Kunai and attacked me after hearing my words.

Although I managed to dodge, I was slightly injured on my face.


WAIT, DON'T TELL ME YOU ARE...." I was pissed but after careful thinking, I realized Kitsuchi was not actually Kitsuchi, but Dan.

Shikaku knew we would never exchange Hizashi. So Dan possessed Kitsuchi from the very beginning of exchange to get info about Hyuga Hizashi's whereabouts and his condition.

After realizing I fuċkėd up, I threw the first Hokage necklace far away to attract Kitsuchi (Dan)'s attention to it. Then I throw a smoke bomb around me and used Earth travel jutsu to escape.

Kituschi (Dan) didn't chase me instead, he went to pick up the necklace. Dan's soul swiftly went out of Kituschi's body.

"Oh, I hit my time limit. But doesn't matter, I already got intel." Dan picked Unconcious Kitsuchi up and went to the cave where Hizashi was held in.

Dan took 10 minutes to the cave. Cave was dar and larger than he thought. He dropped Kitsuchi to ground and went inside the cave to save Hizashi.

But as soon as he entered the cave, he heard the sound of a familiar voice while the cave collapsed.


When I saw Dan entering the cave, I shouted to everyone to act and destroyed the cave.


Then Kimiko, Gin, Kan, and Tonju appeared out of the ground and performed Four Violet Flames Formation on Dan. At the same time, I took lied down Kitsuchi to a safe place.

Dan knew he fell into the trap and tried to use his ghost jutsu but since his cooldown hasn't up yet and got trapped into Four Violet Flames Formation easily.

"Hahaha, look at him. He fell into Genji's plan just like that! haha!" Gin and Kan all laughed at Dan for being such dumbass.

Seeing he couldn't use his ghost jutsu inside, Dan showed a bit of panic face.

"But how? When did you set up a trap here?" Dan asked me.

"You idiot, I already knew you possessed Kitsuchi from the very beginning. I also knew you would definitely try to rescue that Hyuga boy first then chase us.

So I just pretended I fell for your little Nara's plan all along to lure you to the trap." I explained to Dan.

"Also, don't hope that those Anbu and three trios will come to help you. I sent my most reliable friend to deal with them."


(Shikaku and Konoha kids' place)

Shikaku and others were waiting for Dan at the river. They were sure Dan would rescue Hizashi and kill all Iwa shinobi.

But no matter how long they waited, Dan didn't come. Shikaku got worried that something might happen to Dan, so he asked Anbu to search for him.

Just as Anbu was to leave, he got stopped by a sudden explosion.

"Hehe, where the hell do you shits think you can go? Why don't you stay and entertain me for a bit?

Hehe, none of you are passing here." Gari slowly appeared out from the ground and blocked Anbu and Konoha kids.


"Since there is not much time, I have to kill you now," I said to trapped Dan.

"This barrier formation is created just to counter your dam ghost jutsu. You can't jutsu inside here, but I can use jutsu at you.

Like this."

I created a few earth spikes below Dan's ground. Dan swiftly dodged them with his surprising flexibility.

"Oh wow, You are so good at dodging, but I want to remind you that I am from explosion corps," I said to Dan and blew off the earth spikes.

Although it was a small explosion, they were enough to give damage to his organs and internal bleeding.

I didn't stop and kept creating earth spikes at Dan and blew them off.

This process continued until four of our barrier casters couldn't hold up. They only hold up for 4 minutes, but it was enough for me.

It was their first time performing barrier jutsu and 4 minutes is rather a good result if I have to comment.

Directly receiving the explosions for 4 minutes, Dan was in no shape of fighting back. He was coughing blood repeatedly, had burn marks all over his place. I could also see a sign of internal bleeding from him.

Despite all these heavy injuries, Dan still tried to get up to fight us. I walked up to him and simply took back the first Hokage necklace from him.

Then I just shook my head to him and nodded to Kimiko. Kimiko used all of her remaining charka to spit out a large lava ball at Dan.

Dan instantly died.

'There goes another strong Konoha jounin. Man, I hope Tsunade won't chase me until the end of the earth.'

"Alright, we accomplished our object. Four of you must be tired after maintaining the barrier. Take Kitsuchi and go back to base. I will go and help Gari to catch Senju." I ordered to team.

(A/N: Outsmarting Shikaku is one of my biggest fantasy. I see in some of the fanfiction, Shikaku is really smart and acting like ancient sage who knows every dark mc's intention but still doesn't do shit to stop dark mc. And tbh I kinda didn't like that.

So this chapter is dedicated to my fantasy of beating Shikaku in mind battle.)

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